My Favorite Debunked Myth!

Excited to visit this topic today!



I have been participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, where I’m challenged to blog every day. One of the facilitators, Michelle Shaeffer, sends ideas daily for you to blog about. Today she mentioned myths that may pertain to your business, and the bells began ringing and lights were flashing! My favorite debunked myth!

Energy Healing = Religious Spirituality

Energy healing is dealing with the spirit and therefore is the same as religious spirituality. Wrong! I can see how people may become confused… I have even seen where Energy Practitioners have confused this, so don’t feel badly that this has been a misconception for you! This is a very tender topic, so please know that I mean no animosity but rather approach this subject as matter of fact.

Energy Healing is not Religious Spirituality

Energy work is intangible, you talk about emotions and you feel joyous, peaceful or lighter afterwards. Religious spirituality requires one to exercise their faith and believe, and when you do so wholeheartedly, you feel those same emotions of joy, peace and burdens lifted. So I can see where people get confused…

Consider this question…

Let me ask, for those who have experienced Acupuncture, did you go to your minister for your treatment? Of course not, unless he happened to actually be a practicing acupuncturist. An acupuncturist works with the meridians – one of the energy systems of the body.
In most religions, it is taught that Jesus Christ is the healer of our souls and therefore also our bodies. So, having this knowledge, would you stop going to your doctor? Of course not. I love having the freedom of going to my doctor, and discussing the choices of treatment available when necessary. Or, I love that I can go to a dentist and have that tooth ache remedied!

What Energy Healing is…

In energy healing, the main focus is clearing out negative emotions embedded in your body. All energy systems are examined. When a blockage is found, it is released – not by the practitioner, but by the client. Often times the actual block is not even discussed. Techniques and protocol are followed, the block is released, healing begins. The healing is accomplished between the client or person and his belief system in deity. Energy healing is one more tool in your “medicine cabinet” to restore your good health. It compliments any and all other therapies you choose.

I invite you

DSC_0004to investigate for yourself to see what might be accomplished with the use of this wonderful tool! Take some time today to allow yourself to embrace this wonderful therapy that we have been blessed with! Join the many who have been amazed with this simple and effective therapy! Break the chain that has prevented you from moving forward. Do it for yourself and for those you are connected to through family relationships. You will be amazed and grateful you did!

34 thoughts on “My Favorite Debunked Myth!

  1. Interesting points for sure. I am from the school that energy healing and yoga and all of that ARE spiritual things and most times anti-Jesus… just because most of them teach the principles separate from Him. I am all for going to the doctor, but because I choose to go to the doctor does not mean that I am ‘believing in the power of the doctor OVER the power of Jesus’…. When I’m taught to ‘heal myself’ and meditate on things, or use crystals and these types of things apart from Jesus, that’s where I don’t get involved. I do agree that LOTS of ‘universe’ and ‘spiritual’ and ‘yoga’ type philosophies and principles are almost 100% exactly the same as teachings and principles of the Bible… buuuuut, I dont know why they then have to separate themselves from Jesus Christ… So I love the thought provoking conversation you brought up, but still think it’s not for me.

    • Robin,
      You are wise in not participating in that “spiritual junk” that is so prevalent today. I don’t buy into that stuff either. The truth is we are responsible to take care of our bodies. God has entrusted us with that responsibility. We are to use all that he has revealed to us. We utilize doctors, diet, and even properly administered energy work to ensure we have done our part, THEN we rely wholly upon the Lord Jesus and his Atonement to fill in where we run short. In my practice, I appropriately separate my therapies from religion because it is not my place to apply my religious beliefs to someone else’s belief system. Energy work properly administered requires the practitioner to locate the blocks – the client’s responsibility is to allow those blocks to be released. This is accomplished with the use of their belief system.

  2. Thank you Loretta for sharing and challenging us. I’m not there, but I appreciate the conversation very much!!! I find it enlightening and thought provoking. Thank you!

  3. I really believe in this type of healing…my father used to ask me to lay my hands on his knees and back when I was really young…he said being young, I would have more healing power in my hands…he believed I helped him and even to this day my daughter asks me to lay my hands on her wrist too, it was broken a few years ago, where she feels shooting pains up her arm when I start to lay my hands over her wrist. I have no idea whether I really do anything but both my father and daughter seem to believe it helps with the pain.

    • That transference of healing energy is real. There are some energy healing methods that focus directly on that. Have you heard of Pranic Healing? I’ve seen news reports on TV where doctors employ Pranic Healers for their patients with chronic pain. That is so cool that your father knew about it and that you have even used it on your daughter! Thank you so much for sharing, Barbara!

  4. This reminds me of how people view yoga. They think it is a religion and and the asana’s are part of the religion. Neither is true.

  5. It’s been my experience that the people who consider themselves the most religious stay clear of anything that speaks to “energy healing”.

    • I know Meli… which is a shame. I am VERY religious, and I avoided it for a very long time. I’m so grateful I finally accepted it. The founder of the SimplyHealed Method®, Carolyn Cooper, is also very religious. That is one reason why I was willing to be trained in her method.

  6. I’ve never had acupuncture but I’ve heard that it can really relieve pain. I would consider it if I had a pain issue.

    • yes, it can… I’ve never had it either, but understand how it works. I’ve had clients successfully alleviate pain utilizing SimplyHealed™

  7. I love this idea: “You talk about emotions and you feel joyous, peaceful or lighter afterwards.” I think we all benefit when we share our emotions.

    • So as not to sound too technical, I refrained from going into detail… Just to clarify, Energy healing is much more than simply discussing emotions. In fact, you don’t even need to verbalize the emotion to clear it. Thanks Josie for commenting!

  8. I personally believe that energy healing is tied to religion. I know that most won’t agree with me but that is okay. In the bible it talks about forgiveness which is how to cleanse the body of things that are bothering us or dragging us down. If you can’t mend a broken relationship where you wronged someone or they wronged you, you can always write a letter and then read it aloud. After doing that, burn it and leave the rest for God to handle. You can only do your part and can’t force others to forgive. You are responsible for your own actions.

    • Christy, you have stated one religious way to forgive… God loves us and knows how important it is for us to forgive. He knows all! However, scientific research has proven we have a field of energy surrounding our bodies where we actually do store negative emotions from varying degrees of shock and trauma, and these emotions have been proven to cause all kinds of illness and life patterns. God wants us to take responsibility in caring for our bodies. If you had cancer would you refrain from treatment and only pray? No. You would be gratefully accepting of the science discovered that you could benefit from. You may even pray the doctors’ hands would be guided. No one human can have all the knowledge of the universe. We rely on the knowledge of others. Energy healing is a scientific approach to release trapped negative emotions caused by being victimized and caused by many other types of trauma. The SimplyHealedTM approach is methodical and effective. If you happen to be religiously faithful, all the better!

  9. Energy Healing is def not part of religion. Everything is energy , (proven in science) we are made up of energy and we use it everyday but some are totally unaware of how. The energy that we give off whether it be good or bad has an affect on those around us. I am all into Energy healing Loretta it is a whole new world!

    • Hi Chez! Can I just say if I had a nickel for every time I told someone about energy healing, and their reply was, “Well, I pray and know God hears my prayers,” I’d be a rich woman! So many people don’t get it. But then I recall a time in history when people used leaches to cure their illnesses.

  10. This is an interesting perspective. “Energy” is such a popular word today, I seldom pay attention to it except when it shows up on my electric bill. On the other hand, I pay a great deal of attention to the healing of Jesus, while I still use the training and advice of doctors.

    • I agree with you Eula, I pay a great deal of attention to the healing of Jesus, too… He expects us to use the gifts we’ve been given – doctors, good food, medicines, essential oils, chiropractors, dentists, acupuncturists, psychiatrists and even energy therapists. He has blessed us with so much to work with!

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