Senior Moment or Senior AaaaHaaa!

Photography by Geoff Smith

Most of you know I’m an advocate of incorporating Virgin Coconut Oil into our diets. It occurred to me recently that since I’ve been having just a teaspoon in my oatmeal in the morning, I have less “senior moments”… you may be aware of what those senior moments are – it’s when you know that you know something, but you have difficulty pulling the information into the recall area of your brain. Like that name of an old friend, or that item you needed from the market, or even where you left your car keys. You may or may not be aware that as a SimplyHealedTM Practitioner, I use techniques to plug the vibration of whatever you need into your energy. Often, it feels as if you have truly received the tangible thing. However, you would never just stop eating because we can just plug in the vibration of food, right? (though it has helped in a pinch for me occasionally) But seriously, we need good nutrition, and when our cells begin resisting glucose, the only other way we can feed our brain is with medium chain triglyceride oil, or coconut oil. Did you know that coconut oil is also good for digestion and has the perfect 3:1 ratio of Omegas? It’s time to embrace this wonderful food! Your brain will love you for it!