First Day of School… Good Bye Summer!

OK, so I’m a grandmother now, and not the mother of the “littles” living in my home… but this year seemed to bring some anxiety in me for the first day of school.Boys 1st day 3rd grade As an energy practitioner, I paid close attention to these feelings and focused on clearing what was coming up. For some reason I felt like I was clinging onto Summer – an emotion I have not had in a very long time… I LOVE Fall!!! It’s seriously my favorite time of year, so I hope I’ve cleared all that was coming up to clear. All I can say is when I have a lot of emotions surface to clear, I feel it’s an indication that there are really good things coming!

This picture is descriptive of how difficult it is for Gavin to take pictures in the bright sun… however, it should be noted that these boys were VERY excited to begin the new school year! Gavin set out his wardrobe for the entire week yesterday – SO CUTE!


Some Summer Memories…

memories of swimming


I’m so grateful that a dear friend shared her pool with us! It was absolutely wonderful to get to swim when ever we wanted to!ย memories 2




It was fun to see what good swimmers these boys are. I also got to witness again how supportive they are of one another. Alex said to me, “Grandma, you are the best grandma!” Priceless




hike with mom

Plus, this year has been a HIKING Summer! What fun we had hiking!!! My daughter is actually traveling to hike Mt. Whitney as I write this post. We actually just tagged along during her training, but it was a blast. The boys also got to hike Baldy and sleep under the stars with their mom and friends.



hike viewing ocean



These pictures were taken on a hike at El Moro Canyon in Laguna Beach where there are steep hills to climb and views of the ocean! There’s just something wonderful about being outside in nature. It makes my heart sing to see my grandsons enjoying nature as much as I do.


Moving Forward



The ride does not end here. Though Summer is but a memory, we continue to move forward. When those emotions that get stuck are ready to release, we are grateful for the simple process of the SimplyHealed Methodยฎ and for the amazing things that can be accomplished utilizing this lightning fast method. Happy Fall my friends!


23 thoughts on “First Day of School… Good Bye Summer!

  1. I have to say I think Fall is my favorite time of year as well. Especially since its been 110 this past week here in Arizona. One last thing I might add.. You are way too young to be a grandma!!

    • Thank you Kelly! So sweet of you to say!!! But alas… I am – but being a grandma is awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ I have 6 wonderful grandsons!!! One is 12 years old!!! Oh and 110 is nice for Arizona… it’s a dry heat, right ๐Ÿ™‚ I used to live there, and if it got above 110 I was miserable!!!

    • Isn’t that the truth! I often recall that song my mother used to sing, “Bring out those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer. Those days of summer of laughter and cheer.” Nowadays it seems we get busier and busier, and those lazy days of summer just don’t exist.

  2. How wonderful that you were able to spend so much quality time with your “Babies” and outside to boot! I love the gratitude you have for your family and your life! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thank you Deanna ๐Ÿ™‚ These 2 guys live with me, so I’m totally fortunate! They are growing so quickly!!! It cracks me up when I have them with me in a store and people take it upon themselves to lecture me on being grateful for this time with them because it passes so quickly, and I reply that I know, that these are my grandsons! They are always shocked for them assume they are my kids. LOL!

  3. my kids had some nervous energy this morning, that they needed to check themselves and calm it down.. not easy but we got it done.. now until they come home..

  4. It looks like you had a GREAT summer. Perhaps too good? I know when I have really good times I sometimes let my negative energy get the best of me and remind me that hard times are ahead in the cycle of life. I have to pray a lot to kick that stuff out.

  5. I love all these pictures.. looks like you guys had most wonderful of the summer time, EVER! Today was my little one’s first day at school and it was a bitter sweet moment for us.. I cannot believe he is in school already..and one day, in no time, he will be a grown man and on his own… Thanks for sharing your thoughts.. Fall is my favorite season too.. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Oh I know!!! Hence we cherish the moments, and hug and hold onto those little ones as much as we can. I tell my grandsons how much I love holding hands with them. I warn them that someday they may not want to hold hands with me. So when ever we hold hands I tell them how much I love it. They are 8 and still enjoy holding hands, but I know the time is drawing near…

  6. Oh we had an awesome summer too. It is hard to say goodbye to those days but I am really glad to say HELLO to fall and the new memories we will be making.

  7. This post gave me great memories of this past Spring and Summer when my boy and I would go swimming and hiking in OC. As I have gotten older, I definitely am more inclined to do outdoor things with him and I love that SoCal permits that year round for the most part. Thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Great looking grandsons! Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos…looks like you had a blast and although school has started I’m sure you can make some wonderful memories for Fall!

  9. You may not be mom but they have been in your home for many years. Of course you are feeling the empty nest feeling!! Because you love them! Thanks for sharing the pics of them and your summer!! Love ya

    • Hummm… An interesting thought. But normally I’m excited for the free time and quiet in my home – LOL! I couldn’t put my finger on it except that I think it was my own stuff from my childhood finally surfacing. Thanks for commenting Dani! Love ya, too!

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