Ahhhh Sleep!

How is your sleep schedule?

I used to require 9 hours of sleep a night… I just couldn’t function on less. Since I’ve been performing energy work, I have found that I only require 7! And not only that, but my sleep cycle has changed. I was raised to be a night person. I still get a 2nd wind and thrive after 11 pm, however, I know to go to be earlier (and it is easier to go to bed earlier) because my sleep schedule now wakes me up between 5:30 and 6:00 am! I haven’t used an alarm clock for many years. I wake rested and anxiously ready to begin a new, wonderful day!

Why is that?

  • My depression is gone – energy work is very effective at eliminating symptoms and causes for depression.
  • I’ve shifted my diet – partly deliberately, partly not. I no longer eat meat – I never liked meat so this was easy for me and not so deliberate. I stopped eating dairy – this was more deliberate. I no longer eat processed sugars or grains. Of course there is an occasion from time to time that I may eat fish, but it doesn’t happen very often – maybe once or twice a month.
  • I have alleviated stress in my life by changing my attitude and tolerance for things I cannot change, and manifesting what I can change!
  • I enjoy exercising. It’s my alone time! I love a good sweat in the AM!
  • My energy has shifted and my body has followed suit to embrace what is best for my highest good.

I realize everyone is individually different in their quest for what is best for their bodies to achieve good health

For this reason, I want to share a blog post by the Green Smoothie Girl, Robin Openshaw. She truly does a lot of homework. I’m not saying what she says is best for you. However, you may find some information that is very useful for you! Click here for her Quality of Sleep blog post and webinarย Thank you, Robin for this great information today!!!

All sorts of support is available right at your finger tips…

In my recommendations to the right is listed a little help I have enjoyed from time to time. I have pillow speakers and a small iPod that has wonderful sleep empowering music that when I lay down, only I can hear it. I am so conditioned now that when I lay down and hear the music, I fall right to sleep. It feels like it’s drawing me into dreamland! Just follow the link to the right to get yours! I purchased massage music on iTunes, and chakra balancing music, Tibetan singing bowl music even subliminal message music that has messages of success and achievement.

I’m here for you…

DSC_0004As a SimplyHealed Practitionerยฎ, I work with you to achieve your desired results. Part of what happens when your energy is clean, clear and vibrant is that you attract to you what you truly need for your own individual support and success. Since I understand that concept, I often post about things that resonate with me for you! I love hearing from you about the success and discoveries you have had since embracing energy healing. Please take a moment and share how energy medicine has helped you!

35 thoughts on “Ahhhh Sleep!

  1. I have found the easiest way for me to fall asleep and to sleep well in complete silence and laying in Savasana. I did not sleep well for years, but once I started doing this it has become more restful.

  2. I haven’t been sleeping well at all lately. Partly because I am having knee problems, but I am working on getting my 7 month old baby boy on a sleep schedule.

    • I used to have knee problems until my chiropractor fixed them. He told me knees were easy to fix, and he was right! He uses the Activator Method. I also did therapeutic exercises to strengthen them. It was so nice to not have to have surgery! Hope you get your son on a good schedule soon! There are energetic things we could do if you need help. Thanks for your comment ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I had some issues happening a few months back and it’s amazing what stress and the things going on in your subconscious will do to your sleep cycles. Negative energy not only wastes time and energy, it zaps of you the ability to live life as God intended us to. I won’t get too theological, but it’s amazing to me how sin (that’s simply not doing what God requires of us) affects our bodies, minds, and even the harmony of all of creation.

    • I agree! It seems in my experience when guilt is energetically released, repentance and forgiveness of self flow as God intended. Thank you, Don, for your comment

  4. I love the Tibetan bowls, I just think they are so melodic and pretty, they really stir something inside me. I didn’t think you could get a soundtrack, I heard them live they were amazing!

  5. Sleep does not come easy for me… I have tintinus (spelling), I need to have the TV on to fall asleep and there are nights I wake up every hour. I thought of using my I phone to play soothing sounds, but then I am afraid I wont hear the alarm…..

    • One summer we realized we slept better and didn’t hear my daughter’s doggie so much when the ceiling fan was on while we slept. So, when winter time came, we bought a cd that was the sound track of a ceiling fan. It worked really well until we found a sound track of summer rain that we like better ๐Ÿ™‚ It really helped when I had an ear infection and the sounds in my ear were so annoying. We also love listening to the ocean crashing on the shore. We have that soundtrack too, except the occasional seagull sound wakes us up ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I love energy work. I believe it can help with a variety of things including peaceful sleep. You do great work. Keep it coming!

  7. Getting enough sleep is so important. I make time first thing in the morning to do an important task to get the day started right. It sets the tone for my entire day. It takes a conscious effort to get the most out of your days.

    • Yes, it is so important to plan your day. I also like to get the most important things done first, then if I can’t get to the other things, I don’t stress ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Deborah!

  8. Omg this was great!.. I actually need a good amount of hours of sleep.. I have a hard time unwinding at the end of the night.. I do find that bubble baths help me with the scent of lavender.. but majority of the time I’m busy and then tired I forget how to pamper myself knowing what makes my body relax.. or just clearing my mind

    • Thank you!!! Have you tried putting some drops of Lavender Essential Oil in a spray bottle and lightly misting your pillow? You can even put the oil on the bottoms of your feet or a little on your chest so you can smell it. You’ll feel the pampering of the bubble bath ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Maybe it’s time for a vacation, Karen ๐Ÿ™‚ Or a massage – my husband sleeps like a baby after a massage. Or treat yourself to an energy session – when I first started doing energy work on myself, it seemed as if time slowed down! I was able to accomplish so much more in the same amount of time!

  9. I have problems sleeping ever since i woke up in the worse pain i have ever felt at 2AM back in October.. not every time i wake up at 2am, which is most nights, i feel like i am going to get that pain back and i really do not want it.

  10. I have fibromyalgia but I still walk first thing every morning for 30 minutes and do my stretches before going out. I need 9 hours of sleep just to cope with the pain I get …. for fibromites, it’s best for us to get a good number of hours so the pain is less. I’ve tried varying my diet from the Paleo – Vegetarian- Fish/Meat and I find with the variety I’m feeling great. All you need for serotonin is less light, white noise and you can sleep well. I always watch tv to fall asleep and use the timer of it to go off and do really well!

    • So sorry to hear of the fibromyalgia! Have you tried energy healing? Bravo for you for sticking to your exercise schedule!!! I used to go to sleep with the TV on and a timer… Man I miss that TV ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for your comment!

  11. The change I have made that improved my quality of sleep the most was to stop using the computer right before bed! I really have to stop a half hour or more before. I’m also trying to get back into a habit of my youth, which was to read myself to sleep. I have to make sure what I read is a bit on the boring side, though. I also (in the summer) use the “white noise” of a fan.

    • I agree! I have a friend who teaches. She explained how the brain works. When you are on the computer before bed, it drains your brain of the needed serotonin that helps you sleep. We also use white noise… along with the ceiling fan, we use an iPod with a light rain falling. It cools us down in the summer, too ๐Ÿ™‚ we use both because of others that live in our home don’t retire as early as we do ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks Alana, for your comment!

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