Meet Loretta

About Loretta

It’s been over 10 years since I found myself in a place of severe dysfunction. It is with a deeply grateful heart that I can say that by shifting energy and embracing the powerful chemistry of essential oils my life is completely different than it was before finding these alternative methods to a better quality of life. I was able to locate crimps in the ancestral-emotional DNA and repair emotional wounds of the past, some of which had been contained in the lineage for many generations, as well as change my energy patterns, transformed behavior and shifted subconscious beliefs. It has been profound and life-changing.  I have enjoyed directing clients in beginning their healing process as well. The root of all physical ailments begin with emotions. Once negative emotions are neutralized, success in all areas of life can be experienced, from improving your physical or emotional health, to your sports performance and even to becoming financially abundant.

Energy Healing changed my lifeBegin a new journey with me! Book a session today!

“The power of Loretta’s work is tremendous. Life changing impact? Absolutely. I had been unsuccessful in “letting things go” and understanding my blockages on my own. After each session with her, I realized that things we released no longer had any power over me. What a phenomenal change! Loretta gave me freedom from the major things that have been holding me back. And consequently, she indirectly gave me a new life – which included my dream job!” Karen – Irvine, California