Happy Thanksgiving!

My friends!

We have reached that time of year that Geoff likes to call the Holiday Slide! It begins with Halloween and before you know it the new year is picking up steam! I love this time of year!

Over the many years that I’ve enjoyed the privilege of working with you, a common theme keeps coming up. I don’t know if I’m attracting this because of the energy around me, or if it’s just human nature. May I be so bold as to say, this year we need to make a change, and the change begins with us.

Brigham YoungA very wise man who lead a church across the prairies of the US and re-established it in the wilderness of Utah in the mid 1800’s said, “He who takes offense when no offense is intended is a fool, and he who takes offense when offense is intended is a greater fool.” That man was Brigham Young. Do you know of a time when a family member offended you? Were they really trying to offend you? Sometimes family members can be real stinkers and will lash out because they are hurting. It takes a lot of fortitude to be able to set one’s own feelings aside and not be offended when someone you care about displays a little tantrum. In a society that teaches people to think only of themselves, and be ultra critical of others, maybe some people are just holding on by a thread, trying to survive another day. Believe me, it’s so much more pleasant to endure day to day when there’s not emotional scars looming over.

It is my hope that we can celebrate Thanksgiving this year with a heart full of gratitude. List all that you’re grateful for. List all of your blessings. Then I want you to list your mistakes and how they’ve become blessings to help you not repeat those mistakes. Also list your trials and look at those trials with new, open eyes, and see how they have been blessings in disguise.

One trial I thought I had was that we didn’t make enough money. I fretted about it for many years. Then one day I realized that we have never gone without the basics… food, shelter, warmth, water, safety. We have always been cared for. Now I’m grateful for that trial so I can feel security knowing we are always taken care of. It has been so helpful during years when there were employment issues hovering around us.

Geoff at Skyworks cafeI hope with all my heart that you will feel the heartfelt gratitude that comes when you realize all the blessings you’ve been given and continue to receive. This year I am so grateful we have made it to retirement! It’s been wonderful having my precious husband with me all day every day. We have had such fun together just being together. It’s been fun sharing the household chores and watching the old TV shows together. We go to the gym and shopping together. What a blessing he is to me!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Holding Hands

Do You Hold Hands?

holding hands with childA child holds hands with their parents for protection. I use to tell my grandsons, when they were little, how much I loved holding hands with them. Then when we walked from Kindergarten, I explained that there would be a day when they no longer wanted to hold my hand. They both protested and exclaimed they would ALWAYS want to hold my hand. Now they are 13, and I cannot recall when the last time was that we held hands. I do recall, though, that when we did, it was their choice, and as they held my hand, they said, “See, I will always want to hold your hand.” They are such darling boys.

Holding Hands Transfers Love

My husband and I still hold hands. Amid all the comments when friends see us in public like: “Ah, look, they are older now, and they still hold hands. Isn’t that cute?” My husband HATES being called CUTE! But still enjoys holding my hand. We hold hands while watching a movie, while walking, holding hands childrenwhile sitting in church, and as we are falling asleep at night.


The connection involved in holding hands is incredible. I held hands with my mom, my mother in law, my sister, all in our adulthood. I have always enjoyed the love transferred from one hand to the other.


Holding Hands Transfers Energetic Vibrations

holding hands

I don’t see many people holding hands anymore. I think it’s a gesture of love that should never be overlooked. As an energy practitioner, I recognize the act of holding hands passes a high vibration and assists the vibration to rise in both participants. So I ask, do you hold hands? I would love to hear from all of you, and hopefully bring this practice into a more conscious awareness of the importance of it.

Do You Feel the Love?

The Month of Love

It’s been awhile since I did a blog post… I’ve been busy with my businesses, but I had to sit down and write this today… February traditionally is the month of love – at least that’s what society wants you to focus on. It’s big business after all, and gets the mind moving forward. But for many people nowadays this time of year is a very dark time. We are designed to need to be loved. Male & female needs differ in order to combine together and become one to procreate. However there seems to be a real disconnect going on with all the single people I am surrounded by. People are no longer able to commit to relationships for whatever reason. They are not able to commit to the ability to receive the level of companionship that is what the human body & soul crave. I’m grateful for the ability to shift energy, and have the pleasure of working with so many on this topic. How about doing something today… right now… for you… to ease that burden of not having that one person to feel one with – and I’m not just talking just intimacy here. Being one means being one in purpose, goals, intent, commitment. It’s companionship on all levels.

love all aroundShift the Energy with Me!

Maybe, just maybe, take moments throughout today to recognize the love all around you. As you recognize this love, express gratitude for it. As you express gratitude for it, that love will magnify. And as you feel gratitude for the love… I mean as you truly have heart felt gratitude for the love around you, you will attract more love to be grateful for. Now breathe deeply and exhale and allow yourself to feel the love… set aside all skepticism. Do you feel the love? Now… express gratitude and go throughout your day recognizing all the love – in all forms – and even share love with others! I would love to hear of your experiences!

Be Excited!

Have you ever noticed…

how when you’re excited about things, life just flows better? Happy, joyful thoughts, or anticipation for something wonderful just places us in a good vibration. When you’re in that good vibration, you begin attracting more wonder and excitement to you. people-splashingA good example of this is Christmas time. As children we anticipate those glorious gifts we hoped for… as we excitedly anticipated those gifts, everyone around us joined in with their energy of joyful anticipation. People are generally happy. Some people call this the Christmas spirit. Or maybe it’s a football game… how exciting a football game is to attend. There’s a certain feel being with others attending a game, especially the first game of the season. The anticipation and excitement. These are examples of high vibrations in energy. 

What if things are not going well…

Did you know that you have the ability to change things if they are not going well? Not only do you have the ability, but it is your duty. You are expected to create your own life. That has always been the plan. This is what I teach to my clients.

How do we change something that is not going well?

Shifting the energy can be as easy as shifting your mind set. Finding something that is exciting and stimulating to your mind is a start. This may be new furniture, or a hobby. When you find yourself worrying, doubting or struggling in any way, you are sending out the message that this is what you want more of. Well, I doubt anyone would want more of struggling! Instead, set down the troubling thoughts and magnetinstead think of that new furniture or hobby. See yourself shopping for it or embraced in it. Laugh and allow the excitement to grow. As you do this, and prevent yourself from going to the worry room in your head, you will open up the flow of positive abundance into your life.

Allow the abundance to flow… resist the need to dictate how it should be. Just be excited for the adventure!people-magnet


If this is difficult, maybe it’s time for a session. Let’s get you back to creating your amazingly wonderful life!

Empowered Living

What do you think of when you hear Empowered Living? What I think of is living strong with confidence and ability, especially in controlling life and claiming our rights of living a whole and happy lifestyle.

Empowered LivingIn this Group Energy session we will be focusing on building a stronger, more confident you! We will be shifting the energy to help you move beyond limiting beliefs, behaviors, or inner conflicts that may have caused you confusion. We will release old, negative inner recordings and we will “plug in” new, positive affirmations that support you on your journey.

Join us for this group session ~ You’ll be glad you did! 

Wednesday, June 15th, 11:00 AM Pacific Time

Your home, your phone

And because it’s my birthday month, this group session will only be $25!

By registering, and shortly before the call, you will receive an email with the access phone number to the call. All registrations must be in at least an hour before the call to ensure you will receive the call information in time for you to attend. Feel free to send me a brief email listing your intentions for this session.


…in the event you would like to participate in this call but cannot attend in person, the call will be recorded. Energy is intelligent. Once you are registered, you will be included in the energy of the call and you will receive the same benefit listening to the recording as you would being on the call in person.

Often times when attending a call, many more issues are cleared than those that are vocalized on the call. This is an added benefit of attending the monthly Group Session Call!

In this call we will address all issues regarding health and wellness from an alternative standpoint. If you are being seen by a physician for any issue, this call will enhance your recovery. It will not take the place of your health care professional.

I Personally Invite You

loretta…to join us in this Group Energy Healing Call. When negative emotions are cleared, the path becomes open to complete physical healing. I look forward to assisting you in a new journey toward good health!

Loretta is a Certified SimplyHealed Practitioner® Learn more about Energy Healing by subscribing to receive her free report, “Energy Healing and You”, on the top right side of this page.