
We live in a society today where people are told they are entitled of certain rights, where children go to school and college, and then approach adulthood with a career and able to pay for their own livelihood. We delight in giving pats on the back for a job well done. Yes, in most cases this is true. But there’s something missing here…


My husband posted this on Facebook during Independence Day. It’s well said, so I thought I would share it here…

“Happy Birthday, America! So grateful for our founding fathers and for fighting for our independence. It took 5 long years and much sacrifice. An ill equipped army led by Gen. George Washington defeating a much larger British force. Grateful for the hand of the Lord in carving out this great nation.”

Daily, I read where people express gratitude for things, and I love it. However, am I remembering to be grateful in all things? For me, I thank God for all that he has blessed me with. I have worked hard to remember and acknowledge where my blessings come from.

What are you grateful for today?

Today I am grateful that I live near the beach, so after a very warm day, I know it’s going to cool down and be comfortable tonight. Since I don’t have air conditioning, that’s quite a blessing! I am grateful for the roof over my head and the food on my table. I’m grateful for family and friends that enrich my life.

I'm grateful for cool ocean breezes on a warm day!

I’m grateful for cool ocean breezes on a warm day!

I am also grateful for my family and how they made sure they honored me as mother and wife on Mother’s Day. It was a beautiful day!

Expressing gratitude is essential!

My daughter says expressing gratitude is similar to a mathematical equation. 2+2 always = 4. Expressing gratitude always amounts to more to be grateful for. It’s a universal law. You must recognize the blessings and express gratitude for them right away!

Get creative!

There are many ways to increase your gratitude. A gratitude journal is very effective and so much fun to look back on after you’ve kept it for several months. Each night, write 3 things that you are grateful for that happened during the day. They can be simple or complex. Another way is to write things you are grateful for on slips of paper and put them into a special gratitude jar to be read at a later date. Or you can simply state right out loud things you are grateful for. This is particularly effective when something goes wrong. It helps you to keep your head in situations and it alleviates the stress of the situation. Soon you will find yourself being able to quickly turn around the negative situation into something positive to express gratitude for.

About Loretta…

I am grateful for the gift of energy healing I have received by being a Certified SimplyHealed™ Practitioner. DSC_0004Each time I work with a client it is in my intention that I receive the same benefits of a clean, clear energy system. Energy work is not something that you do once or twice, but something that when done on a regular basis leads to good health and success. I’m grateful for all of you who have invited me to be a part of your lives in balancing your energy!


19 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. I have a gratitude journal and the most thing I am grateful for right now is my daughter is coming home from deployment tomorrow after 12 months and I am so grateful that I was able to take care of the boys for 10 mos:) I am truly blessed.

    • I’m also grateful! Grateful for your sacrifice to have her sacrifice her time for me! Please thank her for her service for me! Also, please share this site with her and tell her that her first session with me is free as a thank you for her service. As her mother, your first session is also free! SimplyHealedTM is effective in eliminating PTSD. I’ve personally seen my clients who have been afflicted with this ailment heal when all other therapies have failed.

    • I think it’s just great minds working together. You will find I talk about gratitude a lot. This is actually an old post that was in line to be modernized 🙂 Thanks Nick!

  2. Gratitude is so important. I love that you decided to address it today. I think about what I am grateful for every day by doing my Miracle Morning. It gets the day off to a good start. And, I know that I can handle anything that comes my way.

  3. Love it Loretta! I am a colon cancer survivor and during my chemo treatment I was extremely tired and feeling sorry for myself. My company was running a “gratitude challenge” during the same time. So every day I would think who needed to hear from me and I would send them a card. Either encouraging them or thanking them for something. Changed my outlook. Nice article!

  4. Wonderful post Loretta! Every day I send a card to someone for whom I am grateful. It lets the person know how I feel and makes me feel good too!!

  5. There are many things for which I am grateful today. In no uncertain order: 1. Waking up, feeling well, no aches, no pains, no illness. 2. My wonderful daughter, her husband, and their beautiful daughter. 3. My parents, both well and “shlepping along” as my 90 year old father says, but living in their own home without any type of care. 4. My brothers, who are amazing. 5. My business partner, who has the constitution of an iron man. 6. My voice. ’nuff sung. 7. My friends. No, not facebook “friends” but the 6 or 7 true friends on whom I could call at 2 a.m. if I needed them. 8. My belief in God. Untarnished. Unstoppable. Omnipotent. 9. The beautiful morning, the sun rise, the warm air, walking Abbie in the park, the day and then the evening and then the night.

    • That’s beautiful, Tina!!! Thank you so much for sharing! I truly enjoyed reading what you are grateful for today 🙂

  6. A grateful heart does shift your focus from the things that aren’t going exactly right. In every circumstance there is something to be grateful for- a lesson to be learned. I love the gratitude jar idea! I’ll be trying that! Thanks for a great post as always.

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