Building Back Good Health!

Everyone’s talking about getting healthy!

sweet success

Everywhere you look there are advertisements for remedies for whatever ails you! Good health is quite the market! As an energy practitioner, I lean more towards natural methods. I understand the vibration that everything on this earth has. We want to maintain a high vibration for optimal health. A few comparisons…

Fast food = low vibration; Raw organic vegetables and fruits = a much higher vibration so they would be a better choice rather than fast food. Over the counter cold medications = a low vibration because there is nothing really ‘living’ in the product – most is synthetically processed in a lab. Essential oils = a much higher vibration because they are extracted from a living plant, and either cold processed or steam processed without chemicals. Exercise = a very high vibration as opposed to playing video games or watching TV.

There are natural choices to improve health

what are essential oilsI have been using essential oils for nearly 3 years now. I rarely feel under the weather. I rarely get sick. I can’t recall the last time I was sick! I thought it was only because as an energy practitioner I can plug the high vibration of anything into my energy system to prevent illness. However, recently I was speaking to some friends who also had been using essential oils for a few years. They reported the same findings. They could not recall the last time they were ill with a cold or flu. I take vitamin supplements that contain essential oils to support a good foundation of health, and I use the essential oils for support when needed. I also eliminate chemical fragrances and products where ever possible in my home environment. All of these measures contribute to an excellent quality of life.

I highly recommend these practices to you


Not because someone else told me about these practices and I’m passing them on to you, but because I have personal and family experience. I would be happy to talk to you if you are interested in improving your health utilizing energy work or  Essential Oils. Please contact me and allow me the opportunity to teach you how to best obtain these products.


2 thoughts on “Building Back Good Health!

  1. I completely agree with you. I love my essential oils. I am no longer using over the counter medicine that puts a toxic load on my body. Essential oils help our bodies be in balance so it can heal itself.

    • Thank you Dani! I’m finding that the more I use these oils, the stronger my immune system is! I can tell who uses them and who doesn’t by how quickly they become sick!

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