Enjoying the Beauty of Summer

Β What a wonderful Summer we are having!

I love the Summer rain and thunder storms, and the beautiful sunshine and warm temperatures! I love the beautiful sunsets and spending time with family and friends! I wanted you to know that we are enjoying Summer, AND…beauty of summer

Taking a hiatus from the Monthly Group Call!

But never fear!!! We will resume in September!!! I have loved being a part of your life each month, and enjoying your progress and seeing your success! And thinking about the September call, I thought it would be fun if YOU chose the topic! Create one or contribute to the creation by commenting below on what would be wonderful to create in your life!

There are many topics to choose from…

  • Opening up your creativity!
  • Enhancing and healing family relationships
  • Replacing Stress with Joy!
  • Becoming your best friend
  • Your topic!

I have topics to choose from, but would really like your input. These calls are for you! There are many areas we can focus on and much progress that can be made! Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your creative genius!!!


Just a thoughtDSC_0004

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to go to work every day and feel happy and productive? Think of how wonderful it would feel to be able to say “I am truly blessed” and believe it! This is all possible! When things don’t feel quite right, there are some negative emotions trapped in your energy field. Those emotions are easily released! The Monthly Group Call is a great way to maintain a strong, positive energy system!


34 thoughts on “Enjoying the Beauty of Summer

  1. I loved reading all the comments on this post about the wonders summer can bring. I have had the opportunity to experience a summer unlike any other summer before. Growing up in Southern California just a few miles from the beach I grew accustomed to those wonderful overcast mornings that gave way to mild temperatures and afternoon sunshine. This summer I moved to Arizona. The summers here have scalding temperatures I’m not use to. I have really had to reach deep inside myself for all you taught me about gratitude. It would be very easy for me to focus on the unpleasant heat, but instead, because of what you taught me, I go out in the morning and run by the irrigation canal and choose to focus on everything that is beautiful about my new environment. I have come to love the morning sunrise, I have come to marvel at the desert thunderstorms, lightening and pelting rain. It is becoming easier for me to find joy in the “balmy” 90* evening temperatures and the warm breezes. I see sunsets here in the desert that even rival the sun setting over the Pacific ocean in their beauty. With just a little shift in attitude, like you taught me to do, even a California girl can find beauty in the summer heat of Arizona.

    • That is just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing! I miss the beautiful thunderstorms over the dessert! I especially LOVE the balmy 90 degree evenings!!!

  2. With you being In Huntington Beach, do you ever make it to Crystal Cove? That used to be my favorite place to re-charge. To sit at the top of the cliffs and see nothing but sand, ocean and a few surfers. And sometimes walking towards the right, all the way to the end of the cliffs. I happened upon what appeared to be the sea life dining area. Lots of leftover shells, starfish, sea urchins. Nature at it’s finest.

    How about for a topic, learning to appreciate nature and how it can heal a wounded soul? I find just being among it is regenerating. But so many people have no idea where to find or how to enjoy without disruption.

    • We LOVE Crystal Cove! Found out about that one when I was 15 years old! I’ve always gone to the beach to recharge. The sound do the waves crashing in rhythm soothingly reminds me of my connection to the earth and all its beauty.

      Great suggestion! I’ll put it on the list! Thanks Dionne!

  3. I think I would love the summer a bit more if I could look out over the water like that. This has been a hot summer, but the thunderstorms make it so much better.

    • I have been so jealous of everyone with all the thunder storms. In Huntington Beach, we rarely get thunder… and not a lot of rain either. When we get more rain, the cliffs start shifting and the wealthy houses slide down the cliffs!

  4. Summers are great. They bring a back a lot of memories. In Tucson I enjoy what I call “the sound and light show” when we have our monsoon rains.

    • That’s so nice to say, Dov, thank you! Yes, my husband is an amazing photographer. I’ll tell him you like it πŸ™‚

  5. yes, summers a time to enjoy the out doors and eat healthy foods, so many amazing summer fruits to enjoy ..Oh and i do love a good thunderstorm

  6. I love going to work everyday. And I feel blessed each day that I can do it.. πŸ™‚

  7. Great summer to be had…summer for me can not be complete until my feet are tingling from the warm beach sand!
    I would love to see a call on worthiness. It seems that society has made it that we should feel guilty if we put ourselves first and this translates to a worthiness issue-esepcially in women. Your other topics:
    Opening up your creativity!
    Enhancing and healing family relationships
    Replacing Stress with Joy!
    Becoming your best friend
    really happen after one realizes their worthiness potential.
    Hope that helps and look forward to your calls once summer is over.
    Thanks Lorretta

    • Thank you, Karen! Will add your great suggestion to the list! Hope you get to enjoy the tingling of warmth on your feet in the sand soon!

  8. I, too, love all aspects of summer. I love that you are taking a break from work to enjoy your family and life…we all need to do that! A great topic would be “A mindset shift: from Victim to Victor”.

  9. Excellent point, we should spend more time outdoors! Guess what? I’m going to Myrtle Beach soon! Hopefully it won’t rain! I am glad to see that you are taking it light Loretta and preparing for some great fun in September. It is so important to recharge our batteries. Wishing you a wonderful summer!

    Yvonne Brown

    • Living on the west coast, thunderstorms and rain is so seldom that when it happens I rejoice! I hope your visit to Myrtle Beach is everything you hoped it would be, Yvonne!

  10. I’ve spent much of the summer relaxing and putting my focus on self reflection and upcoming changes to my business. To go deeper into my intention of helping others in a more powerful way.

    It’s a great season for self healing

  11. This has been a rather warm and spectacular summer to say the least. I recently spent a weekend at Myrtle Beach. Even though it rained and the thunderstorms were off and on, when the sun made its presence felt it was awesome.

    It all goes to say that we all should spend just a little more time outdoors.

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