Create your Victory!

A plea for your consideration…

I have a friend, Sherry Hunter, who has organized an event on FaceBook for the Utah County NAMI in behalf of Friends of Mitchel Fundraiser. Her son, Mitchel, a 27 year old Army Veteran is institutionalized with schizophrenia.  It would be wonderful if you are able and willing to donate something. At the very least, stop by and check out the pictures and accept the invitation to take part. My friend is attempting to do something very positive in the wake of a trial in her life. I commend her for that!
CLICK HERE for the event page.

Friends of Mitchel Fundraiser On Saturday, July 27th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm ~ Utah County NAMI will be holding the annual “Friends of Mitchel” fundraiser. This fundraiser is for the NAMI Utah Walk. A huge selection of household items, clothing, furniture, books, designer handbags, collector items, and SO much more!! There will also be SILENT AUCTION ITEMS (gift certificates, custom made jewelry, special event tickets, etc) drinks, food, etc. Address: 397 North 2420 West Provo, UT 84601


We have the ability to create our lives…

You’re familiar with the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aid!” While it’s true that the trials we face in life polish and strengthen us, and are beneficial for our growth, it’s also true that we can choose how we will endure those trials. Some people latch onto the trial and become entrenched in it their entire life. Others overcome the trial or the trial becomes so minor that it is no longer a burden to them. The latter is where true growth occurs.

So how do they do that?

We must not allow ourselves to be victims of life but rather be victors of life. There is so much more growth achieved in victory! One way to become victorious is by creating that victory. My friend Sherry is creating her victory. How would you do that? My favorite way is by writing down your victory. Create every detail in script. Some people call this their goals or list of intentions. I like to call it my manifestation list. When you write this list, it’s done a little differently in that you write it as if it has already happened, and you fill each point with emotion. In her book, “The Jackrabbit Factor, Portal to Genius”, Leslie Householder teaches this concept. I highly recommend reading her book. It is found in my recommendations on the right. As a SimplyHealed Practitioner®, we take this exercise one step further by clearing all the blocks you may have and then we plug it directly into your energy field. This takes the creation aspect up to a whole new level.

Ahhhh Sweet Success!DSC_0004

Not only have I enjoyed seeing success with my clients, but I also have personally experienced success in my own life by utilizing this avenue of creating through manifestation lists. I invite you to give it a try! Subscribe at the top right of this page today, and not only will you receive my free report on Energy Healing and You, but you will also receive a 50% coupon to use towards your next session! Is it time to create something new in your life?


Generational Healing – the fun part about Energy healing

Generational Healing? What’s that?

Many people even those who are familiar with energy healing are not familiar with Generational Healing. This is one of the wonderful aspects of having a SimplyHealed™ Energy Healing session.

Energy work is a simple approach to changing your thought patterns. You can change your DNA through your thoughts. As you change your thoughts, you change your attitude from negative to positive and the world opens up for you.

A brief explanation…

Upon viewing a newborn infant we admire all the physical traits inherited from mother or father; what we can not see are the emotions, experiences and wisdom inherited from many generations of mothers and fathers. Referring to our DNA, experiences of our ancestors are not lost but rather are imprinted upon the cells in our bodies. This is known as cellular memory. Emotions and experiences of our ancestors can affect our lives and our family’s lives. Re-balancing our energy releases the negative emotions and experiences inherited from our ancestors.

An explanation by Carolyn Cooper, Founder of the SimplyHealed Method®

Hope you enjoyed listening…



For more information, please explore this site, or contact me with any questions! I would love to talk with you! I love seeing the change in people after embracing energy healing!

Our Big Splurge! Yonanas!

Do you love ice-cream?

…but have sworn off all those chemicals, processed sugars, fat and dairy? That was the position we were in. My husband has LOVED ice-cream all his life, but made a serious, life changing adjustment to his diet. He feels great now and had enjoyed his body healing and improving, however, he missed ice-cream.


We were at Bed, Bath and Beyond over the weekend and decided to buy a Yonanas frozen fruit soft serve machine because of a video that was similar to this one being shown in the store:

If you can’t see the video, click here for the link

Disclaimer… though I recommend the ice cream portion of the video, I do not recommend the waffles or any other extra ingredient suggested in the video. I’m a purist! Just the fruit please!

It was devoured before we even thought of the camera!

I have to apologize that we didn’t take our own pictures… we just didn’t believe it could be THIS GOOD!!!

There was one drawback…

Seriously, the hardest part about this was waiting the suggested 10 minutes for the frozen fruit to arrive at the perfect temperature to feed through the chute. Once we turned on the machine, in about 40 seconds, we had the most creamy, delicious and satisfying ice-cream! And the only ingredients were 3 frozen bananas and about 8 frozen strawberries! That was enough to delight both me and my husband and our twin grandsons – one of which has a hollow leg!

So many choices!

We can’t wait to try mixing peaches & bananas and even some cantaloupe! I even read where someone mixed kiwi with avocados! I would adore that!!! Maybe I better try planting another avocado tree – or maybe not… I’ll save that explanation for another blog post!

For your convenience…

I’ve included a link in My Recommendations to the right where you can purchase it from Amazon. It’s on a slide show, but you can advance the show by running your mouse over the pictures and clicking the little arrows.


I am just SO GRATEFUL for this wonderful little machine because now we can eat healthy and no longer be tempted to eat unhealthy foods for desserts. It seriously doesn’t get any better than this… OH WAIT… I forgot acai berry frozen concentrate! There’s just so much you can do with this little wonder machine.

Join me

DSC_0004I hope you will join me in changing your diet from eating refined sugars and processed food. There’s really no reason to eat in that manner! Your healthy body is waiting for your permission to blossom! After all, we do not know how long we will live on this earth, so we may as well do all we can to ensure we have a good quality of life until our graduating departure. The best way to do accomplish that is to eat a whole foods diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Natural deodorant that WORKS!

I’ve been moving more and more toward natural solutions to everyday procedures… So, let’s address a stinky subject… you know that offensive smell of body odor!

I would not have tried this if…

I wouldn’t have tried this if I didn’t have little 8 year old twin grandsons who are beginning to need this. I seriously couldn’t use enough soap and water to wash away their smell! LOL! And I wasn’t about to apply the chemically laden store alternatives to their young, still delicate skin… so I did some research.

Everywhere I looked, people raved about…

This recipe…

My creation! Best deodorant ever!

My creation! Best deodorant ever!

I used Lime essential oil which makes the recipe actually smell similar to a cake mix, though it’s not as fragrant as the perfumed deodorants from the store. I’ve read where people use other citrus essential oils or lavender.  Choose your favorite oil. I think I will try cinnamon next or a combination of other earthy fragrances – YUM! Simply combine the dry ingredients and add in the oils. Stir it well with a fork. Then after a shower, using your clean finger, pick up a small amount and rub it on. Too easy!

Sweet Success!!!

My little grandsons no longer smell like sweaty men who have been working in the yard on a hot summer’s day! YEAH! And even better, my husband loves it! No more chemicals on our delicate armpits! This is so much more of a blessing than no longer placing those chemical laden store products on our skin, because now we no longer have to worry about those unsightly yellow deodorant stains on white undershirts and white dress shirts! YEAH!!! And for just a few cents on the dollar, too!

Some Variations…

Some sites said to only use 2 Tablespoons coconut oil. I will be trying this next. Others suggest you put it in an old stick deodorant container, however, coconut oil liquefies when the weather warms up, so I preferred to put it in this lovely covered sugar bowl. It’s lovely on my counter.

I don’t know where the recipe originated or who was the first to post it… but thank you, thank you!

Contact me for more information!

I would be happy to share with you the essential oils I prefer to use!

Here’s Loretta...

It’s so exciting for me to experience real change in the lives of my clients and family. That change has come DSC_0004from the use of SimplyHealed™ energy healing techniques, eating a more whole food diet – eliminating processed foods and sugar, and getting regular exercise. The use of essential oils has been a wonderful addition to our well being.

Become Invincible!

Do you have a stressful situation coming up? We all have those from time to time… It could be a presentation at work, or an interview to actually get a job, or maybe even a doctor visit that you are feeling uneasy about. Anytime there is a time you need to step it up or you feel like you need to convince someone that you are worth every bit of amazing that you are…

Be Amazing! Become Invincible!

Retrain cellular memoryHow do we do that? In energy work, we clear out the negative energy and replace it with positive energy… we literally change your cellular memory to invoke a change in your life.

Not as complicated as you may think…

With each session, you release both negative energy that crosses your mind, and negative energy or emotions that are ready to be released subconsciously. This makes releasing the junk easy!

I love this motivational video clip…

Having this mindset can literally shift your energy. I’m often asked, “How can I keep this great feeling after a session?” Here’s a suggestion… Try Power Poses! Click on the link for a brief video clip explaining Power Poses…

Game Changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser

 Energy Healing is something we do as often as a hair cut

I’ve made it easy and affordable to maintain your energy system! The Monthly Group Energy Call is a great way to remain tuned up! If you utilize this tool, you may only require a private session every 6 months. Of course everyone is different, and you know what your needs are. If any thing I’ve said here sparks your interest, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to explore my site. Then, allow me the opportunity to assist you in changing some aspect of your life. Wouldn’t it be pleasant to no longer feel stress in your relationships? Or wouldn’t you like to know how it feels to attract good abundance?

Did you know this about Loretta?

lorettaIn High School, Loretta attended Beauty College. Then in her 20’s she owned and operated a small business. She has also worked in a chiropractic office, sold insurance, and did her time in the corporate world – a regular 9-5 job. However, she prefers to work from home… In her spare time when she’s not coaching energy with clients, taking care of her family.