An Energetic Approach to an Injury


What weird looking feet!

What weird looking feet!

Last week, while running, I lost my footing somehow and fell. I felt pain in my left foot, so immediately, as an energy coach, I asked myself what was I not wanting to move forward in? I got up, brushed myself off, energetically worked on my foot and finished my run. I got home, got things in order, and went to my chiropractor to ensure I aligned everything correctly. Utilizing energy work, chiropractic work, essential oils and some ice packs, I’ve succeeded in minimizing swelling, pain and bruising, but it’s still not 100% yet, so I’ve opted to slow down and take things a little easy. But as you can see from the picture, no swelling and no bruising – yeah!

Time to Change Direction?

Typically in the energy profession, when an injury occurs to a leg or foot, it is related with moving forward in something. However, this time it seems it’s not that at all, but maybe I’ve been moving in the wrong direction… So I pulled out a handy reference guide “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” and my thoughts were confirmed. its more related to the direction I was going in… not necessarily the wrong direction,
but maybe I just needed some time – some quiet time to reflect, think and refine my direction.

Taking Action!

My first line of action… clearing some generational attachment, and a timeline, (which by the way, explains why I fell down the staircase at my great aunt’s funeral over 40 years ago, and sprained my ankle – but that’s another story) along with a few other items that became apparent that I needed to clear.

Receiving Strength from a Friend…

Next, I spent some quality reading time. I have a friend in the same field as me. I met her in the Ultimate Blog Challenge… I love how she approaches this topic. How Long Do You Want To Feel Bad, written by Kathy Hadley talks about how you have a choice – a choice of how to think and act. I truly believe had I allowed negative emotions to fill my thoughts and being, I would most likely have at least a boot on my foot, or even a cast. And if I would have originally cleared the things I cleared AFTER the fall, I wouldn’t need to be taking it easy right now. (I was warned, but alas, I didn’t listen.) However, I have really enjoyed the pampering!

It’s been my experience…

When I work with clients, if they try to emotionally hold onto the negative experiences that they have cleared, I remind them that they have released whatever it was holding them in that “negative flight pattern” and take that opportunity to search for deeper blocks. Sometimes, since SimplyHealed™ is so fast and subtle, I just need to point out that the client has in fact cleared what needed to be cleared. This is where coaching is so beneficial. Coaching assists the client in realizing they are now attracting healthy, positive experiences. It allows them to give themselves the permission to embrace new experiences.

Visit with Loretta…

Loretta Smith

Loretta Smith

I love sharing the benefits of healing energy! Whether it’s relationships with family members or co-workers, money issues or health and wellness, everyone benefits from tuning up their energy systems! If you haven’t already, I invite you to explore this site. I’ve kept it easy and simple for your convenience. The SimplyHealed Method® is fast and complete. I’m looking forward to sharing it with you!

57 thoughts on “An Energetic Approach to an Injury

  1. Loretta, I am so glad your foot is okay and I love everything you shared here. I strongly believe that our energy and mind are so important to our healing.

    I did a Vinyasa Teacher training a couple years ago and a few weeks into the class I began crying, unexpected and unwanted on my drives home. (it was a 45 minute drive each way). I did not understand and had never been one to cry.

    I spoke to my teacher and she explained it was emotions that I was holding onto and through various poses these emotions were being released. It was something very new to me.

    Needless to say I have been better at expressing myself but I know I am still a work in progress. I would love to chat with you sometime.


    • Thank you so much Dionne for sharing your amazing experience! Releasing trapped emotions using SimplyHealedTM is much easier 🙂 Bless your heart! I would love to chat with you soon! I recommend subscribing in the upper right corner. You’ll receive a 50% off coupon for your first session! You would need to coordinate that first appointment with me personally. Looking forward to chatting 🙂

  2. In physics, it says that energy is not created nor destroyed. We all have energy, use it, consume it can be restored in many ways. Its just that so many people do not know how to restore their energy during hard times. They felt exhausted and has no more energy to fight and move on. But the truth is we just need to restore all the energy we have lost. Some people who find it hard to cope up, Karen is a good choice to go to get some tips I know.

    • Interesting Jason! I wasn’t aware you knew so much about energy work. That’s awesome. When things go badly is when we realize we needed to clear something and for most people it truly helps to have the assistance of a professional 🙂

  3. This is a beautiful blog post Loretta. Thank you for sharing your experience. I value what you have taught me about utilizing the tools we have. Energy work, oils, changing out thinking, etc. I love the way you shifted right into the solution when you injured your foot. This is what you have taught me. It is no longer natural for me to stay in the problem. By the way, lovely blue toes:)

  4. I really appreciate your work. Negative energy is a part of the human condition. I would explain based on my theology, but that’s not what we are here for. Nonetheless, it’s a constant struggle for everyone to be positive 100% of the time, and being reminded about the need for positive energy is a major plus! Thanks much!!!!!

    • I understand Don… when I refer to negative emotional blocks that need to be released, I’m referring to literal blocks. I maintain a distance from theology in my work because it doesn’t matter what the person’s religious beliefs are or are not, when working in Energy medicine. Indeed negative energy is something that we as humans tuck away and store, but it is possible to be a positive and productive person even if that wasn’t a person’s make-up in the past. I’m proof of that 🙂 Thank you so much for your comment, Don! Your work is amazing, too 🙂

  5. Wow I never thought of falling or twisting an ankle as something relating to moving forward.. Great article.. I am glad you are on the road to healing..

    • There’s so much to look for on this, Deborah… let me know if any of this resonates with you:
      Foot injuries MAY indicate: a fear of moving ahead with life; a fear of change; has difficulty in being resolute about issues; inability to understand

      Shoulders are our expressive part; it can indicate bearing burdens that do not belong to you, or life is too great a burden to bear, carrying stressful responsibilities, or a lack of courage. The Right shoulder relates to financial

      Right side indicates:
      Physical direction as opposed to spiritual direction; the right is your masculine side and indicates your fighting/giving/releasing side

      This just scratches the surface. If any of these resonate with you, please contact me. The fact that you injured your shoulder and foot doesn’t mean you have released those stuck negative emotions. Have you completely healed from your injuries? Sometimes the injuries take much longer to heal when there are trapped emotions there.

      • Thanks Loretta! Yes, I am better today. Some of what you said does sound familiar. They were minor injuries. But, I have had times where I’ve sprained my ankle and it takes so long to heal. It’s been those times when there’s been a lot going on.

    • We all have negative energy to release. If we didn’t we would be immortal. I’m so grateful for the tools to be able to help myself and others!

  6. Loretta,
    Thanks for sharing this post. If only we could get the rest of the world to tink in the manner that you do instead of running off to the doctors to abuse our body when all it is really saying..”hey something is out of balance.”

    I used these methods when something is out of balance including when I work out. If I hurt the next morning it is not because I overworked the muscle it is because I was trying to overwork the stored emotion.

    I also used these methods and more to finally become one and at peace in my body thus no longer need Crohn’s disease and umbrella of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

    I really hope that people reading this seek you out and start listening to the messages within their body.

    Glad you are up and running again….oh and Arnica works wonder on the residual LOL!
    Thanks for the reference I am off to pick up “How Long Do You Want To Feel Bad“, written by Kathy Hadley
    Love and energy to you and your foot!

    • Thank you, Karen! I read your post on Crohn’s and shared it on my wall… I’ve got some friends I’m hoping to help in that struggle. Congratulations on healing from that! Great job!!!

  7. Dear Loretta,

    First, I’m so happy that you immediately shifted the energy of the situation so that all could be back in the flow of well-being as quickly as possible.

    Then, I want to say that I am so pleased that what I wrote also helped you in this manner.

    Just last night, I was speaking to yet another new friend from the Ultimate Blog Challenge about how immediate energy actually shifts.

    I could write a book about the times I’ve helped people energetically to heal more quickly.

    These days, most of my life coaching, is about helping people eliminate those energy and thought patterns before they get themselves into such a situation.

    Thank you for mentioning me and keep up the great work of helping others improve their lives.


    Kathy Hadley

    • Thank you Kathy! I agree! It’s my intention to help people BEFORE the trapped negative energy causes injury, illness or discord, however, as you know, we humans don’t always realize we’ve stored some negative energy 🙂 it is my hope to educate and introduce this alternative to all who will lend an ear!

  8. I would have never thought about what did my fall mean to me…. it is a different perspective

  9. I’ve been a firm believer of alternative forms of healing when necessary. Glad to hear your foot is okay and that you’ve had an opportunity to reflect and redirect your path.

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