Forgiveness: Complex or Easy?

There’s a need to discuss this…

Forgiveness for some people is very easy. For me, however, it has been rather complex. Maybe by discussing this topic it may help give more perspective. The forgiveness I speak of is the ability for us to forgive others, or ourselves.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

 Forgiveness is a gift

We all long to be forgiven when we mess up. Therefore, when someone offends us or wrongs us we feel if we forgive them that we are letting them off the hook, or agreeing with them that their actions toward us were justified, right? Wrong! Forgiveness is not a gift to the offender. It is a blessing to the one who was offended.

Forgiveness is for our soul

If you are a religious person, you’ve most likely read that Jesus Christ has instructed everyone to forgive all men. I’ve often wondered why. I now see the wisdom in this. Jesus knows how damaging it is for us to hold onto negative, hateful emotions, anger and pain. These emotions, when trapped in the body, lead to serious illness. When we forgive someone, we release those emotions and flush them out of our energy, bypassing the need to become ill.

An idea on what it means to forgive…

 I have a dear friend who shared this insight with me. When we forgive someone, we are not embracing them or the offense, but rather exercising Christlike love.  By forgiving, we allow ourselves to let go of the hurt, pain and Allow peace of forgivenessanger. We allow them to make their own choices and we chose to move forward. This is not the same type of love we have for a family member or a romantic love. This is a whole different type of love. I like to think of forgiveness as a release of having to hold onto the offense, of being free of the need to hold onto the negative emotion.

How do you forgive someone or even yourself?

In working with energy, I have encountered this dilemma with my clients. Since we are all individuals it’s a little different for everyone, but it remains a principle of most importance for everyone. It seems that as we release the negative energetic build up that being unforgiving causes, subconsciously we open up our ability to begin the process of forgiving ourselves and others. This is simply accomplished in an energy healing session utilizing the tools of SimplyHealed™. It is fast and seems so simple.

I promise you…

The time will come when the emotional charge of the offense will be gone. It may seem to have magically disappeared even! You will feel the freedom and it feels good! You will be open to experience peace and joy. You will finally be able to manifest the success that you hope for.

I invite you…

If you feel anything written here resonates with you. Begin a new journey today by subscribing in the upper right corner of this page. Take advantage of the gift I give to you at the end of the report. Make a change for a happier, more joyful life.

Meet Loretta

Manifesting success is the only true way to achieve it. I have the tools to assist you in manifesting the success you desire in all areas of life. SimplyHealed™ is very simple… and it is lightning fast! I experienced this for DSC_0004myself when I realized I had manifested what I didn’t want in my life. Now I have the peace, joy and gratitude in my life that I was meant to have. I am blessed with a loving and supportive husband, children and grandchildren that I adore. I enjoy running, swing dancing, bicycling, nature walks and being on the beach. Eating to support a healthy body is my passion!