Want to Raise Your Vibration?

This earth and everything on it has a vibration

Whether it’s a chair, or an animal or a human, we all have a vibration. The chair has a much lower vibration than a human who has the highest vibration.

Why bother?

Our vibration varies with how we feel. Low vibrations result in depression or attracting the wrong things into our life. Living in a high vibratory state feels like you are on top of the world! An energy healing session raises your vibration.

What can I do in between sessions?

I have always found this to be true… that when life has given me a rough patch, if I helped someone or served someone, everything somehow wasn’t so bad anymore. I thought I had this little magical secret, but it sounds like more than just me knew about it! Thank you to Carolyn Cooper for sharing her perspective so I can share it with you!!


Carolyn wrote:

“In my line of work as an Energy Practitioner, I find that nearly everyone wants to know how they can feel better and how they can have a higher vibration, and also how they can maintain that higher vibration.

Many people want a formula to tell them how to keep their vibration strong and positive. They believe there must be some ancient secret or new age discovery that will teach them how to make that happen in their life.

Well, I’ll tell you an age-old, tried and proven, definitely-works remedy for a waning personal vibration. Are you ready…. Drum roll please…

~ Be kinder than you need to be. ~

Yep, that’s it! Kindness and service to others literally raises your energetic vibration! Is that answer too easy for you? Or perhaps that requires too much of you?

We all know that what you send out is what you get back. So, of course it makes sense that if you seek for happiness, helping someone else experience happiness will automatically bring it your way as well. When we help our fellowmen, not only do our deeds assist them, but we put our own problems in a fresher perspective. It’s a win-win situation!

In my youth I was taught that if you are having a bad day, the best way to ‘snap out of it’ is to do some service for another person. If I was feeling grumpy or out of sorts, or sad about something, I learned to ask myself, “What service can I do for someone else today?”

Through experience I know that the best way to forget my troubles is to unselfishly help someone else. There is something about connecting with another person that makes you feel good through and through –and who wouldn’t want that?

It doesn’t need to be something big, elaborate and time consuming. It can be as easy as some kind words to your neighbor at the mailbox, holding a door for someone, letting someone go ahead of you in a line, sending a thank you note to someone. And it can even be anonymous service, such as pulling some weeds in your neighbor’s yard while they are out (as long as you know them well enough to be in their yard. Otherwise, that could be creepy)

There’s an unexplainable miracle in helping others, that is, by losing ourselves, we find ourselves. The more we help others, the more substance there is to our souls.

By giving out you create more room to grow on the inside. We acquire more depth as we serve others—of course it is easier to “find” ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!

So, in this world we live in where everyone seems rushed, and out for themselves, and not able to see past their own problems, how about trying something that may seem a little counter-intuitive? Take a look around and be open to doing random acts of kindness for others. Opportunities for service abound!

So, to raise your energetic vibration, release some of your own worries, and enjoy more peace and joy in your life, the answer is easier and more practical than you may have thought. Just remember, you can’t help others without helping yourself, or as my grandma used to say, you can’t make a jelly sandwich for someone else without getting some of that sweet jelly on yourself!” www.carolyncooper.com

Getting to know Loretta

I have spent most of my life in service to someone. I’ve rallied in finding something I could do for someone. I needed the help it gave me to survive emotionally. It made facing the challenges in my life easier. However, there was a time when things in my life became overwhelmingly DSC_0004challenging. It was difficult to be the one in need of help. It was at that time that I was blessed to find Carolyn Cooper. Though many aspects of my life have not changed, my outlook has changed and my vibration is much higher. I now attract what I need! Energy healing, particularly SimplyHealedTM, has been key in changing attitudes and in turn changing my life. My perspective is different, my life is now open to receiving all that was intended for me to have. Life is full of good abundance!

An old saying…

I’d like to share a story…

You may have heard someone in your lifetime share this little story. I love it and thank my friend Mary Pat for posting it on Facebook so I can share it with you.



“An old Cherokee told his grandson, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.



good wolf



The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.”


The boy thought about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”
The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.”


Isn’t that just so true?! I have seen many clients of mine come to me with the problem of feeding the “evil wolf”. I rejoice in their accomplishments when they realize it is safe and easy to feed the “good wolf”. We all, at times, choose to feed that evil wolf. The triumph comes when we realize our life is full of choices, and when we choose to feed the good wolf, we are happy and content.

girl and ducks


It is my hope for all of you that you will be triumphant in your choices each and every day.


And may all your good wolves be plump!


Another thought…

DSC_0004Talking with my grandsons the other day made me think… When we are tired, hungry or feeling stressed, we may not always be able to be our best selves with our loved ones. It’s important to schedule your day so the ones you love have you as your best self. I realize that isn’t always possible, but a worthy goal to strive for. I’m so grateful for the knowledge of energy work because utilizing this wonderful tool has made it so much easier and natural to be my best self more often than ever before. I hope you will allow me the opportunity to assist you in finding balance in this very fast paced world we live in!