Create your Victory!

A plea for your consideration…

I have a friend, Sherry Hunter, who has organized an event on FaceBook for the Utah County NAMI in behalf of Friends of Mitchel Fundraiser. Her son, Mitchel, a 27 year old Army Veteran is institutionalized with schizophrenia.  It would be wonderful if you are able and willing to donate something. At the very least, stop by and check out the pictures and accept the invitation to take part. My friend is attempting to do something very positive in the wake of a trial in her life. I commend her for that!
CLICK HERE for the event page.

Friends of Mitchel Fundraiser On Saturday, July 27th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm ~ Utah County NAMI will be holding the annual “Friends of Mitchel” fundraiser. This fundraiser is for the NAMI Utah Walk. A huge selection of household items, clothing, furniture, books, designer handbags, collector items, and SO much more!! There will also be SILENT AUCTION ITEMS (gift certificates, custom made jewelry, special event tickets, etc) drinks, food, etc. Address: 397 North 2420 West Provo, UT 84601


We have the ability to create our lives…

You’re familiar with the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aid!” While it’s true that the trials we face in life polish and strengthen us, and are beneficial for our growth, it’s also true that we can choose how we will endure those trials. Some people latch onto the trial and become entrenched in it their entire life. Others overcome the trial or the trial becomes so minor that it is no longer a burden to them. The latter is where true growth occurs.

So how do they do that?

We must not allow ourselves to be victims of life but rather be victors of life. There is so much more growth achieved in victory! One way to become victorious is by creating that victory. My friend Sherry is creating her victory. How would you do that? My favorite way is by writing down your victory. Create every detail in script. Some people call this their goals or list of intentions. I like to call it my manifestation list. When you write this list, it’s done a little differently in that you write it as if it has already happened, and you fill each point with emotion. In her book, “The Jackrabbit Factor, Portal to Genius”, Leslie Householder teaches this concept. I highly recommend reading her book. It is found in my recommendations on the right. As a SimplyHealed Practitioner®, we take this exercise one step further by clearing all the blocks you may have and then we plug it directly into your energy field. This takes the creation aspect up to a whole new level.

Ahhhh Sweet Success!DSC_0004

Not only have I enjoyed seeing success with my clients, but I also have personally experienced success in my own life by utilizing this avenue of creating through manifestation lists. I invite you to give it a try! Subscribe at the top right of this page today, and not only will you receive my free report on Energy Healing and You, but you will also receive a 50% coupon to use towards your next session! Is it time to create something new in your life?


29 thoughts on “Create your Victory!

  1. First of all, I want to give a huge shout out to Loretta for bringing some light and awareness to this very close to my heart topic. I’m so grateful. If anyone would like to make a monetary donation, the link is Thank you again, Loretta for being such a beautiful and caring friend. Love!

    • Thank you Sherry! I just turned on the computer to make this change in my blog post! I’ve seen some of my friends have shared this and have even clicked they are going! Thank you dear friends!! I knew I could count on you!!!

    • I agree war is horrible. However I would rather support our troops than have those that hate us take over our nation. We must protect ourselves. I’m grateful for those who step up and are willing to fight for my freedoms. I have donated in his behalf. I hope everyone who loves this nation and loves their freedoms will do the same.

  2. Hope the event will be successful. It is great what you are doing for your friend and her son. Sharing now

  3. I’m familiar with NAMI not only as a nurse in a Behavioral Health Clinic for over 5 years but also as the best friend of a child with Bi-polar Disorder. An excellent organization, well with supporting!

  4. Thanks for sharing. I had heard of NAMI. I think taking positive action during a struggling time can help you have some control. It’s especially difficult when you are dealing with a loved one’s struggle.

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