What is Energy Work?

What is Energy Work?

There is no space, only energy

It’s very important to understand that we are beings of energy with energy surrounding us. There is no space, only energy. At times one can actually feel the energy, and we know immediately what it is! Energy is intelligent! There is nothing hokey about it ~ it’s real.

Imagine cleaning up the energy in an estranged relationship…

Energy work cleans out the junk you’ve been holding onto for years, or even generations. It’s a simple, non-invasive treatment to restore your body’s ability to function at the high level it was intended to. Once you have cleared out the junk, your energy is much more appealing to others, and thereby begins to attract those people or the success that you desire most to be associated with. Bear in mind, after you have cleaned out your energy, your desires may change, too. For example… in my younger years, my desire was to have all my ducks in a row, house clean & orderly, children towing the mark… this was my passion and yes I was obsessed! After energy work, I still enjoy my ducks in a row, however, I’m not in a stressed out mode. It is OK with me if my children express themselves and follow their own paths – I am free of micromanaging their life. For a recovering perfectionist, that is a huge burden lifted! Life is now joyful, peaceful and flows wonderfully.

Would you like to be free of those thoughts in your head that always make you wonder if you are good enough? 

That’s the beauty of having a few sessions. Many issues are cleared simultaneously. Spoken and unspoken. One day you may notice that you no longer beat yourself up with negative self talk, or berate yourself for minor mistakes. Can you imagine how your life would change if you felt a new sense of confidence?

The SimplyHealed™ Method is lightning fast!

The method I use is known as SimplyHealed™. It is lightning fast and treats all energy systems simultaneously with grace and ease. I hope you will join me in this journey! I invite you today by subscribing to my site. I’m looking forward to sharing with you this wonderful gift!

and Loretta…

DSC_0004…has seen miraculous changes happen simply by applying the tools and skills acquired in the SimplyHealed™ Method. She teaches about creating what you desire in your life ~ and assists you in the process. Read what satisfied clients have said here.

58 thoughts on “What is Energy Work?

  1. I have tried to let go of so much of my perfectionist attitude when I had my daughter … there are still things about me much more deeply ingrained than I can let go of so easily. “…I am free of micromanaging their life. For a recovering perfectionist, that is a huge burden lifted! Life is now joyful, peaceful and flows wonderfully.” This quote spoke to me! Thank you

  2. Thanks Loretta for throwing a light on this topic of energies.I believe at most point of times we all carry negative vibrations(energy) with us but the fact to be kept in mind is that we need to overcome those negative vibrations and come ahead with positive and optimistic energies.

  3. Interesting look at energy!

    Perfect example relating it back to computer software ;]

    certainly helped me make sense of it!

  4. This is great! I love the way you presented it that not cleaning your energy is like a computer with outdated programs. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thank you

  5. Thanks Loretta, I was introduced to the concept that there was no space, only energy (or as Deepak calls it ‘consciousness’) and that everything is alive and ‘vibrating’ including our thoughts, and matter around us… Not sure if this is the same was what you’re referring to, but that’s where my understands or ideas on the subject come from.

    • I’ve not studied Deepak or his method, but I’m familiar with him, and that he does energy work. There are lots of methods. Thank you Nick!

  6. I spent YEARS on the “self help” path. I picked up many wonderful tools for living along the way, yet, no matter how much effort I put into my life, nothing seemed to be working out for me. After clearing energetic blocks using the Simply Healed method, all the wonderful tools in my tool belt are now of use to me. I no longer self sabotage my success and I am free to create the life God intended for me.

    • Interesting… I had not remembered learning anything about unity writers or the works of Napoleon Hill, so I googled it. I wonder if Mr. Hill wasn’t one of the first people recognized in our “modern” world to encourage positive thinking. What I’m attempting to enlighten people on is about an actual therapy that addresses the energy systems of the body. It’s much more than positive thinking, but positive thinking helps maintain a more positive flow of energy. Thank you for your comment!

  7. Hello ,thank you for the email. your webpage is great! Looks like things are moving along beautifully,keep up the good work you are inspiring me.

    Namaste Cheri

    • Thanks, Jen 🙂 I try 🙂 It is my mission to dispel the false ideas that abound that prevent people from taking advantage of this wonderful therapy!

  8. This is so awesome Loretta! It is important to clear out your energy time to time! I love the work you do!

  9. The incredible thing about energy is that it can’t be terminated so to speak. It must be transformed…I like the analogy to the computer! Thanks!

  10. Tonight is the first night of Passover. As with every holiday, it’s an opportunity to review and refresh. Finding the joy and healing you offer is one way for us to reflect and begin anew. As we celebrate this Holy Week, no matter how we celebrate it, may you find the peace you seek and happiness within.

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