Monday, Monday…

Love that song!

So why do you think Mondays seem drab – to put it mildly? What happened to the excitement of say Friday? Would it seem that the only days of the week to be excited for are the days of the weekend when you are not working, but rather playing?

Is our response to Monday conditioned?

This topic has been needling me for awhile. When I was a child, I had a childhood friend who when Sunday afternoon was approaching evening, she would say the same thing, “I was having fun until I remembered tomorrow’s …SCHOOOOOL…” So many of us have this same emotion carried over into our adult lives when as Sunday draws to a close, the freedom of the weekend turns into the drag of the ensuing week, and Monday doldrums. This does not need to be so!

A new opportunity for learning and growth!

Monday can be just as exciting as Friday by changing our thought patterns and clearing out negative energy. Think of Monday as being a new week with new and exciting experiences in store! Welcome the new week like the visit of an old and dear friend! Express gratitude for what you have to look

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forward to. Embrace each and every day as another day to increase in knowledge and ability, to bask in gratitude. You may not agree with me – maybe because there’s a block existing somewhere that you need to clear. I can help with that!

Start with restoring your energy systems!

It’s easy to make the change from negative to positive when utilizing energy healing. Specifically the SimplyHealedTM method. Negative emotions become stuck and stored for many years in the energy systems of the body. Those stuck emotions of a child hating school can eventually lead to glitches in patterns of success later in life.  Now there’s hope for a better way! Clearing and releasing these types of emotions happen easily as we realign chakras and purge our auras! It’s what energy healing is all about!

Getting to know Loretta

Life brings challenges to overcome that in turn blesses us with growth opportunities. Personally I prefer to grow from those experiences that will DSC_0004bring the most progress for me individually. I prefer to grow from my own challenges rather than the challenges created by negativity festering in my energy systems. Negativity that I may have inherited from my ancestors! Maintaining a clear and clean energy system is the key to manifesting success!

31 thoughts on “Monday, Monday…

  1. Mondays really are my favorite day of the week. It is the start of a new day, a new week and you are recharged and ready for the week on Monday. I welcome Monday’s as a home based business person. I also love the song:) Thank you for sharing Loretta.

  2. Monday is a great day! It’s the beginning of a new week in which I can help change peoples’ lives.

  3. This is a super article! I’ve always loved Mondays myself because I love the ‘new beginning’ feeling 🙂 Fridays I dont really like so much because they seem lazy and non-productive, it IS programmed in us like you say 🙂

  4. Monday’s used to be a bland dreaded day (school or work) but now that I’m a Mum, working my own hours Mondays are just another great day now 🙂

  5. Lol… I’ve always confused my Facebook friends by loving Mondays – even when I was working. It’s kind of like a mini New Year to me. Time to start anew and get some stuff done!!

  6. Is funny that when I worked in the corporate world for others I hated Monday’s. Now I get bored on the weekends when most people take time off. I love it when I can “get back at it” on Monday.

  7. I must the the wierd one. I do not dread monday at all. To me anyday of the week is all in how you look at it. Everyday of the week can be productive and fun too, depends on what you are looking for.

  8. I love your outlook on Mondays… and changing up our attitudes to gratitude and looking forward to all the new and exciting adventures ahead of us with every new week. Monday is simply the beginning of new possibilities and potentialities. Great post. I also love how you wove your work into it… release the stagnant energy with your help.

  9. Thanks for touching on this subject. I remember loving Mondays as a child, because school was exciting for me….I got to see my friends! As I got older and worked for other companies I would dread Mondays…mainly because everyone else did, because I really didn’t hate my job. Now I look forward to Mondays again….I am my own boss so I can sleep in and show up late if I please ;-).I appreciate the fact that I have a job to go to on Mondays. Great post as usual Loretta!

    • Thanks so much Veronica! I know! I never dreaded school until my friend shared that she dreaded it! That’s because when we love someone or spend a lot of time with someone, we can take on their energy. There’s ways to energetically protect ourselves from doing this!

  10. #flowers #florist Monday is my favorite day! I get to start a new week. Fresh flowers come into the flower shop (and boy, oh boy, are they coming in today!) It’s a bit overcast today but no rain in sight. Monday, Monday, so good to me!!! (and if you heard me sing, you’d know I mean it!!!)

    • Do you work on the weekends, Rob? Maybe Monday needs to be a rest day 🙂 I used to work heavily on the weekends. Giving myself Monday off was a gift!

  11. I have thought on this time and time again! I love Mondays! I love getting back to work too!! Great post!

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