Remembering to Acknowledge….

When I was a child, after all the gifts had been opened on any given special day, my mother would say, “You need to write some thank you notes.” I dreaded that task, mainly because I didn’t know how vto do it, so it didn’t happen, which was sad. However, as the years have passed, I have been impressed with the example of others in their thank you notes to me or to my family. I’m grateful for their examples that have taught me this essential art.

My husband works for a company that is quite a distance away. He has had opportunities to work closer, however, his boss recognizes the small things with notes of appreciation, as well as the large things with recognition. This simple habit makes the work environment a more pleasant place to be.

This is a wonderful blog post from Darcy Eikenberg. I love her suggestions!

You’re Connected… but to what?

I enjoy running.  Many of us do. Recently a friend told me she enjoys doing high fives with other runners she meets on the trail. This excited me because I totally get my connection with other people, and how it raises our vibrational energy to be friendly and offer some sort of a hello as we pass each other. So, I decided to give it a try. To my disappointment, I noticed people backing away. Then I realized the width of my trail is really wide, so I may have been threatening just a little. I chuckled within, and came to the conclusion that I would continue enjoying a friendly wave, and a cheerful hello.

Then, as I was going home, I stopped at the market and parked next to someone who was having car trouble. The tow truck was blocking my exit out of the parking spot. The tow truck attendant apologized and promised to move it right away. When I smiled and said no problem, it spurred a conversation with the stranded driver about how nice people are who live in my town.

Both of these experiences made for a lovely morning. However, had I reacted differently, I may not have enjoyed such good feelings. How often do we think only of ourselves and our agenda for the day or week, and forget to be kind, thoughtful or forgiving? I believe we do not truly understand our connection with those around us. I believe people come into our lives for reasons beyond our comprehension. I have enjoyed studying this and seeing the purpose of some of the connections. I have experienced connections when I was young that pass by the way side for many years only to come back to me in full force. It’s a witness to me that the connect has real purpose. Take some time today to find some joy as you analyze your connections with others. It’s very healing to find the blessing in each connection and express gratitude for it.

Were you a fool for April’s Fools Day?

dolphin2April Fools day is a blessed day where those with a great sense of humor create wonderful situations of fun and good mirth! My husband posted on Facebook, our impending move to Hawaii as a April Fool’s gag. We enjoyed all the comments posted in reply. What fun to be silly! Laughter is such a blessing. Laughter lifts spirits, changes moods, alleviates stress, dulls pain and promotes healing. Finding humor in situations is a gift or even a talent. You know how you feel after a good work out… Laughter and exercise are very similar.

In preparing this post, I checked a few things on-line and found articles from medical journals that concurred that in studies laughter is beneficial in all areas. Here is a great article on the healthful effects of Laughter:

May you enjoy much laughter each and every day!



Monday, Monday…

Love that song!

So why do you think Mondays seem drab – to put it mildly? What happened to the excitement of say Friday? Would it seem that the only days of the week to be excited for are the days of the weekend when you are not working, but rather playing?

Is our response to Monday conditioned?

This topic has been needling me for awhile. When I was a child, I had a childhood friend who when Sunday afternoon was approaching evening, she would say the same thing, “I was having fun until I remembered tomorrow’s …SCHOOOOOL…” So many of us have this same emotion carried over into our adult lives when as Sunday draws to a close, the freedom of the weekend turns into the drag of the ensuing week, and Monday doldrums. This does not need to be so!

A new opportunity for learning and growth!

Monday can be just as exciting as Friday by changing our thought patterns and clearing out negative energy. Think of Monday as being a new week with new and exciting experiences in store! Welcome the new week like the visit of an old and dear friend! Express gratitude for what you have to look

Geoff Smith Photography

Geoff Smith Photography


forward to. Embrace each and every day as another day to increase in knowledge and ability, to bask in gratitude. You may not agree with me – maybe because there’s a block existing somewhere that you need to clear. I can help with that!

Start with restoring your energy systems!

It’s easy to make the change from negative to positive when utilizing energy healing. Specifically the SimplyHealedTM method. Negative emotions become stuck and stored for many years in the energy systems of the body. Those stuck emotions of a child hating school can eventually lead to glitches in patterns of success later in life.  Now there’s hope for a better way! Clearing and releasing these types of emotions happen easily as we realign chakras and purge our auras! It’s what energy healing is all about!

Getting to know Loretta

Life brings challenges to overcome that in turn blesses us with growth opportunities. Personally I prefer to grow from those experiences that will DSC_0004bring the most progress for me individually. I prefer to grow from my own challenges rather than the challenges created by negativity festering in my energy systems. Negativity that I may have inherited from my ancestors! Maintaining a clear and clean energy system is the key to manifesting success!

Feelin’ sad? Express gratitude to feel better!

It seems like such a simple thing… saying thank you.

We don’t realize how such a simple expression can change how we feel inside. There have been days – and I know you have experienced this – when I’m feeling a little slow. I’m not sad, mad or stressed. I’m just feeling a little out of sorts. This affects my productivity in anything I attempt to accomplish. I have found that when I feel like this, if I take a step back and think of something that I’m grateful for, my mood changes. Since I for one love being really vibrant, I have made this a practice throughout the day. I take moments finding things I’m thankful for and I then express my gratitude for them one by one. I think in my mind just how grateful I am for these things. It can be as simple as the delicious cherry tomatoes in my garden,

photography by Geoff Smith

photography by Geoff Smith


or as grand as my country and the freedoms I enjoy living here. I express gratitude for things that may seem silly to others, like for my visor that I wear when running.

Expressing Gratitude brings MORE to be grateful for!

The more we express gratitude, the more things come to us to be grateful for. It’s truly a beautiful gift. The more my mind is full of thoughts of gratitude, the less room there is for worry, stress, anger and any other negative thought.

I hope I’ve inspired you!!!

I hope you can find something to be grateful for right now at this moment! It will change your day!!

I am grateful for YOU!



Thank you for taking a moment to allow me to inspire you and share with you tactics that have brought me joy! I have embraced energy healing for the past several years and wish I would have found it many years ago. It is my passion to share it with everyone who will allow me the time to do so. Thank you for your time!