Happy Thanksgiving!

My friends!

We have reached that time of year that Geoff likes to call the Holiday Slide! It begins with Halloween and before you know it the new year is picking up steam! I love this time of year!

Over the many years that I’ve enjoyed the privilege of working with you, a common theme keeps coming up. I don’t know if I’m attracting this because of the energy around me, or if it’s just human nature. May I be so bold as to say, this year we need to make a change, and the change begins with us.

Brigham YoungA very wise man who lead a church across the prairies of the US and re-established it in the wilderness of Utah in the mid 1800’s said, “He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.” That man was Brigham Young. Do you know of a time when a family member offended you? Were they really trying to offend you? Sometimes family members can be real stinkers and will lash out because they are hurting. It takes a lot of fortitude to be able to set one’s own feelings aside and not be offended when someone you care about displays a little tantrum. In a society that teaches people to think only of themselves, and be ultra critical of others, maybe some people are just holding on by a thread, trying to survive another day. Believe me, it’s so much more pleasant to endure day to day when there’s not emotional scars looming over.

It is my hope that we can celebrate Thanksgiving this year with a heart full of gratitude. List all that you’re grateful for. List all of your blessings. Then I want you to list your mistakes and how they’ve become blessings to help you not repeat those mistakes. Also list your trials and look at those trials with new, open eyes, and see how they have been blessings in disguise.

One trial I thought I had was that we didn’t make enough money. I fretted about it for many years. Then one day I realized that we have never gone without the basics… food, shelter, warmth, water, safety. We have always been cared for. Now I’m grateful for that trial so I can feel security knowing we are always taken care of. It has been so helpful during years when there were employment issues hovering around us.

Geoff at Skyworks cafeI hope with all my heart that you will feel the heartfelt gratitude that comes when you realize all the blessings you’ve been given and continue to receive. This year I am so grateful we have made it to retirement! It’s been wonderful having my precious husband with me all day every day. We have had such fun together just being together. It’s been fun sharing the household chores and watching the old TV shows together. We go to the gym and shopping together. What a blessing he is to me!


Happy Thanksgiving!

What we LOVE about Grapefruit Essential Oil


What is Grapefruit oil used for?

Grapefruit oil is becoming one of the most popular essential oils on the market. The bright, energizing aroma and many benefits of Grapefruit essential oil make it a fan favorite in the world of essential oils. Many people ask, “What is Grapefruit oil used for?” It turns out that many enjoy using Grapefruit essential oil for much more than simply its taste or smell.

So, what are the benefits and uses of Grapefruit essential oil? Keep reading to find out!

Use Grapefruit oil for weight loss

You may have heard people talking about using Grapefruit oil for weight loss. Experimental research shows that diffusing Grapefruit oil may help to curb cravings. If you’re trying to lose weight, consider diffusing Grapefruit oil to increase your motivation. Additionally, when taken internally, Grapefruit can help to support blood sugar levels that are already in the normal range.*

Use Grapefruit oil for skin

Do you love the smell of Grapefruit oil? Keep its lovely aroma with you all day and improve the appearance of your skin by incorporating Grapefruit oil into your skincare routine. Try adding Grapefruit oil to your nightly skincare regimen to reduce the appearance of blemishes. Remember though, as a citrus oil, the use of Grapefruit oil on the skin poses a risk for sun sensitivity, so avoid ultra-violet rays for at least 12 hours after applying Grapefruit to the skin.

Use Grapefruit oil to support a healthy metabolism*

Did you know that Grapefruit oil can help promote a healthy metabolism?* Because it contains the chemical constituent limonene, Grapefruit essential oil has internal cleansing and purifying properties.* This is why it’s commonly used to support a healthy metabolism and to gently cleanse the body with detoxifying benefits.* To take full advantage of these benefits, simply add one to two drops of Grapefruit oil to a glass of water, and drink.

Use Grapefruit oil to create an uplifting environment

With an encouraging, cheering effect on the emotions, Grapefruit is the perfect essential oil when you want to promote an uplifting atmosphere. Feeling bored and sluggish at work in the afternoon? Try diffusing Grapefruit oil at your desk. Need a little pick-me-up in the morning? Place a drop of Grapefruit oil in your palms, rub your hands together, and inhale deeply to take in its energizing, delightful aroma.

In my home, we put a drop in our water. Make sure to use a glass or stainless container if you want to do this… the oils are very cleansing, and you don’t want remnants of plastic in your water. Did I mention it smells AMAZING?!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Surround yourself with those who bring you strength

Life is full of ups & downs…

It doesn’t have to be gut wrenching and depressing! Here’s a little tip…

surround yourself

What do you do to keep going? What makes you tick? We would love to hear about it! We are here to lift each other and to help one another along. Your words may be what helps another. Please take a moment to share.

Be Excited!

Have you ever noticed…

how when you’re excited about things, life just flows better? Happy, joyful thoughts, or anticipation for something wonderful just places us in a good vibration. When you’re in that good vibration, you begin attracting more wonder and excitement to you. people-splashingA good example of this is Christmas time. As children we anticipate those glorious gifts we hoped for… as we excitedly anticipated those gifts, everyone around us joined in with their energy of joyful anticipation. People are generally happy. Some people call this the Christmas spirit. Or maybe it’s a football game… how exciting a football game is to attend. There’s a certain feel being with others attending a game, especially the first game of the season. The anticipation and excitement. These are examples of high vibrations in energy. 

What if things are not going well…

Did you know that you have the ability to change things if they are not going well? Not only do you have the ability, but it is your duty. You are expected to create your own life. That has always been the plan. This is what I teach to my clients.

How do we change something that is not going well?

Shifting the energy can be as easy as shifting your mind set. Finding something that is exciting and stimulating to your mind is a start. This may be new furniture, or a hobby. When you find yourself worrying, doubting or struggling in any way, you are sending out the message that this is what you want more of. Well, I doubt anyone would want more of struggling! Instead, set down the troubling thoughts and magnetinstead think of that new furniture or hobby. See yourself shopping for it or embraced in it. Laugh and allow the excitement to grow. As you do this, and prevent yourself from going to the worry room in your head, you will open up the flow of positive abundance into your life.

Allow the abundance to flow… resist the need to dictate how it should be. Just be excited for the adventure!people-magnet


If this is difficult, maybe it’s time for a session. Let’s get you back to creating your amazingly wonderful life!

Everyone Needs R&R!

Summertime is the traditional time for vacations!

The weather is great! Kids are out of school! People naturally flock to the beach, resorts or other recreational or scenic places. Family reunions or family vacations are abundant!

family vacation

We remember the Griswolds, right!?! Hopefully we won’t have memories like that!

I had originally planned, for this very reason to have the Group Energy Call to be on Family Relationships. However, MY family is coming into town, so I want to spend all the time I can with them. I am canceling the group call for July. I’m sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause. It is my hope that you can enjoy your family, or dear friends and you can spend some great R&R time, too.

Here’s some shots I took this morning of the happenings at the beach.prep for US Open


Huntington Beach is gearing up for the US Open Surfing Championships. Every year this is a HUGE event. The city transforms the beach into an amazing shopping area. The crowds are unbelievable!




The Jr. Lifeguard program is a very popular one here in Huntington Beach! The energy from these kids is amazing! jr lifeguards2

Have a great July, and I’ll be talking with you again in August!!! Surf’s UP!!!