It seems like such a simple thing… saying thank you.
We don’t realize how such a simple expression can change how we feel inside. There have been days – and I know you have experienced this – when I’m feeling a little slow. I’m not sad, mad or stressed. I’m just feeling a little out of sorts. This affects my productivity in anything I attempt to accomplish. I have found that when I feel like this, if I take a step back and think of something that I’m grateful for, my mood changes. Since I for one love being really vibrant, I have made this a practice throughout the day. I take moments finding things I’m thankful for and I then express my gratitude for them one by one. I think in my mind just how grateful I am for these things. It can be as simple as the delicious cherry tomatoes in my garden,
or as grand as my country and the freedoms I enjoy living here. I express gratitude for things that may seem silly to others, like for my visor that I wear when running.
Expressing Gratitude brings MORE to be grateful for!
The more we express gratitude, the more things come to us to be grateful for. It’s truly a beautiful gift. The more my mind is full of thoughts of gratitude, the less room there is for worry, stress, anger and any other negative thought.
I hope I’ve inspired you!!!
I hope you can find something to be grateful for right now at this moment! It will change your day!!
I am grateful for YOU!
Thank you for taking a moment to allow me to inspire you and share with you tactics that have brought me joy! I have embraced energy healing for the past several years and wish I would have found it many years ago. It is my passion to share it with everyone who will allow me the time to do so. Thank you for your time!