Time for a BELLY LAUGH!

I LOVE laughing!

Laughter makes you feel joyous. That good feeling you get when you laugh remains with you even after the laughter subsides. Humor helps us keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss. It literally raises ones energetic vibration, so not only do we feel better, it radiates to everyone else around us.

Laughter is contagious…

Like the innocent laughter of a precious little baby…

I love laughing! I needed this laugh, did you?

Laughing is Healing!

Some people are able to release negative energy when laughing. I know it works for me. Though sometimes people struggle just to laugh at all. When I was younger, I learned how important it was to laugh. I began looking for reasons to laugh. I would watch funny shows and laugh. But to be honest, I had to give myself permission to laugh. Somehow that made it OK or safe to laugh. Once I did that, laughing became easier. The more I laughed the easier it was, and the happier I was! I’ve read and heard it said that if you have  a serious illness that you should find things to laugh at – watch TV shows that would make you laugh. After all, it’s been said that laughter is the best medicine!

Laughter is a great Stress Relief!

Sometimes we may find ourselves so focused on the day to day grind that we forget to laugh. Should you realize that, please take a moment and find something to laugh about. Hopefully you can find an avenue to laugh quickly. We used to have a radio station here that had 5:00 Funnies. Every day they would play a portion of a stand up routine from different comedians. Some were really funny and I was grateful I was car pooling and not the one driving!

Loretta Smith

Loretta Smith

I love to laugh!

Comment below with something funny… keep it clean and tasteful! Let’s laugh together!!!

62 thoughts on “Time for a BELLY LAUGH!

  1. It’s amazing how good I feel after a good laugh. Then, there’s the stress relieving laugh that helps in times of trouble. Like the time I nearly blew my face off with an egg in a microwave. 😉

  2. In 2004 I participated in a training called Laugh Yourself to Healing with my church family. It was the most freeing and liberating experience I have ever had and led to my healing in many areas of my emotional, mental and spiritual life. I’ve never had to return to those places that were healed, because they were also made whole. Laughter is some of the best medicine alive and I know now what it means to have Joy, unspeakable joy.

  3. I remember the 5 o’clock funnies!! Did I just age myself? :/ Have you heard about the laughter parties that they have now. People are definitely staring to get it.

  4. One of the greatest life lessons is try to keep a positive outlook, and there’s no better and easier way than with laughter

  5. I love this! Laughter does make everything better!! Now something funny…hmmmm….Ok so I google something funny and this was the funniest thing I saw! A pick up line, Did you fart? Because you just blew me away…. LMAO!!!

  6. This is so true. I always try to put some levity into everything. Of course it happens sometimes that people don’t appreciate (or understand) my humor. But life is too short not to laugh at it.

    • Do you recall that slumber party game where we all laid our heads on people’s stomachs and took turns saying ha? Each person down the line said as many ha’s that signified their place in line. We rarely made it to the end to hear all the ha ha’s because everyone was cracking up!

  7. Laughter is good for the mind, body and soul. There are physiological reasons why laughter is good for the body! Laughter heals!!

  8. Yes I agree!.. Laughing makes me feel better.. and its pretty cool how it just changes my whole mood lol..

  9. I have seen this one before but it never fails to make me laugh out loud with her. Thank you for sharing.

    I have one but it may only gain a chuckle… My father like to make up jokes and he has always felt my son is his mini me with his sense of humor so when my son was 8 or so my father called him with his latest joke, “Austin, do you know what a billboard is?” He replied with yes. So my father continued, “How do billboards communicate?” To which my son, without missing a beat replied with the punchline, having never heard the joke before, “with SIGN language.”

    I hope it at least gained a chuckle. 😉

    Missy Bell

  10. Nothing like laughing. I absolutely loved the baby video. There is nothing like hearing a baby laugh, if a person can’t laugh at that there must be something wrong. My grand-kids (6) are no longer babies since they are 8-11yrs. old but I can still remember how their laughter made me laugh. Thanks for making my day start on such a positive note.

    • Hazel! My grand kids are ages 8-12! I can relate 🙂 I miss their little giggles! So happy to be with you starting your day in a happy way 🙂

  11. I love laughing as well. It really is a great stress releaser. My toddler can totally make my day and when she laughs I just have to join in. Thanks for reminding us that laughter really is the best medicine. 🙂

    • It’s wonderful that you’re teaching your child through example! Little children have such innocence that their laughing is just precious! Thank you for your comment!

  12. I so agree, and I need some right now. Lots of stress with building a business, selling a house, and moving at the same time. I need a negative energy drain!!!!!

    • Sometimes we need to look for things to laugh about! As we do, it becomes easier to laugh. Early on in our marriage, we decided if anything goes wrong, it should be blamed on my husband. It was a joke. But now, completely obscure things that happen, we blame him for it and have a really good laugh together!

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