First Day of School… Good Bye Summer!

OK, so I’m a grandmother now, and not the mother of the “littles” living in my home… but this year seemed to bring some anxiety in me for the first day of school.Boys 1st day 3rd grade As an energy practitioner, I paid close attention to these feelings and focused on clearing what was coming up. For some reason I felt like I was clinging onto Summer – an emotion I have not had in a very long time… I LOVE Fall!!! It’s seriously my favorite time of year, so I hope I’ve cleared all that was coming up to clear. All I can say is when I have a lot of emotions surface to clear, I feel it’s an indication that there are really good things coming!

This picture is descriptive of how difficult it is for Gavin to take pictures in the bright sun… however, it should be noted that these boys were VERY excited to begin the new school year! Gavin set out his wardrobe for the entire week yesterday – SO CUTE!


Some Summer Memories…

memories of swimming


I’m so grateful that a dear friend shared her pool with us! It was absolutely wonderful to get to swim when ever we wanted to! memories 2




It was fun to see what good swimmers these boys are. I also got to witness again how supportive they are of one another. Alex said to me, “Grandma, you are the best grandma!” Priceless




hike with mom

Plus, this year has been a HIKING Summer! What fun we had hiking!!! My daughter is actually traveling to hike Mt. Whitney as I write this post. We actually just tagged along during her training, but it was a blast. The boys also got to hike Baldy and sleep under the stars with their mom and friends.



hike viewing ocean



These pictures were taken on a hike at El Moro Canyon in Laguna Beach where there are steep hills to climb and views of the ocean! There’s just something wonderful about being outside in nature. It makes my heart sing to see my grandsons enjoying nature as much as I do.


Moving Forward



The ride does not end here. Though Summer is but a memory, we continue to move forward. When those emotions that get stuck are ready to release, we are grateful for the simple process of the SimplyHealed Method® and for the amazing things that can be accomplished utilizing this lightning fast method. Happy Fall my friends!


A Leisurely Summer Hike

Is there really such thing as a leisurely hike?

So I just want you to know that I’m laughing as I’m creating this blog post!!! You see, there are just so many things to laugh about…

Here is a picture of me a year ago at El Moro Canyon State Park in Laguna Beach, CA. Notice the hat falling into my eyes… now that’s laughable!

El Moro 2012

El Moro 2012

In this picture, it was a pleasant temperature for a hike… we spent about an hour hiking. It was a lovely time. But today is AUGUST! It’s much warmer than in the Spring. We anticipated it being warm, so we were hiking by 8:30 AM. It was wonderful to be there with friends and family, enjoying the occasional cool canyon breeze and the sounds of nature.

What I learned from this hike…

OK, so it needs to be mentioned that at times, living with an athletic powerhouse of a daughter can have its advantages. One, I have a personal trainer in my home – way cool. However, the downside is I see her more than I see myself in the mirror, so I often forget my age and abilities. This is especially challenging when shopping for clothes, but that’s another blog post! So, I’ve learned…

  1. I really am 57 years old not 27, definitely not my daughter’s age, and must remember to condition for a 2 hour hike in the heat.
  2. Children are responsible for carrying their own water, and desired backpacks, sticks or other paraphernalia. What this means is Grandma is not your pack mule for your water, sticks and beloved rocks you want to bring back home. And don’t try to sneak your rocks into the backpack Grandma didn’t bring but is now wearing. Oh, and your water… when you get to the end of the trail and realize Grandma has your water (mainly because you didn’t want to carry it) and is still 500 feet behind you, please be patient when she arrives and needs water herself before she takes off your pack.
  3. Though I consider myself to be physically fit because I enjoy running for 30 minutes a few times each week, that doesn’t mean I’m in shape to run up and down hills or pull little kids up hills when they refuse to go any further.
  4. Gratitude statements and power poses really WORK to get you up the next hill!
  5. I am still capable of pushing myself in difficult situations, and still able to use wisdom to act when I see a short cut to the finish!

I’m sure there is so much more that I learned, but I’m exhausted and ready for a nap! I would just like to thank Marisa Liu for being a supportive hiking buddy. I couldn’t have made it without you!!!

About Loretta

DSC_0004As a grandmother of 6 fabulous grandsons, I like to keep myself in good physical condition to be able to enjoy being active with them when ever the occasion arises. I believe in eating well and exercising often to insure a better quality of life as I age. I am grateful for the support of my wonderful husband in all my endeavors.


An Energetic Approach to an Injury


What weird looking feet!

What weird looking feet!

Last week, while running, I lost my footing somehow and fell. I felt pain in my left foot, so immediately, as an energy coach, I asked myself what was I not wanting to move forward in? I got up, brushed myself off, energetically worked on my foot and finished my run. I got home, got things in order, and went to my chiropractor to ensure I aligned everything correctly. Utilizing energy work, chiropractic work, essential oils and some ice packs, I’ve succeeded in minimizing swelling, pain and bruising, but it’s still not 100% yet, so I’ve opted to slow down and take things a little easy. But as you can see from the picture, no swelling and no bruising – yeah!

Time to Change Direction?

Typically in the energy profession, when an injury occurs to a leg or foot, it is related with moving forward in something. However, this time it seems it’s not that at all, but maybe I’ve been moving in the wrong direction… So I pulled out a handy reference guide “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” and my thoughts were confirmed. its more related to the direction I was going in… not necessarily the wrong direction,
but maybe I just needed some time – some quiet time to reflect, think and refine my direction.

Taking Action!

My first line of action… clearing some generational attachment, and a timeline, (which by the way, explains why I fell down the staircase at my great aunt’s funeral over 40 years ago, and sprained my ankle – but that’s another story) along with a few other items that became apparent that I needed to clear.

Receiving Strength from a Friend…

Next, I spent some quality reading time. I have a friend in the same field as me. I met her in the Ultimate Blog Challenge… I love how she approaches this topic. How Long Do You Want To Feel Bad, written by Kathy Hadley talks about how you have a choice – a choice of how to think and act. I truly believe had I allowed negative emotions to fill my thoughts and being, I would most likely have at least a boot on my foot, or even a cast. And if I would have originally cleared the things I cleared AFTER the fall, I wouldn’t need to be taking it easy right now. (I was warned, but alas, I didn’t listen.) However, I have really enjoyed the pampering!

It’s been my experience…

When I work with clients, if they try to emotionally hold onto the negative experiences that they have cleared, I remind them that they have released whatever it was holding them in that “negative flight pattern” and take that opportunity to search for deeper blocks. Sometimes, since SimplyHealed™ is so fast and subtle, I just need to point out that the client has in fact cleared what needed to be cleared. This is where coaching is so beneficial. Coaching assists the client in realizing they are now attracting healthy, positive experiences. It allows them to give themselves the permission to embrace new experiences.

Visit with Loretta…

Loretta Smith

Loretta Smith

I love sharing the benefits of healing energy! Whether it’s relationships with family members or co-workers, money issues or health and wellness, everyone benefits from tuning up their energy systems! If you haven’t already, I invite you to explore this site. I’ve kept it easy and simple for your convenience. The SimplyHealed Method® is fast and complete. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you!

Enjoying the Beauty of Summer

 What a wonderful Summer we are having!

I love the Summer rain and thunder storms, and the beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures! I love the beautiful sunsets and spending time with family and friends! I wanted you to know that we are enjoying Summer, AND…beauty of summer

Taking a hiatus from the Monthly Group Call!

But never fear!!! We will resume in September!!! I have loved being a part of your life each month, and enjoying your progress and seeing your success! And thinking about the September call, I thought it would be fun if YOU chose the topic! Create one or contribute to the creation by commenting below on what would be wonderful to create in your life!

There are many topics to choose from…

  • Opening up your creativity!
  • Enhancing and healing family relationships
  • Replacing Stress with Joy!
  • Becoming your best friend
  • Your topic!

I have topics to choose from, but would really like your input. These calls are for you! There are many areas we can focus on and much progress that can be made! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your creative genius!!!


Just a thoughtDSC_0004

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to go to work every day and feel happy and productive? Think of how wonderful it would feel to be able to say “I am truly blessed” and believe it! This is all possible! When things don’t feel quite right, there are some negative emotions trapped in your energy field. Those emotions are easily released! The Monthly Group Call is a great way to maintain a strong, positive energy system!


New, Refreshing Restaurant Concept!

OK, so my husband is a “Foodie”. He loves finding new places, reading about them and sharing them. His newest find is this little place in SoCo in Costa Mesa. Honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised!



As you are probably aware, I prefer filling my body with living foods… but it’s pretty hard to find a good variety of those types of restaurants, and satisfy the many appetites in a family. So I’ve totally enjoyed finding places that offer compromise. I can order what I want, and whom ever I’m with can order what they want. This is the perfect place for that. Yes, they have meat, and cheese… but they also offer THIS!



Can I just say I’m in HEAVEN!!! This is seriously the best Build Your Own Salad I’ve seen offered! Yes, of course they offer many more things than salads, but salads interest me more than anything else. I chose in category 1 a combination of mixed baby greens, kale and baby arugula. Then added in category 2, avocado, humus, artichoke hearts and toasted coconut. I skipped category 3, though they offer a vegan patty, grilled portabello mushrooms and marinated tofu. Then in category 4 I chose Nonna’s Basil Pesto.

Pictures of the actual salad didn’t happen… sorry… but let me just tell you it was WONDERFUL and HUGE! If my husband and I wanted to order soup, we could have seriously split the salad. But today my husband opted to order one of the other salad options that had grilled eggplant, carrots, sun-dried tomatoes and corn. It was delicious and huge as well.

I know this is a restaurant with a few locations. Here’s the website link for your convenience

DSC_0004About Loretta…

I am the wife of a Foodie who is a gifted photographer, Grandmother of 6 wonderful grandsons, Mother of a doctor and a personal trainer and a Certified SimplyHealed Practitioner® with a passion for living life to the fullest. My gratitude is full! If you would like to see some of my favorite recipes, CLICK HERE!