Creativity, a Gift of Joy!

What are you Creating today?

beach art


Over the holidays, I enjoyed walking on the pier in Huntington Beach. We have seen these creations in the past, and they have always amazed me! Someone has been making these life sized mazes and encouraged people to walk them through to the finish. I have even participated walking through them.


beach art4


They are beautifully created with precision. I’ve often wondered how they have done this! They show up at low tide so the shore is packed sand, providing the perfect landscape to create a huge piece of work. I wish I could go at a time when the artist is present so I may tell him/her just how wonderful this truly is!



beach art2


You can see by some of these pictures just how large these are. I was standing on the pier in order to get a good view to share with you.

So Again I Ask…

What are you creating today? Every day can be a work of art! I have a wonderful tool to assist me in creating my days, weeks, months and even years. I want to share this tool with you so you can create your life with the precision that these beautiful beach mazes have been created. Yes, it is possible to create your life with precision. I believe we are meant to create our life. Some people refer to this tool as Vision Statements, Mission Statements, or even Goals… I like to refer to it as a Manifestation List. Mainly because I expect it to manifest in my life. Manifestation lists are normally written in present or past tense. This adds to the flow of the creation aspect. After your list is written, it’s important to make sure all energetic blocks are cleared and that you are connected to your manifestation. This is easily accomplished utilizing the SimplyHealed Method® of Energy Healing.

I Encourage You…



Take a moment to think about this. Put some thoughts down, and then let’s talk. You’ll be pleasantly amazed as I was with my first manifestation list.  After all, life doesn’t just happen and then we pass away. Life is meant to be full of choices and rich with good thoughts.

A Testimonial…

“I finally am free of pain. I feel safe and excited to embrace life! Thank you so much!” Receiving testimonials is a common correspondence that I never tire of receiving! I love helping others, and am looking forward to helping you in what ever it is you would like to accomplish!

beach art3What will you Create today?

The Energetic Grids and Meridians

The Energetic Grids of the Body

steel-BeamsJust as the steel grids of a building provide structure for a multi-story building, our energetic Grids provide structure and a sure foundation for the energetic body. This energy system is very sturdy however shock or trauma can damage or deform it. When this happens, the other energetic systems adjust to compromise around the damage, much the way a tree will heal around damage. When you cut a tree down, in the rings of the trunk, you can detect where the damage occurred. The tree simply grew around the damage. Speaking of the body, though the other energy symptoms attempt to make up for the damage in the grids, there will always be a weakness there and will be evident in that part of the body that is affected.

A situation that may explain this better may be when there has been an accident or some other trauma that has produced severe emotions or even bodily injury – like a car accident, or maybe a surgery. On the outside it may appear healed, but the energetic grids may not be healed properly but rather aided by the other energy systems until the weakness is made apparent by illness or a difficult life flow.

Ahhh the Meridians!

Everyone’s familiar with Acupuncture, but most people don’t understand that Acupuncture treats the energetic Meridians of the body. This ancient practice of treating patients has continued in success over the centuries. As a child I recall hearing people exclaim how they were only able to be relieved of their headaches because of the Acupuncture treatments they had received. They spoke of this “strange approach” Chinese_meridiansas their last ditch effort for relief when maybe they should have tried this approach first! The Meridians carry energy through the body in a similar way that blood is pumped through veins of the body. This vital flow of energy reflects any imbalance in the organs and every system of the body. If there is a crimp in a Meridian, the system it feeds will be affected.

There is much to be said and discovered about the Meridians. This chart of the Meridians in ancient Chinese medicine will spark the curiosity of anyone!

Did you know that working with the Meridians in an Energy Healing session may adjust metabolism or even improve digestion?

Simply and Easily…

Both of these energy systems sound complex, insinuating a complicated therapy in order to achieve repair… When in reality these systems are easily repaired in a session with a trained practitioner. It’s amazing to behold the intelligence of energy and how fast it works!

An Invitation


The more I learn, the more I understand that we are meant to take excellent care of our fabulous bodies. We are given amazing tools of knowledge and wisdom to complete this task. I invite you to take a moment to explore this site. If it’s something that resonates with you, subscribe in the upper right side of this page. You will receive a free report and a gift from me. I’m looking forward to assisting you in your path to better health and wellness.



Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!

A Very Special Day!

Today my husband and I celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary! So I posted on Facebook today:  “Happy anniversary, Sweetheart. You are my very best friend. You give me strength and light. Thank you for your love, devotion, and support in all the things I choose to do. I love you with all my heart!” But that doesn’t really say much in my opinion. So I thought I would share today all the ways my dear husband enriches my life…

Hobbies, hobbies, HOBBIES!

Geoff Smith Photography, all rights reserved

Geoff Smith Photography, all rights reserved


I used to dread it when he would find he was interested in another hobby. But later I came to realize that his “hobbies” were how he was creating his life. For example, Photography. He has moved in and out of this hobby many times… I think I love this hobby more than any of the other hobbies! We have wonderful pictures of our family and I love using his creative eye in marketing materials! Recently he has taken some classes from experts that have sharpened his skill and have fascinated even me, a non-photographer!

Geoff photographer


There was a time when he put photography on hold because he felt when ever we went on vacation, he saw the entire vacation through the lens of a camera instead of in person! Truth be told, I could sympathize with him on that, but he has taken so many wonderful pictures that we cherish that I am grateful that he did view so many vacations through the lens of a camera!




Dancing at Nixon Library

Photography by Leonard Ortiz, OC Register


Other of his hobbies have included Kung Fu San Soo, remote controlled airplanes, duel line kites, Lindyhop swing dancing, guitar,ukulele and more. I’m grateful I finally realized that his hobbies have blessed my life!






Our life has been blessed with the association of Grand Master Ted Sias, who is currently teaching Kung Fu San Soo to the 3rd generation in our family! We have enjoyed cultivating so many friendships through dancing and ukulele, too.




north shore beach


Our life together has truly been a rich experience because of Geoff’s desire to do so many things! I’m pretty content with moving on day to day. But had it not been for Geoff’s desires, I would have never seen, done and enjoyed so much! Thank you dear Sweetheart for many wonderful memories!


Deep Gratitude…




But most of all my life has been blessed with this kind, gentle man who loves me unconditionally and is a constant inspiration to me to be a better person. I love you, Sweetheart!

You Have A Choice!

Choose what you want to happen in your life…

I’m sure you’ve heard may people say this… including me. In my practice I have been blessed to witness many of my clients’ successes in creating lives different from the path they had been on prior to energy sessions.

Make a conscious choice

In a session, we use many techniques to assist you in creating the life path you desire. One of those tools is creating a manifestation list. Here’s a prior post regarding this Create Your Life Utilizing Manifestation Lists! The important part is that you begin! Begin today! I know I’ve mentioned this before. It’s just so important. Life is much more rewarding when you participate in a direct way.

An example of one person’s pursuit…


As you view this beautiful music video, think of all the components. There are many people involved with the production of this video who are living their dream. All of them together created something truly lovely and touching. Normally I wouldn’t have gotten to view this beautiful music video, however, their is a certain person in this video that I care very deeply for. She has been pursuing her dreams for a long time and has succeeded because she is driven to succeed. This has been her choice. Did you see the aerial acrobat in the video? There are very brief clips of her beautifully graceful movements as she is suspended in the air, intertwined in fabric or tissu as it is referred to. She has spent years honing her ability to gracefully move through the air wrapped in tissu, and utilizing muscle groups toned to perfection. That acrobat is my daughter. Not only has she worked to be able to perform, but she has worked to create a business where she also teaches and is paid for professional performances.

What is your dream?

What is it that is keeping you from obtaining your dream? Are you truly living your dream? Does it look the way you had hoped with all the components in place? If so, congratulations! If not, treat yourself to some energy work. It’s truly amazing how fears can melt away, clarity and focus can be achieved and a new life path may be obtained! Don’t allow any more time to pass by without you doing something to move toward an existence that is waiting for your permission to become a reality!

Allow me to share…

DSC_0004I was conducting a private group call recently where I had opened up the lines in the event someone had anything they wanted me to check on. One lady came forward not to ask for me to check on something, but to reassure the others on the call that this therapy works in miraculous ways! It brought a tear to my eye and my heart filled with gratitude that she had received the shift we worked for.

Time for a BELLY LAUGH!

I LOVE laughing!

Laughter makes you feel joyous. That good feeling you get when you laugh remains with you even after the laughter subsides. Humor helps us keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss. It literally raises ones energetic vibration, so not only do we feel better, it radiates to everyone else around us.

Laughter is contagious…

Like the innocent laughter of a precious little baby…

I love laughing! I needed this laugh, did you?

Laughing is Healing!

Some people are able to release negative energy when laughing. I know it works for me. Though sometimes people struggle just to laugh at all. When I was younger, I learned how important it was to laugh. I began looking for reasons to laugh. I would watch funny shows and laugh. But to be honest, I had to give myself permission to laugh. Somehow that made it OK or safe to laugh. Once I did that, laughing became easier. The more I laughed the easier it was, and the happier I was! I’ve read and heard it said that if you have  a serious illness that you should find things to laugh at – watch TV shows that would make you laugh. After all, it’s been said that laughter is the best medicine!

Laughter is a great Stress Relief!

Sometimes we may find ourselves so focused on the day to day grind that we forget to laugh. Should you realize that, please take a moment and find something to laugh about. Hopefully you can find an avenue to laugh quickly. We used to have a radio station here that had 5:00 Funnies. Every day they would play a portion of a stand up routine from different comedians. Some were really funny and I was grateful I was car pooling and not the one driving!

Loretta Smith

Loretta Smith

I love to laugh!

Comment below with something funny… keep it clean and tasteful! Let’s laugh together!!!