Holding Hands

Do You Hold Hands?

holding hands with childA child holds hands with their parents for protection. I use to tell my grandsons, when they were little, how much I loved holding hands with them. Then when we walked from Kindergarten, I explained that there would be a day when they no longer wanted to hold my hand. They both protested and exclaimed they would ALWAYS want to hold my hand. Now they are 13, and I cannot recall when the last time was that we held hands. I do recall, though, that when we did, it was their choice, and as they held my hand, they said, “See, I will always want to hold your hand.” They are such darling boys.

Holding Hands Transfers Love

My husband and I still hold hands. Amid all the comments when friends see us in public like: “Ah, look, they are older now, and they still hold hands. Isn’t that cute?” My husband HATES being called CUTE! But still enjoys holding my hand. We hold hands while watching a movie, while walking, holding hands childrenwhile sitting in church, and as we are falling asleep at night.


The connection involved in holding hands is incredible. I held hands with my mom, my mother in law, my sister, all in our adulthood. I have always enjoyed the love transferred from one hand to the other.


Holding Hands Transfers Energetic Vibrations

holding hands

I don’t see many people holding hands anymore. I think it’s a gesture of love that should never be overlooked. As an energy practitioner, I recognize the act of holding hands passes a high vibration and assists the vibration to rise in both participants. So I ask, do you hold hands? I would love to hear from all of you, and hopefully bring this practice into a more conscious awareness of the importance of it.

2 thoughts on “Holding Hands

  1. There is definitely an energetic exchange when holding hands. Perhaps that is why it is so seldom done. As we move further and further away from engaging with each other directly, the sudden flow of real energy must feel uncomfortable to many. Thought provoking! Thanks, Loretta!

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