Purely Economical!

lavender money

Something I hear often from those who are first hearing about oils is “they are so expensive”, so I thought I would talk a little about this today.

I love comparisons!

Let’s take Lavender for an example… Before using oils, I would purchase from the local store, a tube for burns, a tube for itchy bug bites, capsules to encourage restful sleep, even something for a sunburn. Those items I would use maybe a handful of times, then they would collect dust taking up real estate in my bathroom drawer. Eventually I would need to throw them away because they were expired. So, let’s do the math… paying say $5 a piece (because I like round numbers), if I only got 5 applications from the tube, each application would cost $1. That’s a lot of money!

Now, imagine if just one product

could do all those individual things and more!  Allow me to illustrate with one of my own experiences. I was visiting with a neighbor, and misjudged my position on their front porch. As I stepped back, I immediately realized I was falling. Not wanting to land in the flower bed, I braced my fall by pressing my arm on the stucco wall. I caught my fall, but sustained a nasty road rash on my arm that was filled with stucco. I immediately went home and washed out the stucco. Boy, did that sting! I reached for my Lavender and applied 2 drops in my palm and rubbed it over the area. Immediately the sting was soothed, and I went about my day. Two hours later, I remembered what I had done and thought, I should apply more Lavender. 2 drops in my opposite palm and went to apply and was shocked to see all redness was gone, just little red scratch lines were present. Thrilled, I applied the 2nd application and went about my business. 4 hours later when I was getting ready for bed, I remembered what I had done and went to apply again, but there wasn’t much sign of anything on my arm. I applied the 3rd time for good measure. I only wish I had taken photos! So what did I receive? My injury was soothed, my state of mind was calmed and I enjoyed a wonderful scent of the best Lavender in the world! And the real kicker… each drop of Lavender costs just .09 cents! And, I have plenty left over to use for calming the itch of a bug bite, soothing a sunburn, peaceful sleep and since we tend to be crazy in the kitchen, we need a lot of Lavender for all the burns we get cooking. It’s also easy to house the Lavender in my bathroom drawer now that all those store bought tubes are gone!

Very Economical!

It usually takelavender hearts us a good 1-2 years to use up just one 15ml bottle of Lavender. I would say that’s VERY cost effective. I’ve found that since using essential oils, my budget has eased quite a bit, and my quality of life has improved. I’m thrilled to share this with the world!


in learning more about these amazing essential oils from my own experiences? Please click here


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

2 thoughts on “Purely Economical!

  1. Excellent Article. I find that I rarely pay for my oil obsession. Between the commissions I earn from my small team to the free rewards every month my order is PAID for. It doesnt get much better then FREE

    • I hear ya! I save so much money NOT shopping at the store for these products anymore! That means I have extra money in my monthly budget to spend on my obsession… OILS!

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