What is your ‘Safety Net’?

A friend emailed me this video clip today. I’m sure it’s going viral by now… It’s a beautiful depiction of the importance of wearing your seat belts.

Are you a ‘risk taker’?

As I was driving today, an opinion was expressed on the radio about a 100 year old man celebrating his 100th birthday by skydiving. The opinion was that just because the man reached 100 years old that it shouldn’t be the cause of him risking his life, after all, you wouldn’t roll your walker in front of a train and then when the train derailed to miss hitting you, you wouldn’t say, “Look at the great thing I did in defying death!” The opinion was that one should never risk their life doing something that had no meaning. But the Wright Brothers risked their lives… and in so doing their inspiration evolved into my ability to fly to where ever I will rather than driving or traveling by boat.


But isn’t it risking your life to get out of bed each morning? You or I do not know what the future holds, or when our turn on this earth is over. Granted we want to live our very best lives possible, so many of us are not risk takers. But what constitutes a risk? What constitutes a risk for you? For me, eating sugar and refined foods constitutes a risk in the healthy function of my body. It is also a risk for me to go running in grass because there could be a hole or uneven surface that is hidden by the grass. Most of all, it is a risk not utilizing the energy healing training I have. I learned that lesson last year when I ignored symptoms of a urinary track infection. Oops!

What ticking time bomb?

Ticking time bomb? Who said that? Well, if we understand that negative emotions left unreleased eventually creates stress upon our bodies and that stress leads to serious illness, then WE are ticking time bombs! I should have kept a record of all the times I have released and cleared negative emotions in myself that had manifested in illness such as cold, flu, ear infection, injury, headache, etc, so I could prove to you that in fact, when you release and clear negative emotions using the SimplyHealed® protocol, you are actually clearing possibilities of more serious illnesses down the road. And when you clear the blocks preventing good financial abundance, you are preventing difficult financial challenges later in life when you’re retired and aging. Have you ever thought that no matter how hard you try, you can never get ahead in your finances? That thought alone is an indication there is something that needs to be cleared, and very possibly the emotions that produced that thought was inherited when you were born. How long are you willing to take that risk of not releasing those negative emotions?

I didn’t mean to alarm you!

DSC_0004My intention is only to educate. There is nothing to fear or worry about. Negative emotions are easily cleared from the energy systems of the body utilizing techniques that have been tried and tested for decades both in practice and in scientific testing. Providing these techniques as a ‘safety net’ for you is both a joy and a pleasure! I invite you to join me in a journey of good health and prosperity today!

What did Worrying Ever Do For You?

Have you experienced this? I know I have!

worryI have had so many clients call and say “I haven’t slept in a week” or “I was up all night with this concern”. I’m sure we are all familiar with losing a night’s sleep when we have embraced worry or concern. Or maybe the old ‘what ifs’ begin waltzing into your day, and by the end of the day it’s a struggle to even go to sleep, let alone stay asleep.

The Real Truth of What Worry Does…

worry1Worry or concern leads to stress which leads to illness – sometimes resulting in panic and anxiety or just a virus as a result of the immune system being compromised. Continued stress leads to serious illness.

I have an associate who recently wrote a blog post titled “Worrying is a Misuse of Imagination”. In this post, Allyson Chavez hits the nail on the head when she said, “Worrying serves no purpose whatsoever. It certainly doesn’t get you ahead, because it’s based in scarcity, fear and lack.” These are emotions that are easily released from the energetic body during a session. If you would like to read her post, click here 

Certainly you, like me, would like to create a wonderful life! That is possible for everyone!!!

Make the change!


In a session, not only are these negative emotions cleared, but I also teach techniques to re-train your mind to be free of that pattern of worry. There is a much better life to enjoy that is free of worry! Make a change in your life today… subscribe for the free report at the top right of the screen and receive a discount for your first session today!

Do You Suffer From Terminal Uniqueness?

What? What’s that???

poutingOK… I have an adorable client who penned that title for herself. Basically it’s when you have convinced yourself that the difficulties of life that you have experienced have never happened to anyone else, only you, and you cannot go on because you are so oppressed with all these difficulties. After all, no one can relate to you or suggest ways to overcome these difficulties. Your difficulties are unique from everyone else’s. Therefore you are terminally unique! We laughed when she came up with this! And I swore I would not forget it! So here you have it… my blog post about it!

We are both unique and the same!

While it’s true that we are unique in so many ways, we are also the same in a vast number of ways. We in fact move through the same emotions and feelings in very similar ways. At times however, when our minds are dealing with other issues, such as ADHD or Aspergers, what we perceive as normal thought patterns may be interrupted. My focus in this post are the typical thought patterns and how our thoughts create our emotions which lead to our creation of our very existence.


Sometimes emotions we have cause us to take a particular stance… Our emotions can affect every thing we do and how others respond to us. I had a conversation with my grandson this morning, he lost his new jacket he received for school this year. It was an awesome jacket that zipped up all the way to the top of the hood and had a nifty netting fashioned like eyes and a mouth so when the jacket was zipped up, it looked like a mask. It was nice and warm and large enough for him to enjoy for a couple of years. No matter how I’ve tried to impress upon his mind the importance of being responsible for belongings, it has backfired into a variety of emotions for him. Today I tried to change his thought pattern by reminding him that “Good things ALWAYS happen to us!” You see, it’s so important to remember to find gratitude and positive thoughts in all things. It’s vitally important!!! We were reading in the Book of Mormon today, and it was being mentioned how the people had lost the land of their inheritance, but rather than mourning and lamenting about it, their prophet encouraged them instead to look forward and realize that God had blessed them with something even better! A better land of inheritance in their case. From those words, we take the understanding that things that come to us may not look the way we think they should look, but if we truly look at them, they are better for some reason. When we accept things for the gift they are – be it for learning, growth, inspiration, pleasure, blessing – our energetic attitude creates a wonderful existence for us. Sometimes we may want to sing, but we don’t know how, so we may need to pass through some challenges to get to that place. The challenges teach us how to get to the place where  we can in fact sing…

Good Things Always Happen to Us!

My mentor, Carolyn Cooper, used the phrase, “Good things always happen to us!” in teaching her young ones to look for the good in all situations and be grateful. What a blessing we can give to our families and especially our children if we can instill in them this positive mental attitude. If we do this, there is no room in our mind for believing we are unique in our difficulties or trials and we can become healed of being ‘terminally unique’!

Why I do what I do…

DSC_0004I haven’t always been a positive thinking person. I wish I could say I was raised with wonderful guidance in these things, but I have only known of Energy Healing for the past several years. I had cemented 50 years of negative thinking before I realized the difference it makes to embrace being positive! It’s just not worth wasting life being negative when being positive makes such a difference!

More Payment Options!

New Payment Option through Square!

cardsI’m very excited to announce that I have another option for payments! I have had some people have problems with paying through paypal, so now you can also pay with a credit card at the time of the session or at my Square site. Of course when you go to book a session, it will ask you for a paypal payment. If you prefer the other options, just contact me and let me know!

Here’s my new site with Square:


Of course, if you prefer Paypal, that is also still an option. I also still accept checks if you prefer.

Check out Square for your business

I’ve heard lots of great things about Square, and have paid for food from food trucks using Square. I just love having this option and Square has made it easy! If you have a business and need an easy way to accept payments with credit cards, check it out here ! 

I highly recommend



I highly recommend using this service as you can see. I’m so grateful for a dear friend who recommended it to me. They even sent me a free card reader to attach to my iPhone. Of course, in my line of work, all of my work is done over the phone, so I key in the credit info, but I’m ready for my next workshop!!!

Group Energy Calls, My Experience…

Have you ever participated in a group energy healing call?

red phone


I have, with both amazing results and subtle results. One time the call topic was on financial abundance. Shortly after the call I received an insurance payout I didn’t know existed. I transcribed some of the affirmations that resonated with me and posted them on my bathroom mirror. I felt a source of strength on days following from reminding myself of what had been cleared in that session.

Another time…

cell phones


I joined a call on family relationships, I was anxious about Thanksgiving and having the feast at my home. There were complicated family dynamics going on. After the call, I felt peace and calm. Plus, the usual dysfunctional occurrences were neutralized.

And yet another time,

Nokia evolucion


I joined a call. I cannot recall what the topic was because it was not on the topic I needed, but I realized that it didn’t matter what the topic was, or even that my issues were discussed, many issues cleared at the same time whether or not I vocalized them, or if it was the topic or not. I received the shift I was hoping for.

Couldn’t make the call, but purchased anyway!

I have also purchased group calls that I knew I would not be able to attend because that particular topic resonated with me. I listened to the recording of the call after the fact, and received the desired shift.

Did you feel the shift?

How do you know you’ve received the intended shift? Here are the top comments from my clients,
  • I feel energized and hopeful!
  • I felt peace and calm
  • I feel a sense of being lighter, like a burden has been lifted!
  • I didn’t feel anything at the ending of the call, but shortly after the call, I noticed the difference. The old triggers that caused discord in my family didn’t hold the emotional punch they once did.

Of course, you may have a different experience altogether! What’s important is that you recognize what may be an indication of a shift. When energy has shifted, you begin attracting what you need. You may feel inspiration to visit with a certain friend, or seize an opportunity – go with it! Everything we need for our success is right at our fingertips; clearing the energetic blocks makes those things we need reachable!

Energy cleared allows attraction to tangible needs

The shift often occurs by opening you up for the support you need. You actually attract what you need in whatever situation you are seeking a shift. One time I was hoping for an improvement in my digestion. Shortly after receiving the work, I was introduced to water kefir granules. It was exactly the support I needed, and I have been cultivating them ever since and sharing them with my friends. This is also the way I was introduced to essential oils, Thrive freeze dried foods, Rolfing, and many other things that have blessed my life in many wonderful ways!

My invitation



I would like to personally invite you to try out a call. You will not be disappointed! Click HERE for the link to my next call…