Love Talking about Energy Healing!

I love talking about Energy Healing… educating others helps them to realize there is another alternative! I am a Certified SimplyHealed™ Practitioner. I’m pleased to share with you that…

There IS hope!!!

My associate Julie Christensen does a fabulous job explaining energy healing… I love hearing her talk about it!

If you cannot see the video, click here

The Fact is…

When there is an ailment of any kind that is physically being experienced, there is an energetic root that started the cycle! Our bodies actually tell us there are stored negative emotions that need to be released by giving us symptoms of illness – sometimes serious illness. Have you ever – in your entire life – felt deeply saddened by something? Maybe you experienced a loss in your family, or maybe you were severely disappointed or felt victimized. How about having your feelings hurt by a sibling or class mate. Have you ever argued with someone you had a strong connection to like your parents or spouse? If you have had any of these, or similar experiences when you felt emotional – even if only briefly, you have stored those negative emotions somewhere in your physical body. Over time, those trapped emotions manifest in illness, repeating relationship difficulties or even financial discord. Also, you may be taking medication for an ailment. That ailment may return should you need to stop taking the medication because the trapped negative emotion has not been released.

Energy Healing, the best tool!

There are many methods of energy healing available today. I prefer the SimplyHealed™ Method because it is lightning fast and thorough. Many trapped emotions are released without verbalizing them or even identifying them as we move though the SimplyHealed™ protocol.

I invite you…

to take a moment and explore this site. Learn about the alternative to what ever methods you may have used to this point. Our paths have crossed for a reason… I look forward to speaking with you!

About Loretta:

DSC_0004I have had a typical life where I have, from time to time, experienced severe emotional stress and trauma. I have experienced many of the emotions that are relayed to me by my clients. Since I have experienced them and released them energetically, I know how it feels, and I know the difference it can make once those emotions are cleared out. Life was meant to be joyous. Thank you for allowing me to share this with you today!

43 thoughts on “Love Talking about Energy Healing!

  1. I agree completely with what you’re sharing here. I’ve experienced the benefits of energy healing as well and it’s something that’s a central part of my life.

  2. I love this “love talking about energy” title. As in what I’ve done, I’ve found very few people who could “have” / believe anything that I’ve done. Therefore, I do what I do and keep it between them and I. I even joined a “coaching” group on facebook and found no one who had achieved anything like what I’ve facilitated in others. So it is nice that I’ve found you via the UBC.

    Life is GRAND!!!



    • Thank you, Kathy! Yes, I completely understand what you are saying here! I believe education is important, and I have been called to educate 🙂 you have probably felt that calling as well. Thank you so much for connecting! Energy work is the new frontier to many yet it has been around since the beginning. As people understand what it is and what it isn’t, so many lives will be changed for the better!

      • That is so true. So many of these things have “always been”…we just separated ourselves from them. I do educate people but mostly, I get people into action for fast results. I have found over my many years, that unless some sees some pretty good results right away, they won’t stick with it until they’ve got it.



        • Nice approach, Kathy! Everyone wants to see something for their effort 🙂 It’s in my intention that those that enlist my assistance in shifting their energy, that all blocks are cleared so they will notice a difference. In a private session I often ask how the client feels after we have cleared things. It’s amazing all the different responses I get! We are all so wonderfully unique yet so alike 🙂

  3. I’ve always said that if you heal the inside, it will show on the outside. I guess I’m not alone in that thinking process. 🙂

    • Daniele, I hope you can spend a little time and explore my site… it’s been my saving grace! Plus, with you living so close to me, you may be interested when I speak publicly and give group sessions! I’m currently supposed to be finding a date to do a lunch and learn at Au Lac in Fountain Valley. I’ve been so busy, but I really need to make it a priority 🙂

  4. We’ve all gone through some emotional challenge in life. It’s great to know there is a holistic way of healing our bodies and minds.

  5. Interesting! I know that stuffing your emotions deep down inside of you is not healthy, they will continue fester until they come out on their own. When that happens it generally comes out in a negative way.

    • True… And then there’s the emotions you’ve either forgotten are there, or were stored there without your knowledge! That’s where energy work with a professional is beneficial!

  6. Yep, totally believe in what you are saying and doing here. Trapped emotions keep us trapped. Your system sounds like a true way of releasing and replacing them with positivity.

  7. I, too, believe in the power of healing oneself. Thanks for the reminder of the value and power of our bodies.

  8. I had our house cleared after roommates moved out to just really make it ours.
    No matter if it was my mind our the clearing…it changed the whole feel of the house. Amazing!

    • thanks, Rob. Yes, we have all had these emotions 🙂 I’m just grateful we don’t have to become sickened by them in the future now!

  9. I am very excited to have come across your website. I’m a yogi and a foot reflexologist and love holistic healing. Will certainly explore your site in depth.

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