A Wonderful Meal to Remember!

We were blessed to enjoy a fabulous Raw Vegan FEAST with our dear friend Chef Alexandre Derene, Private Chef and his lovely wife Sissi. Though many aspects of the meal had to be prepared before hand, we LOVED getting to watch the chef make the salad, gazpacho and RAW VEGAN Chocolate Mousse!

The Menu!

hors d'oeuvreshors d'oeuvres2hors d'oeuvres3

Hors d’oeuvres of  bread slices (RAW vegan breads) topped with decadent flavors of creams & mushrooms

The Salad!

the SALADsalad bowls Alex stylesalad in bowlsServed in cucumber bowls a la Alexandre, with delicious creamy tarragon dressing garnished with spiced pistacios and pepitas the Chef seasoned and prepared. Normally for me, this is the highlight of the meal… I LOVE salad!!! and though it was indeed amazing, there was more in store for us

… and SOUP!



Creamy gazpacho topped with avocado… AMAZING! Please don’t ask me for the recipes – but the gazpacho had heirloom tomatoes and hot house cucumbers among other organic ingredients, made simply in the Vita Mix! 





It’s hard to see in most of the pictures, but everything the chef did, he did so smiling! They Alex in actionJPGsay never eat the food of an angry chef… and never make the chef angry, but with Chef Alexandre, the joy was amazing! He loves making everyone happy and STUFFED!




DRUM ROLL PLEASE… the Main Dish!

plating the main dish


The main dish was a raw vegan Polenta with Mushroom Gravy. This was the most tantalizing meal I’ve ever had the privilege to enjoy! All the flavors garnish the main dishdanced in my mouth! I ate until I was afraid I couldn’t eat another bite, and then…


the DESSERT!!!

Dark and decadent chocolate mousse – Raw Vegan Style topped with crushed cacao nibs, the most raw form of chocolate!



I may have been a little off the charts as I “encouraged” the chef to put together a recipe book. I would love for all to enjoy his energy and his food! In my home we have experienced the benefits of eating mostly fresh, raw vegetables and fruit – eliminating dairy or animal flesh – with nuts, seeds, and non-GMO grains. This is a Vegan diet. This does not mean simply eliminating the burger patty from your hamburger, leaving the iceberg lettuce, tomato, pickle, mayo and bun – yuck! That is not nutrition, nor is it good eating. It means creating delicious and desirable food that leaves you feeling full, satisfied and un-polluted. Chef Alexandre specializes in Raw Vegan Cuisine. His creations are amazing!

Click HERE to connect with the Chef 

The meal was amazing! The conversation was delightful! The love filled our home!

after the feast...

Thank you dear Chef Alexandre and the lovely and talented Sissi for blessing us with love and delight!

About us…

We were introduced to the raw vegan food cuisine after my husband had DSC_0004quintuple by-pass surgery. That’s how energy works… When you need something, and there are no energetic blocks, what you need will flow to you. As you accept this concept, your life will flow in a positive direction! As an energy practitioner, certified in the SimplyHealedTM method, I have seen this time after time with both my family and my clients. We were meant to create our lives, to choose the creation we desire. We begin with a clean slate of a clean, clear energy system.

Announcing a New Feature!

A website should be a resource!

Recently a dear friend of mine encouraged me to make a change to my website. Since she did the original design, and I trust her opinion, I stretched my abilities and stepped out of my comfort zone. After all, a website should be a place where you can find resources that reflect what the owner of the website promotes.

I subscribe to a healthy life!

The most important key to a high quality of life is good health in all areas. All illnesses have an energetic root. So first and foremost, I recommend energy healing as a routine practice for good health. The list would look something like this:

  • Energy Healing – utilizing the SimplyHealed™ Method!!!
  • Exercise
  • Healthy diet of at least 70% raw vegetables and fruits, raw nuts & seeds – GREEN SMOOTHIES!
  • Relaxation to recover!

Introducing “Loretta Recommends”

My clients are constantly asking what I recommend for this or that… now there’s a convenient place where I can send them to find those things I recommend such as books, foods or other products. This feature is located to the right in the side bar, at the bottom. Pretty easy, huh? Of course, if you would like to know more about SimplyHealed™, that affiliate link is located above Loretta Recommends.




Thanks to Amazon for making it easy for me to share with my clients the products I recommend daily!

Getting to know Loretta…

Did you know Loretta has failed to learn to water ski? Too many times being drug through the water has DSC_0004soured that desire. However, she has successfully assisted many others in becoming successful in whatever they have desired. This is accomplished simply by utilizing the tools of SimplyHealed™. She loves living in Huntington Beach, and being asked by tourists to take their picture on the HB Pier!

Forgiveness: Complex or Easy?

There’s a need to discuss this…

Forgiveness for some people is very easy. For me, however, it has been rather complex. Maybe by discussing this topic it may help give more perspective. The forgiveness I speak of is the ability for us to forgive others, or ourselves.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

 Forgiveness is a gift

We all long to be forgiven when we mess up. Therefore, when someone offends us or wrongs us we feel if we forgive them that we are letting them off the hook, or agreeing with them that their actions toward us were justified, right? Wrong! Forgiveness is not a gift to the offender. It is a blessing to the one who was offended.

Forgiveness is for our soul

If you are a religious person, you’ve most likely read that Jesus Christ has instructed everyone to forgive all men. I’ve often wondered why. I now see the wisdom in this. Jesus knows how damaging it is for us to hold onto negative, hateful emotions, anger and pain. These emotions, when trapped in the body, lead to serious illness. When we forgive someone, we release those emotions and flush them out of our energy, bypassing the need to become ill.

An idea on what it means to forgive…

 I have a dear friend who shared this insight with me. When we forgive someone, we are not embracing them or the offense, but rather exercising Christlike love.  By forgiving, we allow ourselves to let go of the hurt, pain and Allow peace of forgivenessanger. We allow them to make their own choices and we chose to move forward. This is not the same type of love we have for a family member or a romantic love. This is a whole different type of love. I like to think of forgiveness as a release of having to hold onto the offense, of being free of the need to hold onto the negative emotion.

How do you forgive someone or even yourself?

In working with energy, I have encountered this dilemma with my clients. Since we are all individuals it’s a little different for everyone, but it remains a principle of most importance for everyone. It seems that as we release the negative energetic build up that being unforgiving causes, subconsciously we open up our ability to begin the process of forgiving ourselves and others. This is simply accomplished in an energy healing session utilizing the tools of SimplyHealed™. It is fast and seems so simple.

I promise you…

The time will come when the emotional charge of the offense will be gone. It may seem to have magically disappeared even! You will feel the freedom and it feels good! You will be open to experience peace and joy. You will finally be able to manifest the success that you hope for.

I invite you…

If you feel anything written here resonates with you. Begin a new journey today by subscribing in the upper right corner of this page. Take advantage of the gift I give to you at the end of the report. Make a change for a happier, more joyful life.

Meet Loretta

Manifesting success is the only true way to achieve it. I have the tools to assist you in manifesting the success you desire in all areas of life. SimplyHealed™ is very simple… and it is lightning fast! I experienced this for DSC_0004myself when I realized I had manifested what I didn’t want in my life. Now I have the peace, joy and gratitude in my life that I was meant to have. I am blessed with a loving and supportive husband, children and grandchildren that I adore. I enjoy running, swing dancing, bicycling, nature walks and being on the beach. Eating to support a healthy body is my passion!

My Gratitude Overflows!

So Grateful!

gratitude brings abundance2
I am grateful for so many of you who have subscribed to my website. I’m also grateful for so many new clients that have recently begun embracing change, too! This is due partly because of you and all your referrals!

Benefits of a SimplyHealed™ Session…

Here’s the short list of benefits to having a session:

  • More clarity to a situation of concern
  • Releases the emotional charge to past trauma, you may have the memory, but it no longer affects you in a negative way
  • Attraction to those things that you need for healing. When the blocks are released, pathways are open!
  • Good abundance flows to you! We all enjoy good abundance!
  • Relief for many issues simultaneously, spoken or unspoken!
  • Raises your body’s natural ability to heal in all areas 

An expression of Gratitude!

My way of thanking you for reaching out to your friends, neighbors and loved ones and sharing my work is to give you a thank you gift!  Each time I complete a session with someone whom you have referred to me, you receive a credit of $25 towards your next session! This can be used on any session! If four people mention your name as being referred by you, you will receive a 50 minute session FREE!

“What should I say in my referral to those I care about?” 

Of course, anything you say would be wonderful! Here’s some suggestions: I just had a wonderful experience that I would like to share with you! I experienced an energy healing session with Loretta Smith, Certified SimplyHealed Practitioner®. She worked with me to assist me in clearing and releasing negative emotions and generational DNA that I had been holding on to, so I could feel more confidence, clarity and peace of mind. It was gentle and non-invasive yet it felt powerful. I can see where it is beneficial in boosting health, and financial well-being as well as improving relationships. In our session we tuned up ALL of my energy systems – not just one or two! By doing so, I will attract more love, joy and passion into my life. I recommend you take a look at her website at www.lorettasmith.com and if this sounds like something that you might be interested in, please tell her I sent you!

A personal invitation to you

If you haven’t done so already, look at the top of this page to the right of this post. See the subscribe form? It’s easy… I will never sell your information, nor will I abuse the privilege of having your information by filling your inbox with emails every day. My mission is to help others receive a better lifestyle, a peaceful existence, and experience the joy I have experienced by creating the life you desire! By subscribing, not only will you receive a detailed report on muscle testing – a tool I use during a session, but you will also receive a 50% off coupon for your next session. Choose a 50 minute session and that’s $50! You must contact me directly to redeem this offer.

Meet Loretta

DSC_0004I’ve been assisting people in maintaining strong, healthy energy systems for over 5 years. I love the stories of results that I have received. Manifesting success is the only true way to achieve it. I have the tools to assist you in manifesting the success you desire in all areas of life. SimplyHealed™ is very simple… and it is lightning fast! I experienced this for myself when I realized I had manifested what I didn’t want in my life. Now I have the peace, joy and gratitude in my life that I was meant to have. I am blessed with a loving and supportive husband, children and grandchildren that I adore. I enjoy running, bicycling and being on the beach. Eating to support a healthy body is my passion!

Time for a DAY OFF!


HB Pier Photography by Geoff Smith, All Rights Reserved

HB Pier Photography by Geoff Smith, All Rights Reserved

When my husband told me he was taking a day off on Monday, I decided I needed a day off, too. I blocked out my calendar and enjoyed a wonderful day of picture taking and just being carefree! We live in a society where we are pressed to make every minute count. What we forget to do is take time for ourselves. When we take time for ourselves, we are more productive when working. What have you done lately to rejuvenate? Taking some time off allows for new creative thoughts to flow!  

How do you Rejuvenate?

Sometimes it’s important to to do something that relaxes you, while other times it works to do something exciting. The day started out with a strong winds advisory and high surf advisory. We jumped in the truck and drove to a popular spot affectionately known as “The Wedge”.

The Wedge Newport Beach

The Wedge Newport Beach


 It’s actually the Jetty in Newport Beach. We stood there and enjoyed the high surf crashing from 2 different directions.


Photography by Geoff Smith, All Rights Reserved

Photography by Geoff Smith, All Rights Reserve




Then we noticed a sail boat trying to come into the marina… it was miraculous he was able to find his way amid the winds and surf! I honestly don’t know how he managed!



Are you neglecting YOU?

I hope I have inspired you to take some time away from your work. I know as entrepreneurs, we can be so focused on our business that we feel if we take some time off that something will be neglected. If you don’t take a break YOU will be the one neglected! When will your day off be?

For those familiar with energy healing, after a session, you feel like you’ve had a day off, but you’ve only taken an hour off! Many people report the increased clarity they enjoy and the peaceful feeling they have. The comment I receive most is how much lighter they feel, as if a heavy load had been removed that they had been carrying around. When you subscribe to this site by signing up for my report, you will also receive a 50% off gift that can be used toward any session. That equals $50 if you choose a 50 minute session! I invite you to take advantage of this offer and enjoy the benefits of a clean and clear energy system!

You are worth it! 

Be kind to yourself and pamper yourself. You deserve to feel your very best! Book a session by clicking here and begin a wonderful new journey of self awareness, self improvement and the abundance you deserve!

Meet Loretta

DSC_0004I’ve been assisting people in maintaining strong, healthy energy systems for over 5 years. I love the stories of results that I have received. Manifesting success is the only true way to achieve it. I have the tools to assist you in manifesting the success you desire in all areas of life. SimplyHealed™ is very simple… and is, well, simply healed! I experienced this for myself when I realized I had manifested what I didn’t want in my life. Now I have the peace, joy and gratitude in my life that I was meant to have. I am blessed with a loving and supportive husband, children and grandchildren that I adore. I enjoy running, bicycling and being on the beach. Eating to support a healthy body is my passion!