Empowered Living

What do you think of when you hear Empowered Living? What I think of is living strong with confidence and ability, especially in controlling life and claiming our rights of living a whole and happy lifestyle.

Empowered LivingIn this Group Energy session we will be focusing on building a stronger, more confident you! We will be shifting the energy to help you move beyond limiting beliefs, behaviors, or inner conflicts that may have caused you confusion. We will release old, negative inner recordings and we will “plug in” new, positive affirmations that support you on your journey.

Join us for this group session ~ You’ll be glad you did! 

Wednesday, June 15th, 11:00 AM Pacific Time

Your home, your phone

And because it’s my birthday month, this group session will only be $25!

By registering, and shortly before the call, you will receive an email with the access phone number to the call. All registrations must be in at least an hour before the call to ensure you will receive the call information in time for you to attend. Feel free to send me a brief email listing your intentions for this session.


…in the event you would like to participate in this call but cannot attend in person, the call will be recorded. Energy is intelligent. Once you are registered, you will be included in the energy of the call and you will receive the same benefit listening to the recording as you would being on the call in person.

Often times when attending a call, many more issues are cleared than those that are vocalized on the call. This is an added benefit of attending the monthly Group Session Call!

In this call we will address all issues regarding health and wellness from an alternative standpoint. If you are being seen by a physician for any issue, this call will enhance your recovery. It will not take the place of your health care professional.

I Personally Invite You

loretta…to join us in this Group Energy Healing Call. When negative emotions are cleared, the path becomes open to complete physical healing. I look forward to assisting you in a new journey toward good health!

Loretta is a Certified SimplyHealed Practitioner® Learn more about Energy Healing by subscribing to receive her free report, “Energy Healing and You”, on the top right side of this page.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Growing up, Memorial Day was a welcomed holiday that ushered in Summer. Every 4 years, my dad’s birthday was on Memorial Day. It was a happy day. Now, my husband trades off years when his birthday falls on Memorial Day. It’s a day, set aside for us to honor and remember those who fell in defending and protecting this great nation. We have this holiday… a time for us to enjoy our freedom. We make an effort to both celebrate and revere those who gave the ultimate sacrifice that we can be free.

memorial day

Let Us Celebrate!

In an effort to make this a wonderful time with family and friends, the natural thing to do is EAT! Here are some recipes that pack up well to take on a picnic or a pot-luck gathering.

corn slaw

I prefer to use fresh corn and just cut the corn off the cob. It’s amazing! You can also dice up a cucumber. This is one of those kitchen sink kind of recipes… you can even add rinsed & drained beans or cooked and cooled quinoa. Don’t have lime juice? Mix 2-3 drops of Lime Essential Oil into the olive oil – taste first before adding to the recipe. Or, use some white balsamic vinegar with Lime Essential Oil. The possibilities are endless! (Only use essential oils that are safe to ingest. Contact me for more information.)


This is such a perfect treat to take to a gathering. You can add a half cup chopped cilantro or flat leaf parsley for a different taste, or even a little dill, but my family loves it plain with chips. It’s so easy to make, and tastes much better than store bought. You may even want to double the recipe… we do!


We like dessert as much as the next person, but we don’t indulge in processed sugar or dairy. So here’s a couple of recipes that we enjoy…

brownies with yams

These brownies are a favorite in our home. We like them gooey. You can add chopped walnuts if desired. We use Cacao because it is the pure form of baking cocoa. You can even add a couple drops of Peppermint essential oil or Orange essential oil. I think that I love this recipe best because I don’t need to worry about gaining weight eating them. They are healthy, whole food nutrition. Plus there are no cravings afterwards. They are quite rich and heavier than normal brownies, so cut the squares small. Recipe was adapted from a recipe from April Ashcroft. Here’s her blog: http://health4lifecooking.blogspot.com/


My family LOVES this. The Cacao butter is actually very good for gut health and digestion while raw cacao or chocolate is a strong antioxidant! I buy both on Amazon. When I make it I use pure maple syrup. We also like adding 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract and a pinch of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. It’s satisfying and wonderful without the wax or processed sugars and other scary ingredients in store bought chocolate. We prefer really dark chocolate, so we just use ¼ c. sweetener.

A Little Preparation…

It also helps to be prepared for any little occurrences that might make the day trying…


Grab a bag and put a few items in there now to be prepared! Having things on hand and ready to go will insure a happy and memorable experience!(for the right reasons)  We don’t want to end up in a Funniest Videos! Did you know that if it’s a hot day, you can be prepared with a glass spray bottle of water with 10 drops of peppermint. Spray on the back of the neck and/or chest for a cooling sensation that will last a while.

Enjoy the holiday! God bless America!


What do you do to remember your why?

You know… your why. Why do you do what you do. What was your passion when you began that project. What was your inspiration that propelled you to action?

Remember your why

Is your “Why” strong enough to create emotion?

It’s important to have a strong “why”. If your why doesn’t tug at your heart strings, chances are it won’t be strong enough to cling to should things become difficult. A strong why will be easy to remember…

Have difficulties clouded your why?

It’s a fact that on this earth there are going to be ups and downs. There are good times and not so good times. Sometimes those difficult times can blot your why into oblivion. People do various things to keep their focus on their why… what works well for one person isn’t always the best approach for another. What do you do to remember your why?

Here’s are some great suggestions. Of course taking a break to regroup is a tactic that works for some, while others just want to push through. Sometimes we just need to re-focus and try something different. Maybe spending the day with loved ones, or just re-connecting with nature. Exercising is always an amazing way to clear out stress and tension.



The only time your truly fail in your endeavors is when you choose to quit. The voices that speak negative words in your mind are not your friend. This is when energy therapy is very effective. Sometimes those negative Nellies are simply energetic crimps from inherited DNA.


Grateful for Snoring!

I bet you’ve never heard someone say THAT!snoring

Really? Grateful for Snoring???

Last night I had an experience with my dear husband that really punctuated my gratitude. My husband has been having some concerns with his employment. He regrets his choice of occupations, and has endured a rocky road with his choice. I woke up last night with him sitting up in bed with an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. His anxious thoughts were literally running away with him, causing his heart to race.

Half Asleep isn’t my A game!

Since I was half asleep, I encouraged him to apply some essential oils, but he wasn’t finding support or strength from them. By this time, I was awake, and my body was wanting to get up thinking I had slept my full night’s sleep. So I got up, went in the bathroom and applied some oils to lull me back to sleep. While I was up, the thought came to me that he needed energy work, and not just a dedication, as I would normally do in the middle of the night. So I climbed back into bed, and walked him through a mini session to realign his energy and flush all the crazy, false thoughts running through his mind, along with strengthening his vibration. When I finished, he became very quiet and still, so I held his hand thinking to check for a pulse – he was that still! Then moments later I heard soft gentle snoring. I was so grateful to hear that! It told me that he was back to sleep and resting peacefully. In what normally would have been hours of anxiously watching the clock, in moments he was peacefully sleeping.

What Gives You the Support You Need?

I’m grateful for essential oils and the wonderful gifts that come from the earth. They are glorious. I’m also very grateful for understanding energy and the ability I have to clear it when the urgent occasion presents itself!



Loretta has been practicing energy clearing for several years, and has been privileged to help clients all over the world. There are no boundaries of space or time working in energy.

Merry Christmas 2015 from the Smith home!

Merry Christmas from the Smith Home

As we draw to the close of 2015, our hearts are drawn to the blessings we’ve enjoyed though out the past year… dear friends, family, good health, laughter, joy and prosperity.

Our Monson Boys

Our Monson Boys

Our 6 grandsons have brought us such delight with their individual personalities. We have loved laughing with them and watching their growth and their accomplishments.

Our Smith Boys

Our Smith Boys

Geoff & I feel so blessed to have been able to enjoy another year together just living life. We’ve continued to enjoy visiting with family and friends along with the ever delightful blessing of eating! Yes, Geoff is a foodie and loves finding a healthy restaurant that serves delicious food! He spoils me so!


This year we celebrated 40 years of marriage! We have both expressed how blessed and amazed we are that we put up with each other all these years. I was such a baby at 19 years old when we married! I’m overwhelmed with gratitude that Geoff has always been committed and devoted to me. We often laugh and wonder why!

We are so proud of our family and enjoy so much hearing of all the goings on! We are grateful for cousins, aunts & uncles, sisters, nieces & nephews who love us and continue to keep in touch. Brian & his family enjoy traveling and spending time abroad any chance they get! We are so grateful that he works in a job that allows him to take his family on such amazing adventures! Kristi has continued in her athletic businesses and is currently performing in a dinner house locally! She amazes us with her strength and determination! We are ever grateful for Geoff’s ability to work and provide for us as I continue to build my health, energy and oils businesses. It appears to be very promising that he will be able to retire sooner than expected because of the blessings of having these businesses given to us!


At this time of year when people gather their families together to celebrate the birth of the Savior, our hearts and minds are focused upon the sacred gift He is. We have leaned upon His Atonement for strength many times and felt a powerful peace that only it can provide. Our hearts swell with gratitude for this divine gift.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season, may your hearts be filled with love and may the new year bring prosperity and hope abounding! Thank you for your association with us. We love you!

Merry Christmas 2013

We look forward to sharing 2016 with you!