You’re Connected… but to what?

I enjoy running. ย Many of us do. Recently a friend told me she enjoys doing high fives with other runners she meets on the trail. This excited me because I totally get my connection with other people, and how it raises our vibrational energy to be friendly and offer some sort of a hello as we pass each other. So, I decided to give it a try. To my disappointment, I noticed people backing away. Then I realized the width of my trail is really wide, so I may have been threatening just a little. I chuckled within, and came to the conclusion that I would continue enjoying a friendly wave, and a cheerful hello.

Then, as I was going home, I stopped at the market and parked next to someone who was having car trouble. The tow truck was blocking my exit out of the parking spot. The tow truck attendant apologized and promised to move it right away. When I smiled and said no problem, it spurred a conversation with the stranded driver about how nice people are who live in my town.

Both of these experiences made for a lovely morning. However, had I reacted differently, I may not have enjoyed such good feelings. How often do we think only of ourselves and our agenda for the day or week, and forget to be kind, thoughtful or forgiving? I believe we do not truly understand our connection with those around us. I believe people come into our lives for reasons beyond our comprehension. I have enjoyed studying this and seeing the purpose of some of the connections. I have experienced connections when I was young that pass by the way side for many years only to come back to me in full force. It’s a witness to me that the connect has real purpose. Take some time today to find some joy as you analyze your connections with others. It’s very healing to find the blessing in each connection and express gratitude for it.

28 thoughts on “You’re Connected… but to what?

  1. Absolutely agree with “people come into our lives for a reason” i meet different people everyday that affect me. I actually like talking with different people that i just meet..

    • I have a friend who said he smiles and says hello to everyone because his sight is bad and he wouldn’t want someone he knows to think he’s stuck up! LOL!

  2. I read that if you smile at someone you can change their day. You are always so nice anyway Loretta, you make everyone else life bright. But… for the record… I hate running

    • Love you, Dani! I am more brighter and productive because of you ๐Ÿ™‚ Also love what you said for the record! Gave me a giggle!

  3. Beautiful post Loretta! Wise words. Nice job on attempting some high-fives! My goal is attempt it at least once every run. Even if it fails, you put out the good energy. Mega love <3

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