The Significance…


Last week I spent time educating you on the energy systems… if you missed any of them, here they are for your convenience…

Links to previous posts…



Energetic Grids and Meridians

Celtic Weave, Radiant Circuits and Rhythms

Generational DNA

Why? What’s the Significance?

toes2And now I guess you’re wondering why I would go to so much trouble to write these posts. You may be wondering “What is the significance for me?” Allow me a moment to share with you something about my childhood. As a child, I broke my toes so often that I’ve lost count. This occurred randomly and in all different ways. Once I broke my toe by a bottle of Mickey Mouse shampoo falling off the window ledge in my bathroom. The ear of Mickey on the lid hit my toe just right and snapped it! Very odd… At that time I didn’t understand energy medicine or the significance of the many occurrences of injuries to my feet. But in energy medicine, it is understood that injuries to the feet is an indication of fears moving forward in life. This is a partial, simple explanation. In energy medicine, it is understood that the body tells us of things that need to be cleared by manifesting illness or pain. As a child I had real fears regarding life and a lot of scarcity energy that needed to be cleared. As those issues have now been cleared, I find that breaking my toes several times a year no longer is the pattern in my life! How grateful I am for that!!!

Clearing such things shouldn’t be complicated or difficult. I have the tools and ability to assist you in this! And the good news… it is easily accomplished over the phone! There are no restrictions on space or time when working with energy!

My Question to You…

DSC_0004Is there some area in your life that you find a repeating negative occurrence? Do you have a recurring injury, or a recurring scenario in your finances. Or simply do you just catch every cold or flu that comes along? It could be in your business and the inability to move past that plateau. Maybe it’s not recurring at all but finally surfacing in serious illness? I cannot impress upon you stronger that these are the types of things that are giving you a red flag that there is something in your energy that requires clearing. As an energy practitioner, I work with clients every day who have come to me for one issue, but find there are a few other issues that have been waiting patiently to be cleared. When they are cleared, lives change! This is the significance of energy therapy! Wouldn’t you like to make some positive changes in your life? Contact me today!

Generational DNA

First of all, thank you for all your thoughtful comments and the messages sent during my series. It means so much to me that you would take time out of your busy day to comment so thoughtfully and to contact me with your interest.

Generational DNA

Fred and Maggie Schmidt closeWhat is meant by Generational DNA??? Our DNA is what determines not just what we look like, but every trait about us. It is incorrectly thought that once you have your DNA, it cannot be changed. This is not true! Held within our DNA are the negative emotions we have inherited from our ancestors. Negative emotions can be released and cleared. When we perform that, the negative emotions lying in the DNA is cleared not just for us but also for everyone else in our linage. Say you have a 5th great grandmother who suffered terribly because of the loss of her child. Those negative emotions are inherited, and may surface each generation later with some sort of severe loss. When that connection is broken, that chain ceases to continue. We understand that loss and grief are a necessary part of the experience of life. I’m not saying the next generations wouldn’t suffer a loss… but the emotional charge is no longer there, creating a more empowering ability to face loss.

Two of My Generations…

hike with momMy daughter hiking on a trail near the beach with her sons. I enjoy knowing they will not suffer from the shock and trauma I’ve endured through my life because I have cleared those Generational strings…

I just love talking about Generational healing and the amazing results that can happen when we include this in a session! Here is another post I wrote on this subject.

Give a Gift to Your Loved Ones…



You, too, can give your loved ones the gift of clearing the negative debris in your DNA! It is simply and easily accomplished in a session.

Celtic Weave, Radiant Circuits and Rhythms

The Lesser Spoken of Energy Systems

Have you even heard of these energy systems? These lesser spoken of energy systems each have their own individual purposes. You may enjoy this last in a series discussion on these energy systems!

The Celtic Weave

celtic weave example


When one thinks of the Celtic Weave, it’s fun to compare images to explain this beautiful energy system. Like this Celtic knot picture, this energy system’s purpose is to connect. It is intertwined with the other energy systems to keep them all functioning as a single unit.





Personally, I really enjoy this image… The Celtic Weave energy system entwines beautifully in a similar manner.



In Yoga, this system is represented by two curved lines that cross seven times, symbolizing encasing the 7 chakras. In the East, it is called the Tibetan Energy Ring. Even here in the West, it is called the caduceus – you will recognize this as the symbol of the western medical profession – the intertwined serpents crossing seven times on a staff.

The Radiant Circuits

This energy system is also known as ‘Strange Flows’, and supports all the energy systems. My clients often hear me refer to this system as their ‘inner mom’ because just as a mother works to keep a pleasant environment in her home, the Radiant Circuits work to maintain balance and harmony in the energetic ‘home’.


You may have heard this referred to as The Five Rhythms or the Primary Rhythms. This system is not a separate energy, but rather a rhythm that runs through the other energy systems leaving a vibration that influences physical attributes, health patterns and personality traits. Have you ever noticed a baby easily falls asleep while riding in a car? The rhythmic feeling of the car while riding often times induces sleep in even me! This energy system keeps us in balance like the drum beat of a song. When stress or trauma disrupt this rhythm, you will know it!

What ever has caused an imbalance in any of these energy systems is easily cleared in a session! You may wonder what it was that caused the imbalance… some times the cause may be because of something that happened to you, OR it could be because of something that happened to one of your ancestors! We inherit the energy blocks from our ancestors, but that’s another blog post.

Thank you for joining me in this series!

DSC_0004I’ve enjoyed discussing these energy systems with you. Maintaining a balanced energy system can make all the difference in your journey through life. There are many things we do to maintain good health; we eat a healthy diet, exercise daily, see our dentist every 6 months for preventative check ups, yearly physicals from our doctor, and regular energy tune ups with our energy practitioner. It’s not enough to just move through life, our quality of life in the long run depends upon our diligence in maintaining our health every day. We never really know how long our life will be… I overheard my great grandfather, at age 94, remarking how dumbfounded he was that he was still alive… he lived to age 104! May you enjoy a healthy life full of joy!

The Energetic Grids and Meridians

The Energetic Grids of the Body

steel-BeamsJust as the steel grids of a building provide structure for a multi-story building, our energetic Grids provide structure and a sure foundation for the energetic body. This energy system is very sturdy however shock or trauma can damage or deform it. When this happens, the other energetic systems adjust to compromise around the damage, much the way a tree will heal around damage. When you cut a tree down, in the rings of the trunk, you can detect where the damage occurred. The tree simply grew around the damage. Speaking of the body, though the other energy symptoms attempt to make up for the damage in the grids, there will always be a weakness there and will be evident in that part of the body that is affected.

A situation that may explain this better may be when there has been an accident or some other trauma that has produced severe emotions or even bodily injury – like a car accident, or maybe a surgery. On the outside it may appear healed, but the energetic grids may not be healed properly but rather aided by the other energy systems until the weakness is made apparent by illness or a difficult life flow.

Ahhh the Meridians!

Everyone’s familiar with Acupuncture, but most people don’t understand that Acupuncture treats the energetic Meridians of the body. This ancient practice of treating patients has continued in success over the centuries. As a child I recall hearing people exclaim how they were only able to be relieved of their headaches because of the Acupuncture treatments they had received. They spoke of this “strange approach” Chinese_meridiansas their last ditch effort for relief when maybe they should have tried this approach first! The Meridians carry energy through the body in a similar way that blood is pumped through veins of the body. This vital flow of energy reflects any imbalance in the organs and every system of the body. If there is a crimp in a Meridian, the system it feeds will be affected.

There is much to be said and discovered about the Meridians. This chart of the Meridians in ancient Chinese medicine will spark the curiosity of anyone!

Did you know that working with the Meridians in an Energy Healing session may adjust metabolism or even improve digestion?

Simply and Easily…

Both of these energy systems sound complex, insinuating a complicated therapy in order to achieve repair… When in reality these systems are easily repaired in a session with a trained practitioner. It’s amazing to behold the intelligence of energy and how fast it works!

An Invitation


The more I learn, the more I understand that we are meant to take excellent care of our fabulous bodies. We are given amazing tools of knowledge and wisdom to complete this task. I invite you to take a moment to explore this site. If it’s something that resonates with you, subscribe in the upper right side of this page. You will receive a free report and a gift from me. I’m looking forward to assisting you in your path to better health and wellness.



The Chakras

So much to say!!!

There is so much to be said about this energy system! Let’s begin by saying that when in a session with a client, so much is accomplished simply by focusing in this energy system!!! There is so much to cover that this little blog post just can’t touch on everything, so please forgive me for being brief. It’s important that we address this amazing energy system!

The word chakra translates from the Sanskrit as disk, vortex or wheel. Each chakra is a concentrated center or swirling disk of energy that is positioned at one of 7 points. Beginning at the base of the spine with the Root Chakra continuing up the body to the crown of the head and the Crown Chakra, each Chakra has significance in the body and life of the individual.

The Chakras – Basically, and very briefly…

  • Chakra 1 is the Root Chakra; Survival: “Tribal Power – All is one” This chakra is located at the base of the spine. If there is an issue in the legs, bones or even the immune system, for example, this chakra requires attention.
  • Chakra 2, located beneath the naval, pertains to creativity and partnership: “Honor One Another”. For example the strength in the Sacral Chakra is the ability to survive financially and physically. Should there be an issue in the pelvic region or the lower back area, attention should be given to balancing the second chakra.
  • Chakra 3, the Solar Plexus addresses identity and personal power: “Honor Oneself”. Located between the navel and chest, I like to refer to this chakra as the one where you feel “gut” reactions. Should this chakra be out of balance, you may experience problems in the bladder, kidney, pancreas, upper intestines or even the stomach.
  • Chakra 4, your Heart Chakra. Though this chakra is located over the heart, and even referred to as the Heart Chakra, it also affects the lungs, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, thymus gland and even the shoulders and arms. When grief is experienced, this is the chakra most affected.
  • Chakra 5, the Throat Chakra is located at the throat but also includes the mouth, teeth and gums. When this chakra is out of alignment, you may feel unheard or unable to express yourself in certain situations.
  • Chakra 6 is the Brow Chakra and is also referred to as the Third Eye as it is located at the forehead. Comprehension and power of the mind; “Seeking Only the Truth” is the focus in this chakra. The brain and nervous system are affected by the energies of this chakra, as well as the ears, nose and glands.
  • Chakra 7, the Crown Chakra is located at the top or crown of the head. Considered to be the spiritual connector, “Trust in the Divine” is the focus. The body systems affected by this chakra are the skin, muscular system and skeletal system. This chakra pertains to your individual belief system and trusting in that.

Is it no wonder many energy healing methods focus only on the chakras? Often times, clients truly feel the shift when the chakras are balanced, and now you can understand why that is so! This knowledge has changed the lives of many of my clients as well as my own life. And though it seems magical or voodoo, it isn’t. And it even works when you’re skeptical! I was completely skeptical myself, and was amazed at the changes I’ve witnessed!

A few words from Loretta…


I just love the peace and calm I feel when my energy systems are balanced. I also love being able to perform this work with so many of you! I hope you have enjoyed the 2nd in a series focus on the Energy Systems of the body. I hope you’ll come back for the next focus on the Energetic Grids and Meridians!