The Chakras

So much to say!!!

There is so much to be said about this energy system! Let’s begin by saying that when in a session with a client, so much is accomplished simply by focusing in this energy system!!! There is so much to cover that this little blog post just can’t touch on everything, so please forgive me for being brief. It’s important that we address this amazing energy system!

The word chakra translates from the Sanskrit as disk, vortex or wheel. Each chakra is a concentrated center or swirling disk of energy that is positioned at one of 7 points. Beginning at the base of the spine with the Root Chakra continuing up the body to the crown of the head and the Crown Chakra, each Chakra has significance in the body and life of the individual.

The Chakras – Basically, and very briefly…

  • Chakra 1 is the Root Chakra; Survival: “Tribal Power – All is one” This chakra is located at the base of the spine. If there is an issue in the legs, bones or even the immune system, for example, this chakra requires attention.
  • Chakra 2, located beneath the naval, pertains to creativity and partnership: “Honor One Another”. For example the strength in the Sacral Chakra is the ability to survive financially and physically. Should there be an issue in the pelvic region or the lower back area, attention should be given to balancing the second chakra.
  • Chakra 3, the Solar Plexus addresses identity and personal power: “Honor Oneself”. Located between the navel and chest, I like to refer to this chakra as the one where you feel “gut” reactions. Should this chakra be out of balance, you may experience problems in the bladder, kidney, pancreas, upper intestines or even the stomach.
  • Chakra 4, your Heart Chakra. Though this chakra is located over the heart, and even referred to as the Heart Chakra, it also affects the lungs, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, thymus gland and even the shoulders and arms. When grief is experienced, this is the chakra most affected.
  • Chakra 5, the Throat Chakra is located at the throat but also includes the mouth, teeth and gums. When this chakra is out of alignment, you may feel unheard or unable to express yourself in certain situations.
  • Chakra 6 is the Brow Chakra and is also referred to as the Third Eye as it is located at the forehead. Comprehension and power of the mind; “Seeking Only the Truth” is the focus in this chakra. The brain and nervous system are affected by the energies of this chakra, as well as the ears, nose and glands.
  • Chakra 7, the Crown Chakra is located at the top or crown of the head. Considered to be the spiritual connector, “Trust in the Divine” is the focus. The body systems affected by this chakra are the skin, muscular system and skeletal system. This chakra pertains to your individual belief system and trusting in that.

Is it no wonder many energy healing methods focus only on the chakras? Often times, clients truly feel the shift when the chakras are balanced, and now you can understand why that is so! This knowledge has changed the lives of many of my clients as well as my own life. And though it seems magical or voodoo, it isn’t. And it even works when you’re skeptical! I was completely skeptical myself, and was amazed at the changes I’ve witnessed!

A few words from Loretta…


I just love the peace and calm I feel when my energy systems are balanced. I also love being able to perform this work with so many of you! I hope you have enjoyed the 2nd in a series focus on the Energy Systems of the body. I hope you’ll come back for the next focus on the Energetic Grids and Meridians!

First Line of Defense – the Aura!

The Body has Several Energy Systems…

Scientists are discovering more and more about the energy systems of the body and how they contribute to our overall health and well being. This first in a series, Auras!


Let’s discuss… the Aura!



A vibrant Aura can fill a room. When the Aura is vibrant, we feel happy, joyful and confident. When our Auras are in need of repair, we may feel dark, burdened, like we don’t want to be around anyone, unhappy or even depressed. A simplistic explanation, true…

How Can a Vibrant, Clean and Clear Aura Make a Difference?

We actually feel the auras of others when in the room together. When the aura is clean and clear, positive experiences and people with vibrant auras are attracted to us. Stress is not as evident or detrimental. Confidence is strong and it is easy to be compassionate.

Have you ever felt you were on the top of your game with everything going your way? When your aura is vibrant, this is one result!

In a session, the aura is always addressed. Some clients actually feel it when we clear their auras! This is so fun!!! Of course, everyone’s experience is not the same… but the results are what’s important!


Here’s a Great Exercise…

Place your hands to the left of your body towards the ground. Now pretend you are fluffing packing peanuts. While doing this movement bring your hands up the left side of your body and over the top of your head, and move to the right side of your body all the way down to the floor again. Now grasp that imaginary zipper between your feet and “zip up” to the top of your head. You have fluffed and zipped your aura. By doing so you are protected. You can perform this when ever you feel uncertain or uncomfortable. Many people do this and other energetic exercises in the morning as they are preparing for the day.


Some Closing Thoughts…



Did you know that some people actually have the gift of being able to see the auras around people? Some auras are colorful and some are white… and on the opposite side of the spectrum, some can be very dark, too, when intentions are not pure. I enjoy hearing when my clients can see the auras of others. What a wonderful gift!

Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!

A Very Special Day!

Today my husband and I celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary! So I posted on Facebook today:  “Happy anniversary, Sweetheart. You are my very best friend. You give me strength and light. Thank you for your love, devotion, and support in all the things I choose to do. I love you with all my heart!” But that doesn’t really say much in my opinion. So I thought I would share today all the ways my dear husband enriches my life…

Hobbies, hobbies, HOBBIES!

Geoff Smith Photography, all rights reserved

Geoff Smith Photography, all rights reserved


I used to dread it when he would find he was interested in another hobby. But later I came to realize that his “hobbies” were how he was creating his life. For example, Photography. He has moved in and out of this hobby many times… I think I love this hobby more than any of the other hobbies! We have wonderful pictures of our family and I love using his creative eye in marketing materials! Recently he has taken some classes from experts that have sharpened his skill and have fascinated even me, a non-photographer!

Geoff photographer


There was a time when he put photography on hold because he felt when ever we went on vacation, he saw the entire vacation through the lens of a camera instead of in person! Truth be told, I could sympathize with him on that, but he has taken so many wonderful pictures that we cherish that I am grateful that he did view so many vacations through the lens of a camera!




Dancing at Nixon Library

Photography by Leonard Ortiz, OC Register


Other of his hobbies have included Kung Fu San Soo, remote controlled airplanes, duel line kites, Lindyhop swing dancing, guitar,ukulele and more. I’m grateful I finally realized that his hobbies have blessed my life!






Our life has been blessed with the association of Grand Master Ted Sias, who is currently teaching Kung Fu San Soo to the 3rd generation in our family! We have enjoyed cultivating so many friendships through dancing and ukulele, too.




north shore beach


Our life together has truly been a rich experience because of Geoff’s desire to do so many things! I’m pretty content with moving on day to day. But had it not been for Geoff’s desires, I would have never seen, done and enjoyed so much! Thank you dear Sweetheart for many wonderful memories!


Deep Gratitude…




But most of all my life has been blessed with this kind, gentle man who loves me unconditionally and is a constant inspiration to me to be a better person. I love you, Sweetheart!

First Day of School… Good Bye Summer!

OK, so I’m a grandmother now, and not the mother of the “littles” living in my home… but this year seemed to bring some anxiety in me for the first day of school.Boys 1st day 3rd grade As an energy practitioner, I paid close attention to these feelings and focused on clearing what was coming up. For some reason I felt like I was clinging onto Summer – an emotion I have not had in a very long time… I LOVE Fall!!! It’s seriously my favorite time of year, so I hope I’ve cleared all that was coming up to clear. All I can say is when I have a lot of emotions surface to clear, I feel it’s an indication that there are really good things coming!

This picture is descriptive of how difficult it is for Gavin to take pictures in the bright sun… however, it should be noted that these boys were VERY excited to begin the new school year! Gavin set out his wardrobe for the entire week yesterday – SO CUTE!


Some Summer Memories…

memories of swimming


I’m so grateful that a dear friend shared her pool with us! It was absolutely wonderful to get to swim when ever we wanted to! memories 2




It was fun to see what good swimmers these boys are. I also got to witness again how supportive they are of one another. Alex said to me, “Grandma, you are the best grandma!” Priceless




hike with mom

Plus, this year has been a HIKING Summer! What fun we had hiking!!! My daughter is actually traveling to hike Mt. Whitney as I write this post. We actually just tagged along during her training, but it was a blast. The boys also got to hike Baldy and sleep under the stars with their mom and friends.



hike viewing ocean



These pictures were taken on a hike at El Moro Canyon in Laguna Beach where there are steep hills to climb and views of the ocean! There’s just something wonderful about being outside in nature. It makes my heart sing to see my grandsons enjoying nature as much as I do.


Moving Forward



The ride does not end here. Though Summer is but a memory, we continue to move forward. When those emotions that get stuck are ready to release, we are grateful for the simple process of the SimplyHealed Method® and for the amazing things that can be accomplished utilizing this lightning fast method. Happy Fall my friends!


An Amazing Tool of Creation – Your Thoughts!

Do your thoughts bless you or deceive you?

Scientists have said that an average person thinks around 60,000 thoughts a day, and only 1,000 of them are new thoughts. The rest are rehashed thoughts of the day before. What if your thoughts the day before were very negative? Or, on the flip side, what if your thoughts the day before were very positive? Or even intentionally very positive?

I used to be a “news junkie”. It was difficult for me not to watch the news. I found there were many falsities floating around in the opinions of those delivering the news. There were also a lot of negative emotions and limiting false beliefs being presented for my digestion at every thought expressed. I found my life was spiraling downward in all areas.Think for a moment who is delivering those stories and what their purpose for delivering them is. It’s their job, and their boss makes a lot of money bringing those stories to us. It’s very big business! What is left? Many scared, worried or stressed people concerned for their futures!

I’m not saying I advocate not knowing what’s going on. I check in now every week… but it’s just a check in to keep up with current events. I’m much happier when I am focused on my own thoughts – my thoughts of creating my existence. My life now is climbing to new heights every day!

As the Ferris Wheel goes around and around, so do your thoughts!

As the Ferris Wheel goes around and around, so do your thoughts!

Create Long Lasting Positive Thought Patterns

When I work with my clients, I try to leave them with something to refer back to should their thoughts begin to spiral downward. This can be an affirmation or 2 or even a Manifestation list to aid them in creating what they would like to see in their life. Often I assign homework such as keeping a Gratitude Journal. All of these things are tools to keep your thoughts positive so you can experience the desired change in your existence. I love receiving messages from clients that tell of their success! I rejoice in their success!

Focus on the Reality that is Positive in your life NOW!

We all have parts in our life that are not perfect. Dwelling upon them or talking about them holds them close to you. It’s OK to acknowledge they are there, but do not give them so much time or attention. Instead force yourself to focus on what you would like to create in your life. Dream of yourself actually living the dream in the now! You will be amazed at how soon you will be there. Have the courage to release the need to visit the negative parts of your life, and have the tenacity to find something positive to think about in every situation. What does YOUR dream look like? I would love to hear about it! Let’s dream TOGETHER!

Allow me to share…DSC_0004

I am no different than you… I spent most of my life bathing in negative thoughts and negative thought patterns. I learned it didn’t produce what I wanted in my life. When I embraced energy healing – particularly the SimplyHealed Method®, my thoughts shifted from negative to positive. I experienced first hand the difference it makes to think positive thoughts a midst a negative life I had created. When I realized how my life had changed, I never looked back! I now live a wonderful life focusing on positive thoughts, creating positive experiences and changes in all aspects of my life. I invite you to join me!