Be Healthy – it’s a choice

I did my yearly physical

You know, the one where the doctor looks in your ears and uses that cute little hammer to tap your reflexesreflexes on your knees. Of course the other unmentionable things were done too. My doctor is not threatened by my desire to do things naturally. He supports me and gives me information I need to make the best decision for me. He doesn’t chide me or show any kind of attitude at all. He is wonderful.

At the end of my examination, I was told I am healthy. But then my doctor said something that frankly shocked me and actually concerned me. He said when he began his practice about 15 years ago, he was able to tell 1 in 10 women that they were healthy – like me. Now he can only tell 1 in 20 women that they are healthy. As I was picking my jaw up from the floor, he added that people just don’t take good care of themselves anymore. They don’t exercise, they have poor diets.

I have always been drawn to a healthy lifestyle. It has taken years to determine what a healthy lifestyle looks like for me personally. I am not one to judge, but I do strongly encourage the following:

Energy work

It’s our responsibility to provide what we need to be healthy. So many people don’t comprehend that along with caring for the physical body, the energetic body that holds onto emotions also needs care. When I embraced energy work, it was a game changer for my health, and the health of my family.

Essential Oils

The life blood of the plant, essential oils contain chemistry that compliments our body’s natural ability to be healthy and thrive. The aromatherapy aspect of essential oils is powerful! When we inhale through the nose, airborne molecules interact with the olfactory organs and, almost immediately, the brain and the limbic system or the emotional brain. The limbic system is directly connected to those parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance. This relationship helps explain why smells often trigger emotions. Knowing this helps us understand how inhalation of essential oils can have some very profound physiological and psychological effects!

Vegan Diet

As far back as I can recall, I have felt uncomfortable eating meat. I struggled to like it because I erroneously thought I needed it to be healthy. I’m grateful for Forks Over Knives and the strength to give myself permission that I no longer need to eat meat. I’ve been vegetarian/vegan for several years now. I’ve never felt better! I have lots of favorite recipes, and have found how to be vegan easily.

Daily Exercise

Twelve years ago I began running with the help of the expertise of my daughter’s training. I felt on top of the world! I ran 5 miles a day 5 days a week. Then I injured my Achilles Tendon getting out of my truck. My running days ended. I’ve spent many years trying to get back to running. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to begin again with the help and support of Deep Blue Rub! I also enjoy Pilates. Just 30 minutes of walking makes all the difference in the world in health.

Drink Pure Water

When I was a child, I never drank water except from the drinking fountain at my elementary school. When I was thirsty I went for cold milk. I had not been convinced of the importance of drinking water. When I got married, we were poor and didn’t have the money for all that milk. Thank goodness! I learned to enjoy drinking water. My husband loved drinking water. I learned it wasn’t so odd to do! As the years went by, I learned the importance of increasing the amount of water I drank to the suggested amounts. I’ve found for me that I drink 24 ounces when I first get up, then I drink at least another 48 ounces throughout the day. It sustains me! I discovered when I had cravings, I was actually not hungry, but thirsty! If I keep track of drinking, I’m never thirsty or craving anything!

Detox Your Life

Upon discovering that fragrances in cleaning products, household detergents, and candles all achieved their fragrance with petroleum, and that petroleum causes cancer, I decided to change the way I ran my household. Now I prefer to only use doTERRA products, or I make my own recipes. It has seriously saved me so much money! I will share those recipes with you in another blog post!

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