What is your ‘Safety Net’?

A friend emailed me this video clip today. I’m sure it’s going viral by now… It’s a beautiful depiction of the importance of wearing your seat belts.

Are you a ‘risk taker’?

As I was driving today, an opinion was expressed on the radio about a 100 year old man celebrating his 100th birthday by skydiving. The opinion was that just because the man reached 100 years old that it shouldn’t be the cause of him risking his life, after all, you wouldn’t roll your walker in front of a train and then when the train derailed to miss hitting you, you wouldn’t say, “Look at the great thing I did in defying death!” The opinion was that one should never risk their life doing something that had no meaning. But the Wright Brothers risked their lives… and in so doing their inspiration evolved into my ability to fly to where ever I will rather than driving or traveling by boat.


But isn’t it risking your life to get out of bed each morning? You or I do not know what the future holds, or when our turn on this earth is over. Granted we want to live our very best lives possible, so many of us are not risk takers. But what constitutes a risk? What constitutes a risk for you? For me, eating sugar and refined foods constitutes a risk in the healthy function of my body. It is also a risk for me to go running in grass because there could be a hole or uneven surface that is hidden by the grass. Most of all, it is a risk not utilizing the energy healing training I have. I learned that lesson last year when I ignored symptoms of a urinary track infection. Oops!

What ticking time bomb?

Ticking time bomb? Who said that? Well, if we understand that negative emotions left unreleased eventually creates stress upon our bodies and that stress leads to serious illness, then WE are ticking time bombs! I should have kept a record of all the times I have released and cleared negative emotions in myself that had manifested in illness such as cold, flu, ear infection, injury, headache, etc, so I could prove to you that in fact, when you release and clear negative emotions using the SimplyHealed® protocol, you are actually clearing possibilities of more serious illnesses down the road. And when you clear the blocks preventing good financial abundance, you are preventing difficult financial challenges later in life when you’re retired and aging. Have you ever thought that no matter how hard you try, you can never get ahead in your finances? That thought alone is an indication there is something that needs to be cleared, and very possibly the emotions that produced that thought was inherited when you were born. How long are you willing to take that risk of not releasing those negative emotions?

I didn’t mean to alarm you!

DSC_0004My intention is only to educate. There is nothing to fear or worry about. Negative emotions are easily cleared from the energy systems of the body utilizing techniques that have been tried and tested for decades both in practice and in scientific testing. Providing these techniques as a ‘safety net’ for you is both a joy and a pleasure! I invite you to join me in a journey of good health and prosperity today!

6 thoughts on “What is your ‘Safety Net’?

  1. Hello Loretta. Saw your post on UBC page and read this post. This morning I got up and felt really negative. We lost our two elderly dogs in August and there’s been family illness too. Some work issues also got me down. I bent down to pick up our 12-week-old puppy, who looked at me so lovingly. It just made me feel that none of the other problems mattered. He looks to us for protection and love, and it gives us joy to provide these for him. Our walks today were fantastic. Our spirits soared. Regards. Robert

    • Thank you Robert for this thoughtful comment. Our pets are gifts! My daughter acts like she’s speaking for her doggie and says, “Just love on me and everything will be ok.” Bless you Robert 🙂

  2. The need to get rid of negative thought is soooo important. I have a friend that when we had lunch together and everything that came out of her mouth was negative I told her to shut up.
    I asked her if there was 1 positive thing that happened to her that day. She couldn’t think of one. I asked her if waking up was a blessing? If breathing was a blessing? If having lunch with me was a blessing?
    That got her thinking. Her goal is to be aware of 5 positive things that happen in her life every day.
    The change has been amazing!
    Thank you for your post and beautiful reminder that we need to let go of the negative.

    • Funny you should ask Maryann! YES, THIS MONTH!!! I believe you have liked my facebook fan page… I advertise it there. I would love to have you on the call this month!!!

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