Create your Victory!

A plea for your consideration…

I have a friend, Sherry Hunter, who has organized an event on FaceBook for the Utah County NAMI in behalf of Friends of Mitchel Fundraiser. Her son, Mitchel, a 27 year old Army Veteran is institutionalized with schizophrenia.  It would be wonderful if you are able and willing to donate something. At the very least, stop by and check out the pictures and accept the invitation to take part. My friend is attempting to do something very positive in the wake of a trial in her life. I commend her for that!
CLICK HERE for the event page.

Friends of Mitchel Fundraiser On Saturday, July 27th from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm ~ Utah County NAMI will be holding the annual “Friends of Mitchel” fundraiser. This fundraiser is for the NAMI Utah Walk. A huge selection of household items, clothing, furniture, books, designer handbags, collector items, and SO much more!! There will also be SILENT AUCTION ITEMS (gift certificates, custom made jewelry, special event tickets, etc) drinks, food, etc. Address: 397 North 2420 West Provo, UT 84601


We have the ability to create our lives…

You’re familiar with the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemon-aid!” While it’s true that the trials we face in life polish and strengthen us, and are beneficial for our growth, it’s also true that we can choose how we will endure those trials. Some people latch onto the trial and become entrenched in it their entire life. Others overcome the trial or the trial becomes so minor that it is no longer a burden to them. The latter is where true growth occurs.

So how do they do that?

We must not allow ourselves to be victims of life but rather be victors of life. There is so much more growth achieved in victory! One way to become victorious is by creating that victory. My friend Sherry is creating her victory. How would you do that? My favorite way is by writing down your victory. Create every detail in script. Some people call this their goals or list of intentions. I like to call it my manifestation list. When you write this list, it’s done a little differently in that you write it as if it has already happened, and you fill each point with emotion. In her book, “The Jackrabbit Factor, Portal to Genius”, Leslie Householder teaches this concept. I highly recommend reading her book. It is found in my recommendations on the right. As a SimplyHealed Practitioner®, we take this exercise one step further by clearing all the blocks you may have and then we plug it directly into your energy field. This takes the creation aspect up to a whole new level.

Ahhhh Sweet Success!DSC_0004

Not only have I enjoyed seeing success with my clients, but I also have personally experienced success in my own life by utilizing this avenue of creating through manifestation lists. I invite you to give it a try! Subscribe at the top right of this page today, and not only will you receive my free report on Energy Healing and You, but you will also receive a 50% coupon to use towards your next session! Is it time to create something new in your life?


US Open Surfing Championship

A Surfing Extravaganza!

We went “downtown” today to eat lunch at one of our favorite places, North Shore Poke Company. We knew the US Open was going on, and wondered if we were making a mistake… First hint was that we had to park quite a few blocks away, and joked about how we could have walked from home and it wouldn’t have made much difference!



The sea of humanity is always amazing to behold! On a normal day you can actually see down the pier!

We were shocked!

It appears that bathing suit makers have solved the problem of bikini bottoms not fitting all shapes of women… they no longer cover the bottoms and have taking the form of a thong instead. My husband made the comment that he couldn’t believe fathers would allow their daughters to wear such “bathing suits”, knowing how he thought as a youth with hormones raging! People wonder why there are so many sexual crimes yet they wear such fashions. Personally I found it repulsive.

No photos here…

close up… only from a distance! I am grateful that I was raised in an era when a woman’s body was covered fashionably and tastefully rather than paraded around in a trashy manner. The girls were not only walking around with the bikinis that made you wonder why they even bothered to wear anything, but they also wrote on their bodies with felt pens “Free hugs” as if their attire wasn’t enough advertisement, and even more suggestive things with their phone numbers at the end.

As much as we love surfing…


I don’t think we will brave that experience again. It’s unfortunate that a great competition is tainted by such low class behavior. I used to be baffled at why girls were wearing their tight jeans short shorts unzipped as they flashed their bodies walking down the streets at the beach… I found myself wishing they had those shorts on! Makes one ask what will be the next fashion????



Ask yourself…DSC_0004

What do you truly want? Do you want the respect of someone who will treat you like royalty? If you don’t respect yourself, how will you ever attract someone who will respect you? Energy healing helps bring everything into balance. When you truly love yourself, your behavior will reflect that. Clear the emotional blocks to accepting yourself! It works!

My Favorite Debunked Myth!

Excited to visit this topic today!



I have been participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge, where I’m challenged to blog every day. One of the facilitators, Michelle Shaeffer, sends ideas daily for you to blog about. Today she mentioned myths that may pertain to your business, and the bells began ringing and lights were flashing! My favorite debunked myth!

Energy Healing = Religious Spirituality

Energy healing is dealing with the spirit and therefore is the same as religious spirituality. Wrong! I can see how people may become confused… I have even seen where Energy Practitioners have confused this, so don’t feel badly that this has been a misconception for you! This is a very tender topic, so please know that I mean no animosity but rather approach this subject as matter of fact.

Energy Healing is not Religious Spirituality

Energy work is intangible, you talk about emotions and you feel joyous, peaceful or lighter afterwards. Religious spirituality requires one to exercise their faith and believe, and when you do so wholeheartedly, you feel those same emotions of joy, peace and burdens lifted. So I can see where people get confused…

Consider this question…

Let me ask, for those who have experienced Acupuncture, did you go to your minister for your treatment? Of course not, unless he happened to actually be a practicing acupuncturist. An acupuncturist works with the meridians – one of the energy systems of the body.
In most religions, it is taught that Jesus Christ is the healer of our souls and therefore also our bodies. So, having this knowledge, would you stop going to your doctor? Of course not. I love having the freedom of going to my doctor, and discussing the choices of treatment available when necessary. Or, I love that I can go to a dentist and have that tooth ache remedied!

What Energy Healing is…

In energy healing, the main focus is clearing out negative emotions embedded in your body. All energy systems are examined. When a blockage is found, it is released – not by the practitioner, but by the client. Often times the actual block is not even discussed. Techniques and protocol are followed, the block is released, healing begins. The healing is accomplished between the client or person and his belief system in deity. Energy healing is one more tool in your “medicine cabinet” to restore your good health. It compliments any and all other therapies you choose.

I invite you

DSC_0004to investigate for yourself to see what might be accomplished with the use of this wonderful tool! Take some time today to allow yourself to embrace this wonderful therapy that we have been blessed with! Join the many who have been amazed with this simple and effective therapy! Break the chain that has prevented you from moving forward. Do it for yourself and for those you are connected to through family relationships. You will be amazed and grateful you did!

Love a Good Horror Movie?

It’s Movie Time!

Well here’s one, just in time for the Halloween season… except this one is not bloody and has no gore! It’s reminiscent of the brilliance of Alfred Hitchcock.

Even though I’m an adult, I do not attend movies that are explicit or leave you full of negative emotional energy. I believe this film will be a great one to go see. I’m hoping it will come to a theater near me! It is a suspense thriller that does not have the gore and language that most teen films have today. This movie is being promoted nationwide, and I support it because I’m frankly tired of all the language and sex in teen movies today.

And this…

I realize not everyone bothers to monitor what they will tolerate at the movie theater. I have see the DSC_0004difference it makes in my life to only attend movies that are uplifting, exciting or entertaining on a level that does not leave me feeling dark or disturbed. Why do movie producers think they have to mess with your mind to entertain you? Have we become so calloused that in order to be entertained we must view blood, gore or sex? I surely hope not. Let’s send a message to Hollywood that we appreciate films such as this. Click on the video and leave a comment there. Include your zip code so Hollywood will see that people all over the nation are interested in having this movie come to their town in time for Halloween!

Generational Healing – the fun part about Energy healing

Generational Healing? What’s that?

Many people even those who are familiar with energy healing are not familiar with Generational Healing. This is one of the wonderful aspects of having a SimplyHealed™ Energy Healing session.

Energy work is a simple approach to changing your thought patterns. You can change your DNA through your thoughts. As you change your thoughts, you change your attitude from negative to positive and the world opens up for you.

A brief explanation…

Upon viewing a newborn infant we admire all the physical traits inherited from mother or father; what we can not see are the emotions, experiences and wisdom inherited from many generations of mothers and fathers. Referring to our DNA, experiences of our ancestors are not lost but rather are imprinted upon the cells in our bodies. This is known as cellular memory. Emotions and experiences of our ancestors can affect our lives and our family’s lives. Re-balancing our energy releases the negative emotions and experiences inherited from our ancestors.

An explanation by Carolyn Cooper, Founder of the SimplyHealed Method®

Hope you enjoyed listening…



For more information, please explore this site, or contact me with any questions! I would love to talk with you! I love seeing the change in people after embracing energy healing!