Choosing Peace by Elisabeth Fayt

flowersI LOVE this poem!! The author’s book is “Paving it Forward”. Sounds like one for my library!!

CHOOSING PEACE by Elisabeth Fayt

When you worry about your finances, you choose stress.
When instead, you trust and Pre-Pave: “My needs are met now and always”, you choose PEACE.

When you complain about your life, you choose discontent.
When you see your life as a dream and you are the creator of the dream, you choose PEACE.

When you gossip to a friend, you choose drama, then wonder why more shows up in your life.
When you allow others to live their life, without interpreting how they should live it, you choose PEACE.

When you insist on discussing old hurts from the past, you invite pain.
When you forgive, and Pre-Pave: “I am healed”, you choose PEACE.

When you read the news, and discuss with passion the injustices of the world, you choose hopelessness.
Why not rather, silence the mind and pray for world peace.
In this way, you choose PEACE.

When you tell a little white lie, you choose dishonesty, and wonder why it is hard to make sense of the world.
When you express truth, with candor and courtesy, no matter what the outcome, you choose PEACE.

When you are criticized and allow yourself to feel hurt, you choose resentment.
When you receive criticism with an open mind to learn and grow, you choose PEACE.

When you give so much that you become tired of giving, you choose fatigue.
When your giving is infinite and you Pre-Pave: “I am grateful for the ability to serve”, you choose PEACE.

When you scold a child in the heat of emotion, you choose impatience.
When you guide a child by being the example, you ask for PEACE.

When you focus on how others are different from you, you choose separation.
When you Pre-Pave: “We are all one, seeking the same happiness”, you have chosen PEACE.


For PEACE is within your reach

It is in the simple way you respond

To life’s ebbs and flows

You’ve known it all along.


So here is your reminder

The steps are simply three:

Be mindful of your thoughts,

Pave it Forward and let life be.


In choosing to be kind

Despite what may be there

And choosing to forgive

Regardless of what is fair.


You create PEACE in your heart

That will show in all you do

And others will be better

For simply knowing you.



Peace in my thoughts.~Peace in my words~Peace in my actions~Peace in my world.


Elisabeth Fayt,
Owner/Founder, RnR Wellness,
Best-selling author of “Paving It Forward”


An old saying…

I’d like to share a story…

You may have heard someone in your lifetime share this little story. I love it and thank my friend Mary Pat for posting it on Facebook so I can share it with you.



“An old Cherokee told his grandson, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.



good wolf



The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth.”


The boy thought about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”
The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.”


Isn’t that just so true?! I have seen many clients of mine come to me with the problem of feeding the “evil wolf”. I rejoice in their accomplishments when they realize it is safe and easy to feed the “good wolf”. We all, at times, choose to feed that evil wolf. The triumph comes when we realize our life is full of choices, and when we choose to feed the good wolf, we are happy and content.

girl and ducks


It is my hope for all of you that you will be triumphant in your choices each and every day.


And may all your good wolves be plump!


Another thought…

DSC_0004Talking with my grandsons the other day made me think… When we are tired, hungry or feeling stressed, we may not always be able to be our best selves with our loved ones. It’s important to schedule your day so the ones you love have you as your best self. I realize that isn’t always possible, but a worthy goal to strive for. I’m so grateful for the knowledge of energy work because utilizing this wonderful tool has made it so much easier and natural to be my best self more often than ever before. I hope you will allow me the opportunity to assist you in finding balance in this very fast paced world we live in!


We live in a society today where people are told they are entitled of certain rights, where children go to school and college, and then approach adulthood with a career and able to pay for their own livelihood. We delight in giving pats on the back for a job well done. Yes, in most cases this is true. But there’s something missing here…


My husband posted this on Facebook during Independence Day. It’s well said, so I thought I would share it here…

“Happy Birthday, America! So grateful for our founding fathers and for fighting for our independence. It took 5 long years and much sacrifice. An ill equipped army led by Gen. George Washington defeating a much larger British force. Grateful for the hand of the Lord in carving out this great nation.”

Daily, I read where people express gratitude for things, and I love it. However, am I remembering to be grateful in all things? For me, I thank God for all that he has blessed me with. I have worked hard to remember and acknowledge where my blessings come from.

What are you grateful for today?

Today I am grateful that I live near the beach, so after a very warm day, I know it’s going to cool down and be comfortable tonight. Since I don’t have air conditioning, that’s quite a blessing! I am grateful for the roof over my head and the food on my table. I’m grateful for family and friends that enrich my life.

I'm grateful for cool ocean breezes on a warm day!

I’m grateful for cool ocean breezes on a warm day!

I am also grateful for my family and how they made sure they honored me as mother and wife on Mother’s Day. It was a beautiful day!

Expressing gratitude is essential!

My daughter says expressing gratitude is similar to a mathematical equation. 2+2 always = 4. Expressing gratitude always amounts to more to be grateful for. It’s a universal law. You must recognize the blessings and express gratitude for them right away!

Get creative!

There are many ways to increase your gratitude. A gratitude journal is very effective and so much fun to look back on after you’ve kept it for several months. Each night, write 3 things that you are grateful for that happened during the day. They can be simple or complex. Another way is to write things you are grateful for on slips of paper and put them into a special gratitude jar to be read at a later date. Or you can simply state right out loud things you are grateful for. This is particularly effective when something goes wrong. It helps you to keep your head in situations and it alleviates the stress of the situation. Soon you will find yourself being able to quickly turn around the negative situation into something positive to express gratitude for.

About Loretta…

I am grateful for the gift of energy healing I have received by being a Certified SimplyHealed™ Practitioner. DSC_0004Each time I work with a client it is in my intention that I receive the same benefits of a clean, clear energy system. Energy work is not something that you do once or twice, but something that when done on a regular basis leads to good health and success. I’m grateful for all of you who have invited me to be a part of your lives in balancing your energy!