Were you a fool for April’s Fools Day?

dolphin2April Fools day is a blessed day where those with a great sense of humor create wonderful situations of fun and good mirth! My husband posted on Facebook, our impending move to Hawaii as a April Fool’s gag. We enjoyed all the comments posted in reply. What fun to be silly! Laughter is such a blessing. Laughter lifts spirits, changes moods, alleviates stress, dulls pain and promotes healing. Finding humor in situations is a gift or even a talent. You know how you feel after a good work out… Laughter and exercise are very similar.

In preparing this post, I checked a few things on-line and found articles from medical journals that concurred that in studies laughter is beneficial in all areas. Here is a great article on the healthful effects of Laughter:


May you enjoy much laughter each and every day!



24 thoughts on “Were you a fool for April’s Fools Day?

  1. Laughter is a wonderful and add years to your life. I’ve found that those who have the ability to laugh the most are actually people who have been through the most.

    • I have actually known people who have been good natured all their lives. We all must go through things. Our attitude of how we choose to face those challenges is the key. When we carry negative energy in our energy field, it affects our ability to face challenges positively. Outwardly it appears that we have more challenges when in reality we are only magnifying the challenges we all face.

  2. So often it seems April Fool’s jokes seem cruel to me. One of my children was born on April 1st – so we have a whole different set of traditions for today. <3

    • It is unfortunate that some people think that the only way to joke around is at another’s expense. That type of joke is cruel, and not appropriate. I’m grateful to have had examples of silliness that doesn’t hurt feelings or embarrass others to bring laughter.

  3. I loooooove laughter! April fool’s day is so much fun… it makes me miss when I used to work in the corporate world… I used to do the most intricate pranks on the whole office… now working from home it’s just me and my son, but they’re privvy to my pranks because I do them so often, haha 🙂

    • You helped me remember a prank that I love!!! gluing a quarter to the floor in the office and watching everyone try to pick it up, but then laugh at themselves when they realize what just happened!

  4. I love April 1st. There should be at least one day a month like that.
    For all laughter lovers I recommend laugher yoga. You will love it.

  5. A florist somewhere asked “what day is it that we can tell a person that we simply can’t help them?” and I said it’s April Fool’s Day! I hope everyone is having a great day!

  6. I love playing harmless jokes on my girls…like putting a whole lime in their lunch for school! Laughter is good medicine, and helps with everyday stress! Thank you for this post!

  7. Laughter does often change your mood for the better. You can’t help but feel happy when laughing. No April Fool’s jokes from me today.

    • Yeah, I haven’t thought of a good one today… It would need to be a harmless prank. Have you seen the one where someone fills donuts with mayo? Yah, that’s borderline…

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