Creativity, a Gift of Joy!

What are you Creating today?

beach art


Over the holidays, I enjoyed walking on the pier in Huntington Beach. We have seen these creations in the past, and they have always amazed me! Someone has been making these life sized mazes and encouraged people to walk them through to the finish. I have even participated walking through them.


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They are beautifully created with precision. I’ve often wondered how they have done this! They show up at low tide so the shore is packed sand, providing the perfect landscape to create a huge piece of work. I wish I could go at a time when the artist is present so I may tell him/her just how wonderful this truly is!



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You can see by some of these pictures just how large these are. I was standing on the pier in order to get a good view to share with you.

So Again I Ask…

What are you creating today? Every day can be a work of art! I have a wonderful tool to assist me in creating my days, weeks, months and even years. I want to share this tool with you so you can create your life with the precision that these beautiful beach mazes have been created. Yes, it is possible to create your life with precision. I believe we are meant to create our life. Some people refer to this tool as Vision Statements, Mission Statements, or even Goals… I like to refer to it as a Manifestation List. Mainly because I expect it to manifest in my life. Manifestation lists are normally written in present or past tense. This adds to the flow of the creation aspect. After your list is written, it’s important to make sure all energetic blocks are cleared and that you are connected to your manifestation. This is easily accomplished utilizing the SimplyHealed Method® of Energy Healing.

I Encourage You…



Take a moment to think about this. Put some thoughts down, and then let’s talk. You’ll be pleasantly amazed as I was with my first manifestation list.  After all, life doesn’t just happen and then we pass away. Life is meant to be full of choices and rich with good thoughts.

A Testimonial…

“I finally am free of pain. I feel safe and excited to embrace life! Thank you so much!” Receiving testimonials is a common correspondence that I never tire of receiving! I love helping others, and am looking forward to helping you in what ever it is you would like to accomplish!

beach art3What will you Create today?

Energy Work Clears Fears and More!

Here’s a blast to the past!

When I was a little girl, Bozo was very popular. I used to watch Bozo all the time. I was about the age of the children sitting in the audience. I enjoyed the cartoons, and wished I could be at an event such as this, but then Bozo enters the set and I would feel extremely uneasy! I hated Bozo! I was afraid of him and didn’t realize this was an emotion I was experiencing, after all, he was in the TV, and not being mean or threatening in any way. Everyone loved Bozo.

Why did I fear Bozo?!

It wasn’t until I was 43 years old and experiencing my first Circue de Soleil performance. Sitting in the audience, the bigger than life, elaborately costumed clowns came out and I wanted to leave screaming. I became very uncomfortable even being up in the stands. I realized at that time what I had known deep inside all my life… I had a fear of clowns! Which explains why my 4th birthday was not as fun as one would expect – my mother had arranged for a clown to come with his Merry-Go-Round.

Enter Energy Healing…

Understanding this fear, I avoided clowns until I was introduced to Energy Healing – and in particular, the Carolyn Cooper SimplyHealed Method®. I don’t recall even addressing having the fear. All of a sudden I no longer was afraid of clowns! There wasn’t even the hint of apprehension. This proves the point that when working with energy, issues are cleared whether they are spoken or unspoken! It’s truly wonderful no longer having this fear controlling my life!

What are YOU ready to release?



Have you wondered how this type of therapy can be so effective? Follow this LINK and read the answers to some questions I have been asked. I have worked with people suffering from fear, panic and anxiety with great success.

Being Proactive with your Health… Priceless!

In the midst of so many people losing their health care or hearing the predictions on the radio this morning that say we will lose our doctor because many doctors will leave the profession, and there will be so many people wanting a doctor that it will be extremely difficult to get in to see a one, my mind was quickly calmed by 3 important preventative points to keep yourself healthy for many years without the need to be seen very often by a doctor:

1. Eat a Healthy Diet!



A diet RICH in raw greens, vegetables, healthy grains, vegan proteins, raw nuts & seeds and soured foods like homemade sauerkraut, kimchee, water kefir provide the high octane fuel your body needs to rejuvenate the cells. Find some of my favorite recipes HERE

2. Exercise!



Find an exercise that you enjoy. I love running, riding my bike, hiking or even walking through the park or on the beach boardwalk. When the weather gets nippy, I enjoy walking in the mall. Have some hand weights at home, they’re not very expensive… they make it easy to bring your heart rate up if you need to stay home for your exercise routine. 30 minutes a day at the very least will improve your blood circulation. This is important in that the flow of blood and oxygen heals your body, and will help tone muscles to prevent injuries to your joints. Isn’t this picture cute of one of my grandsons running his first triathlon! He’s wearing a floaty swim suit, and his helmet from the bicycling leg of the race. Such fun memories!

3. Regular Energy Healing sessions!

As a practitioner, I have realized the importance of maintaining the energy system and continuing in the process of releasing the inherited negative DNA emotions that continue to come forward as the body becomes ready to release them. I have noticed for myself the difference in my own health when I began having regular energy healing sessions… allergies that plagued me and caused secondary infections are gone. Depression is gone. I rarely catch a cold or flu and the indigestion that was becoming a daily occurrence is gone. I have confidence in my healthy body and in all other aspects of my life. That’s a great feeling! Pain or illness in your physical body is a sign of negative emotions trapped that the body is alerting you to. Read here what other people have said about having sessions.

Make the Monthly Group Call a habit!



A real easy way to be proactive in your health is to attend the monthly Group Energy Call! It’s an extremely affordable value at $35 for a call, and even more affordable when there’s a promotion! However, it doesn’t matter what the topic is each month, many issues both spoken and unspoken are cleared during a session.


I would love to get to know you!



Here’s a tidbit about me… I struggled through a very negative childhood, and carried those negative emotions throughout my adulthood until I discovered energy healing and was able to release those emotions that were causing severe illness. I am now enjoying my good health and plan on having a great quality of life for many, many years to come! Won’t you join me?

What is your ‘Safety Net’?

A friend emailed me this video clip today. I’m sure it’s going viral by now… It’s a beautiful depiction of the importance of wearing your seat belts.

Are you a ‘risk taker’?

As I was driving today, an opinion was expressed on the radio about a 100 year old man celebrating his 100th birthday by skydiving. The opinion was that just because the man reached 100 years old that it shouldn’t be the cause of him risking his life, after all, you wouldn’t roll your walker in front of a train and then when the train derailed to miss hitting you, you wouldn’t say, “Look at the great thing I did in defying death!” The opinion was that one should never risk their life doing something that had no meaning. But the Wright Brothers risked their lives… and in so doing their inspiration evolved into my ability to fly to where ever I will rather than driving or traveling by boat.


But isn’t it risking your life to get out of bed each morning? You or I do not know what the future holds, or when our turn on this earth is over. Granted we want to live our very best lives possible, so many of us are not risk takers. But what constitutes a risk? What constitutes a risk for you? For me, eating sugar and refined foods constitutes a risk in the healthy function of my body. It is also a risk for me to go running in grass because there could be a hole or uneven surface that is hidden by the grass. Most of all, it is a risk not utilizing the energy healing training I have. I learned that lesson last year when I ignored symptoms of a urinary track infection. Oops!

What ticking time bomb?

Ticking time bomb? Who said that? Well, if we understand that negative emotions left unreleased eventually creates stress upon our bodies and that stress leads to serious illness, then WE are ticking time bombs! I should have kept a record of all the times I have released and cleared negative emotions in myself that had manifested in illness such as cold, flu, ear infection, injury, headache, etc, so I could prove to you that in fact, when you release and clear negative emotions using the SimplyHealed® protocol, you are actually clearing possibilities of more serious illnesses down the road. And when you clear the blocks preventing good financial abundance, you are preventing difficult financial challenges later in life when you’re retired and aging. Have you ever thought that no matter how hard you try, you can never get ahead in your finances? That thought alone is an indication there is something that needs to be cleared, and very possibly the emotions that produced that thought was inherited when you were born. How long are you willing to take that risk of not releasing those negative emotions?

I didn’t mean to alarm you!

DSC_0004My intention is only to educate. There is nothing to fear or worry about. Negative emotions are easily cleared from the energy systems of the body utilizing techniques that have been tried and tested for decades both in practice and in scientific testing. Providing these techniques as a ‘safety net’ for you is both a joy and a pleasure! I invite you to join me in a journey of good health and prosperity today!

What did Worrying Ever Do For You?

Have you experienced this? I know I have!

worryI have had so many clients call and say “I haven’t slept in a week” or “I was up all night with this concern”. I’m sure we are all familiar with losing a night’s sleep when we have embraced worry or concern. Or maybe the old ‘what ifs’ begin waltzing into your day, and by the end of the day it’s a struggle to even go to sleep, let alone stay asleep.

The Real Truth of What Worry Does…

worry1Worry or concern leads to stress which leads to illness – sometimes resulting in panic and anxiety or just a virus as a result of the immune system being compromised. Continued stress leads to serious illness.

I have an associate who recently wrote a blog post titled “Worrying is a Misuse of Imagination”. In this post, Allyson Chavez hits the nail on the head when she said, “Worrying serves no purpose whatsoever. It certainly doesn’t get you ahead, because it’s based in scarcity, fear and lack.” These are emotions that are easily released from the energetic body during a session. If you would like to read her post, click here 

Certainly you, like me, would like to create a wonderful life! That is possible for everyone!!!

Make the change!


In a session, not only are these negative emotions cleared, but I also teach techniques to re-train your mind to be free of that pattern of worry. There is a much better life to enjoy that is free of worry! Make a change in your life today… subscribe for the free report at the top right of the screen and receive a discount for your first session today!