Our Big Splurge! Yonanas!

Do you love ice-cream?

…but have sworn off all those chemicals, processed sugars, fat and dairy? That was the position we were in. My husband has LOVED ice-cream all his life, but made a serious, life changing adjustment to his diet. He feels great now and had enjoyed his body healing and improving, however, he missed ice-cream.


We were at Bed, Bath and Beyond over the weekend and decided to buy a Yonanas frozen fruit soft serve machine because of a video that was similar to this one being shown in the store:

If you can’t see the video, click here for the link

Disclaimer… though I recommend the ice cream portion of the video, I do not recommend the waffles or any other extra ingredient suggested in the video. I’m a purist! Just the fruit please!

It was devoured before we even thought of the camera!

I have to apologize that we didn’t take our own pictures… we just didn’t believe it could be THIS GOOD!!!

There was one drawback…

Seriously, the hardest part about this was waiting the suggested 10 minutes for the frozen fruit to arrive at the perfect temperature to feed through the chute. Once we turned on the machine, in about 40 seconds, we had the most creamy, delicious and satisfying ice-cream! And the only ingredients were 3 frozen bananas and about 8 frozen strawberries! That was enough to delight both me and my husband and our twin grandsons – one of which has a hollow leg!

So many choices!

We can’t wait to try mixing peaches & bananas and even some cantaloupe! I even read where someone mixed kiwi with avocados! I would adore that!!! Maybe I better try planting another avocado tree – or maybe not… I’ll save that explanation for another blog post!

For your convenience…

I’ve included a link in My Recommendations to the right where you can purchase it from Amazon. It’s on a slide show, but you can advance the show by running your mouse over the pictures and clicking the little arrows.


I am just SO GRATEFUL for this wonderful little machine because now we can eat healthy and no longer be tempted to eat unhealthy foods for desserts. It seriously doesn’t get any better than this… OH WAIT… I forgot acai berry frozen concentrate! There’s just so much you can do with this little wonder machine.

Join me

DSC_0004I hope you will join me in changing your diet from eating refined sugars and processed food. There’s really no reason to eat in that manner! Your healthy body is waiting for your permission to blossom! After all, we do not know how long we will live on this earth, so we may as well do all we can to ensure we have a good quality of life until our graduating departure. The best way to do accomplish that is to eat a whole foods diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Lazy Summer Mornings!

The Lazy Summer Mornings Club!

I love lounging around in the morning after 9 months of the routine of getting the kiddies off to school. I love throwing on beach clothes and hanging at the beach, or simply working in my robe til noon sometimes.

Geoff Smith Photography, www.lorettasmith.com

Geoff Smith Photography, www.lorettasmith.com

Diversion from the routine

Diversion breaks the pace and allows creativity to flow! It freshens the mind and restores the body. Gives one time to reflect and to dream. Dreaming is one of the first steps in creating what you want in this life.

The Wedge Newport Beach

The Wedge Newport Beach

Business vs Your OWN Business

Business alone can cultivate stress in our bodies. Do you need me to tell you stress is not good? I doubt it. But it seems that the stress involved in running your own business is a different animal. I have fallen prey to this animal, too, so I know it’s easy to do! You spend a few minutes here and there and soon, even though you’ve said you would only work for x amount of hours each day, your electronic device becomes attached to you and you find your spouse wondering if they’re spending time with you or someone else!

A Suggestion…


Have you taken a moment to write down the goals of your business? As an energy practitioner, I take writing your goals to a whole new level. In a personal session, we clear all the energetic clutter of negative emotions surrounding your goals. This could be in the form of inherited DNA that you may not be aware of. Then we brainstorm together and create a powerful manifestation list. As an entrepreneur, you may find my Entrepreneur Package interesting!

Social Media Livin’

Beginning to feel it!

It has taken me a little time to get the feel of social media in marketing my business. I have appreciated the knowledge I acquired through Michele Scism’s course Take Action Get Profits. I tried to blog often, but wasn’t seeing much results until I was contacted by a friend on Facebook and invited to join his blog group Bloggers Rule SEO. Participating in this group taught me it was safe in the blogging world, and prepared me for the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

What can be learned?

So how does this affect my business? One would think that I would be marketing to those I’m blogging with, and that has been true to a point. However, when I began blogging 2-3 times a week, I began receiving new clients who were not affiliated with with the blogging group. Since I wasn’t doing anything differently at the time, the blogging group was the only answer. It placed me in the flow, so to speak, of interest. So it’s true that blogging does increase your business. Blogging groups assist you in becoming a better blogger by helping you see how to construct a blog post that will create interest and be enjoyable to read.

An Invitation…

If you’re interested in joining Bloggers Rule SEO, leave a comment, and I’ll invite you in! It’s a great group that welcomes newcomers!!!

Can’t miss an opportunity to express gratitude!



I am so grateful for all the wonderful friends I have made through this blogging journey! Thank you for enriching my life with your thoughts expressed in your blogs, and your friendship!

Swing Dancing at Downtown Disney!

Dance like nobody’s watching!

Those of you that know me may know my husband and I love to swing dance Lindyhop style. We have been dancing for many years, and have loved all the different venues that have dancing available for all ages. Disneyland has had dancing available in the park since before I can remember. Walt Disney loved dancing. We used to buy premium passes so we could dance to the big band swing bands in the Carnation Plaza.

Rose & Dubbie

Rose & Dubbie




We even enjoyed dancing with many of Walt’s friends who survived him, though there are very few left. And though Rose & Dubbie are no longer with us, their memory will live on forever in our hearts and pictures!




and then the change…

Then the decision was made to turn the Carnation Plaza into a meet and greet place for the princesses. They closed down the dance area, and from what we understood, they wanted to give the dancers a place to dance, so they began having the bands in front of the ESPN store.

At first the dance floor was empty...

At first the dance floor was empty…

and then the dance floor became crowded!

and then the dance floor became crowded!



It was a great place to go and dance, though the dance floor began shrinking as more and more people realized how wonderful it was to dance there.




And the dance floor became more crowded. I heard rumors that the shops were upset that the dancers were in the way, and not spending enough money. I’m sure that happened, too, as dancing is much more fun than eating or shopping and more and more people began to agree with me!


and more change…

And then the inevitable happened… they reopened the princess area to dancing and cancelled dancing at Downtown Disney. The reason we are sad about this is because we no longer desire to purchase the premium pass – have you seen the price tag? We just cannot justify that price for dancing on some Saturday nights. There are many places to dance, and since we don’t go out dancing as often due to work schedules, it just doesn’t make sense to invest that much money.

Debbie, Katie and friends

Debbie, Katie and friends



However, we have missed our friends who dance there. It was a great place to dance where dancing started at 6:30 instead of 9:00 like most places. 





Me & Geoff

Me & Geoff

Then I heard a rumor that if I blogged about it that Disney is considering re-opening Downtown Disney Swing… could it be true? I was told that Disney listens to blogs! So all we had to do was blog about them re-opening. If Disney is in fact reading this blog post, let me first thank you for the 18 or so months of great dancing at Downtown Disney! And allow me to be a voice of encouragement to include dancing again at Downtown Disney!





Love dancing with Phil!!!

Love dancing with Phil!!!



I’m here today to add my blog post to many others who are hoping Disney will make the decision to resume dancing in the Downtown area.

A little encouragement to dance…

Love the balboa!

Love the balboa!

When you dance with a partner where respectful touch is involved, like a lead and follow dance, it can feel like a hug. We all understand that hugging releases endorphins and can create a euphoric feeling. As an energy practitioner we also refer to this as raising our vibrational frequency. It’s really hard to be depressed, worried or suffer from the negative emotions when you’re dancing. It’s wonderfully therapeutic! Check out dancing and see what you think!



Just a little plug for the blogging challenge this blog post is included in… I’ve taken the challenge to blog every day for 31 days!!! This is a great group of people!! Love this challenge!


You Can Become Invincible!

Do you have a stressful situation coming up? We all have those from time to time… It could be a presentation at work, or an interview to actually get a job, or maybe even a doctor visit that you are feeling uneasy about. Anytime there is a time you need to step it up or you feel like you need to convince someone that you are worth every bit of amazing that you are…

Be Amazing! Become Invincible!

Retrain cellular memoryHow do we do that? In energy work, we clear out the negative energy and replace it with positive energy… we literally change your cellular memory to invoke a change in your life.

Not as complicated as you may think…

With each session, you release both negative energy that crosses your mind, and negative energy or emotions that are ready to be released subconsciously. This makes releasing the junk easy!

I love this motivational video clip…

Having this mindset can literally shift your energy. I’m often asked, “How can I keep this great feeling after a session?” Here’s a suggestion… Try Power Poses! Click on the link for a brief video clip explaining Power Poses…

Game Changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser

 Energy Healing is something we do as often as a hair cut

I’ve made it easy and affordable to maintain your energy system! The Monthly Group Energy Call is a great way to remain tuned up! If you utilize this tool, you may only require a private session every 6 months. Of course everyone is different, and you know what your needs are. If any thing I’ve said here sparks your interest, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to explore my site. Then, allow me the opportunity to assist you in changing some aspect of your life. Wouldn’t it be pleasant to no longer feel stress in your relationships? Or wouldn’t you like to know how it feels to attract good abundance?

Did you know this about Loretta?

DSC_0004In High School, Loretta attended Beauty College. Then in her 20’s she owned and operated a small business. She has also worked in the corporate world – a regular 9-5 job. However, she prefers to work from home… Though now she manages a rental property and sells various products, being a SimplyHealed™ Practitioner is her passion.