Natural deodorant that WORKS!

I’ve been moving more and more toward natural solutions to everyday procedures… So, let’s address a stinky subject… you know that offensive smell of body odor!

I would not have tried this if…

I wouldn’t have tried this if I didn’t have little 8 year old twin grandsons who are beginning to need this. I seriously couldn’t use enough soap and water to wash away their smell! LOL! And I wasn’t about to apply the chemically laden store alternatives to their young, still delicate skin… so I did some research.

Everywhere I looked, people raved about…

This recipe…

My creation! Best deodorant ever!

My creation! Best deodorant ever!

I used Lime essential oil which makes the recipe actually smell similar to a cake mix, though it’s not as fragrant as the perfumed deodorants from the store. I’ve read where people use other citrus essential oils or lavender.  Choose your favorite oil. I think I will try cinnamon next or a combination of other earthy fragrances – YUM! Simply combine the dry ingredients and add in the oils. Stir it well with a fork. Then after a shower, using your clean finger, pick up a small amount and rub it on. Too easy!

Sweet Success!!!

My little grandsons no longer smell like sweaty men who have been working in the yard on a hot summer’s day! YEAH! And even better, my husband loves it! No more chemicals on our delicate armpits! This is so much more of a blessing than no longer placing those chemical laden store products on our skin, because now we no longer have to worry about those unsightly yellow deodorant stains on white undershirts and white dress shirts! YEAH!!! And for just a few cents on the dollar, too!

Some Variations…

Some sites said to only use 2 Tablespoons coconut oil. I will be trying this next. Others suggest you put it in an old stick deodorant container, however, coconut oil liquefies when the weather warms up, so I preferred to put it in this lovely covered sugar bowl. It’s lovely on my counter.

I don’t know where the recipe originated or who was the first to post it… but thank you, thank you!

Contact me for more information!

I would be happy to share with you the essential oils I prefer to use!

Here’s Loretta...

It’s so exciting for me to experience real change in the lives of my clients and family. That change has come DSC_0004from the use of SimplyHealed™ energy healing techniques, eating a more whole food diet – eliminating processed foods and sugar, and getting regular exercise. The use of essential oils has been a wonderful addition to our well being.

27 thoughts on “Natural deodorant that WORKS!

  1. Thanks. I will try this too. Little boys certainly do smell funny even right after a shower so I am glad it worked on your grandboys! I also stopped dying my hair because that put very toxic chemicals right on my skin which is the biggest organ you have.

    • Thanks, Dani 🙂 I can’t wait until I can stop coloring my hair 🙂 It’s still kinda scary for me as I haven’t grayed gracefully but rather in clumps LOL … however I do use the non-permanent or demi color. They also have more natural dyes at the health food stores.

  2. Thanks for the great recipe for deodorant. I’m making some now. Just started using the coconut oil, it’s great. You have the greatest ideas thank you.

    • Tina, this is for underarms. However, baking soda is an excellent natural cleaner. I’ve used it to clean the soap scum in my shower very successfully. There are also natural enzyme cleaners at the pet store that are very effective that actually have live enzymes that feed on pet urine and other odorous stains.

  3. I found this recipe the other day and want to try it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Most deodorants have aluminum in them and can cause cysts and lumps in the under arm area as I am sure you know. It is nice to have a natural alternative that really works. How long does it last before it wears off?

    Yvonne Brown

  5. Thanks for this tip. In Georgia there are days in which you wish you could give this to some folks!!

  6. That’s awesome! My wife and I were reading the other day the influences of the chemicals in the deodorants. There is some medical evidence to suggest that in women those chemicals are entering the sweat glands and getting into the lymph nodes. You know what happens then. Nothing good!

  7. I’m going to try this! I’ve been reading how unsafe the deodorants available on the market are! Some are even cancer causing 🙁

    • yes indeed Veronica, that is why I thought to try it. Seriously it was so easy to make, and for my husband, it works better than the store bought variety

    • It’s not supposed to, but the cornstarch in it would do a little bit for that. Antiperspirants are really bad for your body.

    • I think the hardest part for my 8 year old grandsons is actually remembering to use it. But if they skip a day, it’s still better than not using it at all 🙂

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